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Date/Time: 02/19/2025 03:25AM
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EP 1 - Trout Lake
Trout Lake - 1
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Trip Reports
Secret location
Yearly Family Mens trip (Pine Lake fishing)
Detour to Chad
Pine Lake base camping, Aug. 2016
Last Trip
Last Trip
Base camping w/ broken ankle
BWCAW unmasked
I guided my dad in the SW Pocket
Walleye fishing with friends
EP 4 - Crab Lake & Cummings Lake
Crab Lake & Cummings Lake - 4
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Trip Reports
Boulder Lake and Wild Animals
Two for Crab Lake
Crab Lake
Wild Night on Cummings
There and Back Again
Cummings Lake Trip Report
Crab Lake: A Jewel
Phantom Lake Bushwack
Crab Lake/ Joining The Solo Club
A Short Trip on Crab Lake
Three Generation trip for U.S.M.C. Captain (Ret.)
2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area
Crab Lake w/ a kid
Boundary Waters Adventures 2009
Crab/Cummings with Rookies
Life is good in the BW - 2011
Crab to Glenmore
EP 4 3 day trip
Lunetta Lake
Test - Kiporby
Burntside to Cummings
Base Camping on Little Shell
Seeking September solitude
Recalling 2016 EP 4
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
2017 5 days Mudro to Fall
3 Nights on Cummings - 2017
Cummings, Buck, Lunetta loop
Timber Frear Loop outside of the BWCA
Crab Lake 2 Guys and 2 Dogs
Solo trek of BRT Crab lake to Clearwater lodge
Cummings Lake after reopening
Kawishiwi lodge
Larch Creek
Crab Lake - First Solo
EP 6 - Slim Lake
Slim Lake - 6
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Trip Reports
Meeting Up on Slim
Qik-n-Ez First Solo
Boy on Slim
Girls on Slim
4 day slim lake trip
Not the Puniest but still short
Slim Lake
Going It Alone
Slim Lake
Slim Lake
Might be my Last Rodeo
EP 7 - From Big Lake
From Big Lake - 7
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Trip Reports
Entry points 6, 7, 8, 9 the BWCA
Big Slim
EP 8 - Moose River South
Moose River South - 8
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Trip Reports
A distant memory of a memorable trip
Big Moose & a little girl ~ A river less paddled
Big Moose Lake
South Moose River
RW's Solo To Big Moose Lake
EP 9 - Little Indian Sioux River South
Little Indian Sioux River South - 9
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Trip Reports
Southern Reaches of Little Indian Sioux
the short, early april solo
Four Solos - Visions Of Sin Trip
Sioux Hustler Trail Loop Backpack Trip
Sioux-Hustler Trail, Backpacking
EP 12 - Little Vermilion Lake
Little Vermilion Lake - 12
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Trip Reports
Loon Lake
First Solo - Crane to Gunflint - September 2007
Heritage Lake/Little Indian Sioux with the grandson
Lac La Criox
Crane L., Lac La Croix L., Loon L., Loon River, Little Vermilion L. Loop
Dawson Portage
Lake Trout & Solitude - John & Lynn's September 2009 Trip
Canada Chaos
11 Day Solo in BW and then 15 day Hunter Island Loop in Q
Nor'western waters
International Falls to Lake Superior, Solo
BeaV’s 2017 Kruger Challenge, Border Route Solo Speed Record
2017 Kruger Challenge - as told by Muddyfeet
Kelso and Matt's 2018 Kruger Challenge
2018 Team BeaVer Fever Kruger Challenge
Iowans introduce the Minnesotan to the BWCA
2019 Team BeaVer Fever Kruger Waddell Challenge
Memorial Day Weekend Kayak Trip
Snow Bay Tow, LLC, exit Little Indian Sioux River.
2020 Voyageurs Challenge
Border route on Stand up boards 7 days
Kettle Falls
We Eat Miles for Breakfast, a Kruger Challenge Story
BeaV's 2022 Solo Border Route Challenge
Stand Up Paddleboard Speed Record - Krueger Waddell Challenge
Full BWCA Border Route - Crane Lake to Grand Portage
Our Voyageur Challenge - The Pace Canoe
4 Trying to Fish
Solo Border Challenge 2024
A week in paradise- crooked/iron lakes
Haunted lake
EP 14 - Little Indian Sioux River North
Little Indian Sioux River North - 14
treehorn - Lazy, Fishless, Awesome 3-Nighter: Lynx & Shell
Trip Reports
LIS July 2004
There are no bad days in the BWCA
Loop Around the Horn, EP14 to EP 16
Bite of the Pike
Destination Finger Lake
First Trip-Been back since...
Little Indian Sioux River north
LIS North to Moose River
Little Indian Sioux- North 2007-- Hot and Uphill!
LIS north to Little Loon, Gun, Gebe, Oyster and Shell
little indian souix to nina moose
Shell Lake Base Camp
Little Indian Sioux Loop Through The Beartracks
A Much Needed Trip
Four years to Nahimana (Photo link added on 8/7/08)
Four Solos 2008
Pauness Lakes to Heritage, Lynx, to Shell, loop
Too many motorboats
Shell Lake Basecamp
LIS / Shell lake
June-July 2009
Divas - JB and Canoe Bender doing Pauness
Mom's first trip: LIS North out EP16
The First of Many
5 Rivers Trip or Lac La Croix circumnavigation
Little Indian Souix River North
LIS Solo
Lac La Croix - around the horn
LIS to Steep, Lynx with day trips
A week of R & R on Little Loon
Yodeler bushwack
Annual Adventure
Ohio Boys going North - 2010
Solo LIS River North
Is it really solo?
Winter Camping, Shell Lake
SS Diva Slug Fest
My Wifes First Trip
LIS North, Hustler, Gebe, Lac La Croix, Moose River
The Year of the Beaver
sept solo
2011 Heritage Lake Basecamp
LIS North Loop, April 2012
Little Indian Sioux and Beyond
Severe Trip
Snow Bay 2012
EP 14 exit EP16
2012 LIS North (14) loop to Moose River (16)
Little Indian Sioux North Loop Solo
Lots of Animals
From Tinder Box to Please Pass the Napalm
Little Indian Sioux Getaway Trip
EP 14 to EP 16 Northern Loop
Loon Lake
LIS-First Solo!
Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip
LacLaCroix (It's A Really Big Lake)
My Trip on Everytrail.
15 Day Solo Trip LIS North
The Storm / Bushwack to Rangeline / A Trip to Warpaint / Lynx Lake
Warpaint Lake
Finally, a full week in the BWCA! LIS through Slim/Beartrack/Finger/Oyster/Lynx.
Little Indian Sioux #14 Sept. 2014
Shell - Little Shell - Lynx
Little Indian Souix and beyond
Sioux Hustler Area Voyage
Lazy, Fishless Awesome guys trip up the LIS
Sam and Andrew's First Adventure
Solo July 2015
Dear Mariel
Portage clearing trip 2016/ LIS North
Keep Calm & Paddle On!
Western Lac La Croix and Lakes to the South
LIS North to Loon and LLC
LIS North to Lynx, August 2016
Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux
EP 14 Lynx lake
Solo Trip-EP14 Shell/Lynx
First Ever Solo- Little Indian Sioux River North- July 2017
Where Are The Maps?...and No Pictures, Please--our 2017 trip on the Little Indian Sioux
Shell, Lynx, Hustler, Oyster to EP 16
BWCA Sept 2017 EP14
Paddling with friends
BW Full Send 2018
Indian Sioux North Solo
Operation Bushwhack!
Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip
Stormy September - Namakan-Loon River Loop
2018 BWCA Trex
June 2019 LISN to Devils Cascade
LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms
July 2019 Trip - 5 days
First trip to the western area BWCA
LIS September Paddle
The Camps Return to the BWCA
Nonstop wind
Lynx Lake Trip June 2020
A Walk In The Woods - Second Time To The Boundary Waters
Sioux-Hustler trail push
Shell Lake June 2021
Mid-Summer Lac La Croix Paddling Trip
Familiar waters-strange circumstances
September LIS Loop
100 Mile Solo on the Border
LIS Loop of Solitude
I found my thrill on blueberry hill
May 2023 EP14
There will be BUGS!,... and a floatplane.
LLC to Moose Lake
Lac La Croix - The Big Lake
2023 LIS North (14) - Moose River North (16)
Ep 14-14 loop with Weeny PMA exploration
Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023
LLC Interior Tour
Indian Sioux North or
Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
Day Trip LISN
BWCA Haikus
Fall 2019 Trip to Lynx Lake - YouTube
EP 16 - Moose/Portage River (North of Echo Trail)
Moose/Portage River (North of Echo Trail) - 16
Route - Moose River EP16
Trip Reports
My First Trip into the BWCA
Autumn in the BWCAW
E P 16 to E P 24
Jeffords Twosome 2005
June 2005
Moose River North
Moose River North June 2006
June 2006 Solo... (The Foot Trip)
Newbies- Moose River North to Moose Lake
Paddling Pageant and the Sioux Hustler portage
Sausage Party 2006
2007 Moose River Trip
May 2007 trip - EP 16 to Crown Land and High Falls
Oyster Lake-Quality Trip
Nina Moose to Iron Lake
Oyster agnes LLC
Old Friends and New Places
A Wildlife adventure
Moose River to LLC
Bill and Rob 2008 Moose River Trip
Opener Weekend '08-EP 16 to Oyster and back home via Ramshead
A Trip of First's
first time to Lac La Croix
Radtke's on Lac La Croix '08
Aug 2008 - Moose River out & back
Moose River North to Iron Lake and back again
Moose River to Agnes
A Group of Newbies
Early June 2009 EP #16 First trip for all of us
Boulder Bay 2009
Agnes, La Croix, Iron, Stewart
Father and Son Trip
The Gary Harden Trip: Where a boy Harden's into a man!
BWCAW 2009
Four Old Girls Tackle the BWCA
A New Adventure
Perfect April Trip
EP 16 to EP 24
Oyster, Ge-be, L.L.C.
Father and Son Trip
Moose River to LLC and Iron, near-tragedy on Agnes
FS rides again!
Oyster Creek and Boulder River
Moose River North to Lac La Croix
Father's and Son's
A couple returnees and four newbies from EP 16 up to LLC
Sept. 2011
Trip to Iron Lake Fall 2011 (2019 remake)
Winter Lake Trout
Moose River North to Iron
Angler hooks walleye, the fish returns the favor
Father / Daughter Trip
Iron Lake or Bust
September Morn
Oyster Lake Base Camp 2013 (Green,Rocky,Ramshead, Ninamoose)
EP 16 -- Agnes Lake
EP16 to Lac La Croix West to East Loop
moose river north entry 16
EP 16 Nina Moose to Agnes Basecamp: A Family Excursion with a bit of fishing
Try to Remember a Day in September
Annual Fall Trip to Lake Agnes
Oyster, Finger, LLC September/Oct 2013
Pictorial Trip Report - Lake Agnes in October
Fall 2014 Lake Agnes Trip
A Perfect Trip
Moose R. North to Iron/LLC. First as a trip "leader"
Moose river north
Father-Daughter trip to Iron lake via EP16 Iron lake
Moose River First Solo
Fall 2015 Lake Agnes Trip
Iron Lake Trip 2016
Agnes - LLC
More than I imagined
Fall 2016 Lake Agnes Trip
Wolf sighting between Oyster and Hustler
Agnes - LLC - Ge-be-on-e-quet Loop
Memorial Day Heat--Moose River North 2018
June 2018 to Oyster & beyond
Relaxing Jaunt to Nina Moose
8 day 7 nights EP16 Boulder Bay, LLC, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Oyster, Agnes
27 day solo
Return to Iron Lake
Entry point 16
Bushman goes back to the BWCA
Moose River to Tiger Bay
May 2020 - Nina/Moose > Iron > Crooked > Basswood > Horse > Mudro
EP16 Loop - Oyster, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Lac La Croix, Nina Moose
EP16 - I-R-O-N Lake Fishing Expedition
Tiger Bay, Agnes, and we suck at portages
Sept 2020 EP 16 Loop - Nina Moose, Oyster, Ge-be, LLC, Agnes, Nina Moose
namaycush redemption
Lake Agnes Basecamp
May 29-June 4th Nina Moose to Lacroix with plenty of wind
Trip with Friends BWCA 2022
June fishing exploits on Lac La Croix
#16 Moose River Loop
Moose River North to Lac la Croix - Youtube Slideshow
Toy Soldiers at Fish Stake Narrows
Mosquito Fiesta
first trip
EP 19 - Stuart River
Stuart River - 19
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Trip Reports
Stuart to Nina Moose
Four Solos 2007
Portage Clearing-or should we say Ice clearing trip-May 2008
Father and daughter survive Stuart lake-and want to go again
Old School Insane Stuart River
Soloing, with help, up the Stuart River
Stuart River Solo report and packing list
Fall Solo - 2016
Stuart River Loop June 2017- me and my wife
Stuart River Up to Canadian Border
EP19 to EP16 10 Years & 480 Rods
Stuart River to Stuart Lake
44 Miles, 72 Fish
ER Nurses in BWCA
Family trip Stuart River Entry 19
Solo Trip: Stuart River to Moose River September 2019
Stuart River to LIS Solo - Storms, Insects and Walleye
A Stuart River Journey
Stuart - Iron - Crooked - Moosecamp - Fourtown
40th Birthday 1st PMA Stuart River - Sterling - Iron - Stuart Lollipop Loop Mid Aug
EP 20 - Angleworm Lake
Angleworm Lake - 20
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Trip Reports
Angleworm to Stuart River 7/17-7/25
The Passion Revealed
solo canoe trip, spring creek, a BWCA first , also a bigfoot
Angleworm Overnighter
Angleworm Trail Adventure
Winter Camping Adventure 2013 - Angleworm Lake
Video - Winter Camping Adventure 2013 - Angleworm Lake
Sundial PMA
Crooked Lake Loop
Crooked Lake Loop
Angleworm Hiking Trail
Angleworm to Mudro with a newbie
First BWCA Trip
Spring Creek - LLC - Moose River
Fall Backpacking on the Angleworm Trail
Angleworm Trail Half Marathon
Mission Angleworm: A PMA Adventure
Angleworm to Crooked Lake to Mudro
DeWormed (alternate title “As the Worm Turns”)
Angleworm Solo Backpacking
Angleworm 'white'water
Swampy Angleworm Slog
Angleworm to Gull
EP 23 - Mudro Lake
Mudro Lake - 23
Route - July'09 big counterclockewise loop
Trip Reports
The Return
Sleeping Under the Stars
Fullmoon over Fourtown
Horse River May7-11
Church Kids
Murdo entry - Intorduction to BW for two of my daughters
2005 Trip...6/26-7/1 (Mudro- Crooked)
Sausage Party 2005
Mudro to Canada - 3rd trip to the BWCAW
September Trip
Mudro in October
First Timer
Our first loop
Big Water to No Water and Portages in Between
Mudro to Horse
Mudro to Friday Bay
Moosecamp Solo
Mudrow, Crooked, Iron, LaCroix, and Nina Moose
The Sundial PMA
Crooked Lake
Horse Lake
Mudro to Beartrap to Moosecamp and back
Family Base Camp Trip to Horse Lake
Mudro to Bear Trap and return
Wandering Women 2008
Horse Lake Pike
Horse Lake Base Camp - 2008
Horse Lake Base Camp
May fishing photos
Mudro, Beartrap River, Horse lake loop
Dads and sons- Mudro loop thru Horse, Crooked back thru Gun and Fourtown
July 2009 Trip 3
First Solo
Mudro - Crooked Lake loop
Ten days of September
Mudro to Angleworm, April 2010
Mudro loop
Mudro to Horse w/7 yr. old daughter
First Loop Trip - Father and Son
Boot Lake: Here Comes the Rain Again
Boot Lake Basecamp
2010 June - Mudro to Gull
Mudro, LBF, Crooked, Papoose Creek Fourtown in a kayak
Jordan's First Trip to BWCA - Family Trip 2010
BEPCO Trip 2010
1st Timers 8/21/10
Last Canoe Trip of the Season
mudro to crooked to sunday bay to gun to fourtown.. I WISH..
Mudro to Basswood
October Adventures in Paradise
You Don't Catch, You Don't Eat
A trip of many firsts.
Tour of the Crooked Lake Area via Mudro Lake
Fourteen Hours, Four Guys, Toyota Corrolla. and one wrecked Kevlar Canoe
Mudro to Crooked Big Fun One One
Pictorial Trip Report - My First Solo
Through the Eyes of Gabe
Boy Scout
Long Strange Trip
Tippy Canoe & Broken Soles (EP 23)
Five nights on Boot Lake
Mudro to Gun
One New Fisherman
Mudro to Crooked- Cultivating the love
BWCAW 2011 - Summer to late fall in 7 days
Easter Week Border Water Walleyes
Horse Shake
Mudro to boot, fairy, gun, moose camp, fourtown. 9 People 6 days
Turtle Watch !
Mudro to Crooked (Smallmouth Bonanza)
First but not last
2012 Fourtown
Mudro to Beartrap with the Family
Mudro Lake on Labor Day- First Time in BWCA
Mudro to Moosecamp
Crooked Loop
Horse/Friday Bay/Fourtown Loop
Late Fall EP23: Mudro-Horse-Fourtown
Wojack in the wild (Crooked Lake loop)
Mudro to Friday Bay and Back Again
Crooked Lake Falls and Fish
Mudro - Jackfish Bay - Basswood River - Crooked - Gun - Mudro
Mudro EP to Fairy to Fourtown to Horse
My first trip to the BWCA
Crooked Loop
Crooked Lake 4th July 2015
Horse Lake
Mudro to Just Past Wednesday Bay on Crooked Lake
#23 Mudro: “Time travel in a magic canoe” (first solo 2015)
Mudro to Horse
Horse Lake 2016 - Major Storm and No Fish
Lessons Learned From the Boundary Waters
A Sweet Video From Our Trip
A Windy Mudro Loop
Plans meet reality, 4 southerners visit the BWCA
bunggee lake bushwack
First trip
October 2017- 3 Generations of Family
Mudro to Beartrap Loop
First BWCA Trip #23 Loop
Boot Lake fall basecamp with GSP
May Mudro Loop
College Camping Trip
Crooked Lake Loop
Mudro-Crooked Lk with some first timers !
Kids canoe
Solo trip Mudro to Fall Lake
My First Real Trip - Mudro Loop
Crooked Lake Loop for BWCA First Timers
SO's first trip to the BW
3/4 1st timers
Mudro EP to Lower Basswood Falls Video Trip Report
Not exactly a trip report, but a Wall Street Journal story about escaping to the BWCA
Paddling with Padres - A spiritual Exodus adventure
Mudro 2020 Fishing/Relaxing
Hot Summer Nights on Crooked Lake
Crooked Lake - Found A Necklace
Turning 40 in the Boundary Waters
Return of the Cousins Camping
YouTube Slideshow - Oct. Trip Mudro to Lower Basswood Falls
Fourtown Weekend Trip
Long way to Wednesday Bay
Mudro Loop
Mudro - Sept 2024
Entry point 23: Iron Lake Loop
EP 1 - Trout Lake
Trout Lake - 1
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Trip Reports
Boulder Lake and Wild Animals
Two for Crab Lake
Crab Lake
Wild Night on Cummings
There and Back Again
Cummings Lake Trip Report
Crab Lake: A Jewel
Phantom Lake Bushwack
Crab Lake/ Joining The Solo Club
A Short Trip on Crab Lake
Three Generation trip for U.S.M.C. Captain (Ret.)
2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area
Crab Lake w/ a kid
Boundary Waters Adventures 2009
Crab/Cummings with Rookies
Life is good in the BW - 2011
Crab to Glenmore
EP 4 3 day trip
Lunetta Lake
Test - Kiporby
Burntside to Cummings
Base Camping on Little Shell
Seeking September solitude
Recalling 2016 EP 4
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
2017 5 days Mudro to Fall
3 Nights on Cummings - 2017
Cummings, Buck, Lunetta loop
Timber Frear Loop outside of the BWCA
Crab Lake 2 Guys and 2 Dogs
Solo trek of BRT Crab lake to Clearwater lodge
Cummings Lake after reopening
Kawishiwi lodge
Larch Creek
Crab Lake - First Solo
EP 4 - Crab Lake & Cummings Lake
Crab Lake & Cummings Lake - 4
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Trip Reports
Boulder Lake and Wild Animals
Two for Crab Lake
Crab Lake
Wild Night on Cummings
There and Back Again
Cummings Lake Trip Report
Crab Lake: A Jewel
Phantom Lake Bushwack
Crab Lake/ Joining The Solo Club
A Short Trip on Crab Lake
Three Generation trip for U.S.M.C. Captain (Ret.)
2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area
Crab Lake w/ a kid
Boundary Waters Adventures 2009
Crab/Cummings with Rookies
Life is good in the BW - 2011
Crab to Glenmore
EP 4 3 day trip
Lunetta Lake
Test - Kiporby
Burntside to Cummings
Base Camping on Little Shell
Seeking September solitude
Recalling 2016 EP 4
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
2017 5 days Mudro to Fall
3 Nights on Cummings - 2017
Cummings, Buck, Lunetta loop
Timber Frear Loop outside of the BWCA
Crab Lake 2 Guys and 2 Dogs
Solo trek of BRT Crab lake to Clearwater lodge
Cummings Lake after reopening
Kawishiwi lodge
Larch Creek
Crab Lake - First Solo
EP 7 - From Big Lake
From Big Lake - 7
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Trip Reports
A distant memory of a memorable trip
Big Moose & a little girl ~ A river less paddled
Big Moose Lake
South Moose River
RW's Solo To Big Moose Lake
EP 8 - Moose River South
Moose River South - 8
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Trip Reports
Southern Reaches of Little Indian Sioux
the short, early april solo
Four Solos - Visions Of Sin Trip
Sioux Hustler Trail Loop Backpack Trip
Sioux-Hustler Trail, Backpacking
EP 12 - Little Vermilion Lake
Little Vermilion Lake - 12
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Trip Reports
Loon Lake
First Solo - Crane to Gunflint - September 2007
Heritage Lake/Little Indian Sioux with the grandson
Lac La Criox
Crane L., Lac La Croix L., Loon L., Loon River, Little Vermilion L. Loop
Dawson Portage
Lake Trout & Solitude - John & Lynn's September 2009 Trip
Canada Chaos
11 Day Solo in BW and then 15 day Hunter Island Loop in Q
Nor'western waters
International Falls to Lake Superior, Solo
BeaV’s 2017 Kruger Challenge, Border Route Solo Speed Record
2017 Kruger Challenge - as told by Muddyfeet
Kelso and Matt's 2018 Kruger Challenge
2018 Team BeaVer Fever Kruger Challenge
Iowans introduce the Minnesotan to the BWCA
2019 Team BeaVer Fever Kruger Waddell Challenge
Memorial Day Weekend Kayak Trip
Snow Bay Tow, LLC, exit Little Indian Sioux River.
2020 Voyageurs Challenge
Border route on Stand up boards 7 days
Kettle Falls
We Eat Miles for Breakfast, a Kruger Challenge Story
BeaV's 2022 Solo Border Route Challenge
Stand Up Paddleboard Speed Record - Krueger Waddell Challenge
Full BWCA Border Route - Crane Lake to Grand Portage
Our Voyageur Challenge - The Pace Canoe
4 Trying to Fish
Solo Border Challenge 2024
A week in paradise- crooked/iron lakes
Haunted lake
EP 12 - Little Vermilion Lake
Little Vermilion Lake - 12
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Trip Reports
LIS July 2004
There are no bad days in the BWCA
Loop Around the Horn, EP14 to EP 16
Bite of the Pike
Destination Finger Lake
First Trip-Been back since...
Little Indian Sioux River north
LIS North to Moose River
Little Indian Sioux- North 2007-- Hot and Uphill!
LIS north to Little Loon, Gun, Gebe, Oyster and Shell
little indian souix to nina moose
Shell Lake Base Camp
Little Indian Sioux Loop Through The Beartracks
A Much Needed Trip
Four years to Nahimana (Photo link added on 8/7/08)
Four Solos 2008
Pauness Lakes to Heritage, Lynx, to Shell, loop
Too many motorboats
Shell Lake Basecamp
LIS / Shell lake
June-July 2009
Divas - JB and Canoe Bender doing Pauness
Mom's first trip: LIS North out EP16
The First of Many
5 Rivers Trip or Lac La Croix circumnavigation
Little Indian Souix River North
LIS Solo
Lac La Croix - around the horn
LIS to Steep, Lynx with day trips
A week of R & R on Little Loon
Yodeler bushwack
Annual Adventure
Ohio Boys going North - 2010
Solo LIS River North
Is it really solo?
Winter Camping, Shell Lake
SS Diva Slug Fest
My Wifes First Trip
LIS North, Hustler, Gebe, Lac La Croix, Moose River
The Year of the Beaver
sept solo
2011 Heritage Lake Basecamp
LIS North Loop, April 2012
Little Indian Sioux and Beyond
Severe Trip
Snow Bay 2012
EP 14 exit EP16
2012 LIS North (14) loop to Moose River (16)
Little Indian Sioux North Loop Solo
Lots of Animals
From Tinder Box to Please Pass the Napalm
Little Indian Sioux Getaway Trip
EP 14 to EP 16 Northern Loop
Loon Lake
LIS-First Solo!
Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip
LacLaCroix (It's A Really Big Lake)
My Trip on Everytrail.
15 Day Solo Trip LIS North
The Storm / Bushwack to Rangeline / A Trip to Warpaint / Lynx Lake
Warpaint Lake
Finally, a full week in the BWCA! LIS through Slim/Beartrack/Finger/Oyster/Lynx.
Little Indian Sioux #14 Sept. 2014
Shell - Little Shell - Lynx
Little Indian Souix and beyond
Sioux Hustler Area Voyage
Lazy, Fishless Awesome guys trip up the LIS
Sam and Andrew's First Adventure
Solo July 2015
Dear Mariel
Portage clearing trip 2016/ LIS North
Keep Calm & Paddle On!
Western Lac La Croix and Lakes to the South
LIS North to Loon and LLC
LIS North to Lynx, August 2016
Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux
EP 14 Lynx lake
Solo Trip-EP14 Shell/Lynx
First Ever Solo- Little Indian Sioux River North- July 2017
Where Are The Maps?...and No Pictures, Please--our 2017 trip on the Little Indian Sioux
Shell, Lynx, Hustler, Oyster to EP 16
BWCA Sept 2017 EP14
Paddling with friends
BW Full Send 2018
Indian Sioux North Solo
Operation Bushwhack!
Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip
Stormy September - Namakan-Loon River Loop
2018 BWCA Trex
June 2019 LISN to Devils Cascade
LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms
July 2019 Trip - 5 days
First trip to the western area BWCA
LIS September Paddle
The Camps Return to the BWCA
Nonstop wind
Lynx Lake Trip June 2020
A Walk In The Woods - Second Time To The Boundary Waters
Sioux-Hustler trail push
Shell Lake June 2021
Mid-Summer Lac La Croix Paddling Trip
Familiar waters-strange circumstances
September LIS Loop
100 Mile Solo on the Border
LIS Loop of Solitude
I found my thrill on blueberry hill
May 2023 EP14
There will be BUGS!,... and a floatplane.
LLC to Moose Lake
Lac La Croix - The Big Lake
2023 LIS North (14) - Moose River North (16)
Ep 14-14 loop with Weeny PMA exploration
Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023
LLC Interior Tour
Indian Sioux North or
Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
Day Trip LISN
BWCA Haikus
Fall 2019 Trip to Lynx Lake - YouTube
EP 14 - Little Indian Sioux River North
Little Indian Sioux River North - 14
treehorn - Lazy, Fishless, Awesome 3-Nighter: Lynx & Shell
Trip Reports
LIS July 2004
There are no bad days in the BWCA
Loop Around the Horn, EP14 to EP 16
Bite of the Pike
Destination Finger Lake
First Trip-Been back since...
Little Indian Sioux River north
LIS North to Moose River
Little Indian Sioux- North 2007-- Hot and Uphill!
LIS north to Little Loon, Gun, Gebe, Oyster and Shell
little indian souix to nina moose
Shell Lake Base Camp
Little Indian Sioux Loop Through The Beartracks
A Much Needed Trip
Four years to Nahimana (Photo link added on 8/7/08)
Four Solos 2008
Pauness Lakes to Heritage, Lynx, to Shell, loop
Too many motorboats
Shell Lake Basecamp
LIS / Shell lake
June-July 2009
Divas - JB and Canoe Bender doing Pauness
Mom's first trip: LIS North out EP16
The First of Many
5 Rivers Trip or Lac La Croix circumnavigation
Little Indian Souix River North
LIS Solo
Lac La Croix - around the horn
LIS to Steep, Lynx with day trips
A week of R & R on Little Loon
Yodeler bushwack
Annual Adventure
Ohio Boys going North - 2010
Solo LIS River North
Is it really solo?
Winter Camping, Shell Lake
SS Diva Slug Fest
My Wifes First Trip
LIS North, Hustler, Gebe, Lac La Croix, Moose River
The Year of the Beaver
sept solo
2011 Heritage Lake Basecamp
LIS North Loop, April 2012
Little Indian Sioux and Beyond
Severe Trip
Snow Bay 2012
EP 14 exit EP16
2012 LIS North (14) loop to Moose River (16)
Little Indian Sioux North Loop Solo
Lots of Animals
From Tinder Box to Please Pass the Napalm
Little Indian Sioux Getaway Trip
EP 14 to EP 16 Northern Loop
Loon Lake
LIS-First Solo!
Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip
LacLaCroix (It's A Really Big Lake)
My Trip on Everytrail.
15 Day Solo Trip LIS North
The Storm / Bushwack to Rangeline / A Trip to Warpaint / Lynx Lake
Warpaint Lake
Finally, a full week in the BWCA! LIS through Slim/Beartrack/Finger/Oyster/Lynx.
Little Indian Sioux #14 Sept. 2014
Shell - Little Shell - Lynx
Little Indian Souix and beyond
Sioux Hustler Area Voyage
Lazy, Fishless Awesome guys trip up the LIS
Sam and Andrew's First Adventure
Solo July 2015
Dear Mariel
Portage clearing trip 2016/ LIS North
Keep Calm & Paddle On!
Western Lac La Croix and Lakes to the South
LIS North to Loon and LLC
LIS North to Lynx, August 2016
Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux
EP 14 Lynx lake
Solo Trip-EP14 Shell/Lynx
First Ever Solo- Little Indian Sioux River North- July 2017
Where Are The Maps?...and No Pictures, Please--our 2017 trip on the Little Indian Sioux
Shell, Lynx, Hustler, Oyster to EP 16
BWCA Sept 2017 EP14
Paddling with friends
BW Full Send 2018
Indian Sioux North Solo
Operation Bushwhack!
Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip
Stormy September - Namakan-Loon River Loop
2018 BWCA Trex
June 2019 LISN to Devils Cascade
LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms
July 2019 Trip - 5 days
First trip to the western area BWCA
LIS September Paddle
The Camps Return to the BWCA
Nonstop wind
Lynx Lake Trip June 2020
A Walk In The Woods - Second Time To The Boundary Waters
Sioux-Hustler trail push
Shell Lake June 2021
Mid-Summer Lac La Croix Paddling Trip
Familiar waters-strange circumstances
September LIS Loop
100 Mile Solo on the Border
LIS Loop of Solitude
I found my thrill on blueberry hill
May 2023 EP14
There will be BUGS!,... and a floatplane.
LLC to Moose Lake
Lac La Croix - The Big Lake
2023 LIS North (14) - Moose River North (16)
Ep 14-14 loop with Weeny PMA exploration
Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023
LLC Interior Tour
Indian Sioux North or
Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
Day Trip LISN
BWCA Haikus
Fall 2019 Trip to Lynx Lake - YouTube
EP 16 - Moose/Portage River (North of Echo Trail)
Moose/Portage River (North of Echo Trail) - 16
Route - Moose River EP16
Trip Reports
My First Trip into the BWCA
Autumn in the BWCAW
E P 16 to E P 24
Jeffords Twosome 2005
June 2005
Moose River North
Moose River North June 2006
June 2006 Solo... (The Foot Trip)
Newbies- Moose River North to Moose Lake
Paddling Pageant and the Sioux Hustler portage
Sausage Party 2006
2007 Moose River Trip
May 2007 trip - EP 16 to Crown Land and High Falls
Oyster Lake-Quality Trip
Nina Moose to Iron Lake
Oyster agnes LLC
Old Friends and New Places
A Wildlife adventure
Moose River to LLC
Bill and Rob 2008 Moose River Trip
Opener Weekend '08-EP 16 to Oyster and back home via Ramshead
A Trip of First's
first time to Lac La Croix
Radtke's on Lac La Croix '08
Aug 2008 - Moose River out & back
Moose River North to Iron Lake and back again
Moose River to Agnes
A Group of Newbies
Early June 2009 EP #16 First trip for all of us
Boulder Bay 2009
Agnes, La Croix, Iron, Stewart
Father and Son Trip
The Gary Harden Trip: Where a boy Harden's into a man!
BWCAW 2009
Four Old Girls Tackle the BWCA
A New Adventure
Perfect April Trip
EP 16 to EP 24
Oyster, Ge-be, L.L.C.
Father and Son Trip
Moose River to LLC and Iron, near-tragedy on Agnes
FS rides again!
Oyster Creek and Boulder River
Moose River North to Lac La Croix
Father's and Son's
A couple returnees and four newbies from EP 16 up to LLC
Sept. 2011
Trip to Iron Lake Fall 2011 (2019 remake)
Winter Lake Trout
Moose River North to Iron
Angler hooks walleye, the fish returns the favor
Father / Daughter Trip
Iron Lake or Bust
September Morn
Oyster Lake Base Camp 2013 (Green,Rocky,Ramshead, Ninamoose)
EP 16 -- Agnes Lake
EP16 to Lac La Croix West to East Loop
moose river north entry 16
EP 16 Nina Moose to Agnes Basecamp: A Family Excursion with a bit of fishing
Try to Remember a Day in September
Annual Fall Trip to Lake Agnes
Oyster, Finger, LLC September/Oct 2013
Pictorial Trip Report - Lake Agnes in October
Fall 2014 Lake Agnes Trip
A Perfect Trip
Moose R. North to Iron/LLC. First as a trip "leader"
Moose river north
Father-Daughter trip to Iron lake via EP16 Iron lake
Moose River First Solo
Fall 2015 Lake Agnes Trip
Iron Lake Trip 2016
Agnes - LLC
More than I imagined
Fall 2016 Lake Agnes Trip
Wolf sighting between Oyster and Hustler
Agnes - LLC - Ge-be-on-e-quet Loop
Memorial Day Heat--Moose River North 2018
June 2018 to Oyster & beyond
Relaxing Jaunt to Nina Moose
8 day 7 nights EP16 Boulder Bay, LLC, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Oyster, Agnes
27 day solo
Return to Iron Lake
Entry point 16
Bushman goes back to the BWCA
Moose River to Tiger Bay
May 2020 - Nina/Moose > Iron > Crooked > Basswood > Horse > Mudro
EP16 Loop - Oyster, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Lac La Croix, Nina Moose
EP16 - I-R-O-N Lake Fishing Expedition
Tiger Bay, Agnes, and we suck at portages
Sept 2020 EP 16 Loop - Nina Moose, Oyster, Ge-be, LLC, Agnes, Nina Moose
namaycush redemption
Lake Agnes Basecamp
May 29-June 4th Nina Moose to Lacroix with plenty of wind
Trip with Friends BWCA 2022
June fishing exploits on Lac La Croix
#16 Moose River Loop
Moose River North to Lac la Croix - Youtube Slideshow
Toy Soldiers at Fish Stake Narrows
Mosquito Fiesta
first trip
EP 20 - Angleworm Lake
Angleworm Lake - 20
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Trip Reports
Angleworm to Stuart River 7/17-7/25
The Passion Revealed
solo canoe trip, spring creek, a BWCA first , also a bigfoot
Angleworm Overnighter
Angleworm Trail Adventure
Winter Camping Adventure 2013 - Angleworm Lake
Video - Winter Camping Adventure 2013 - Angleworm Lake
Sundial PMA
Crooked Lake Loop
Crooked Lake Loop
Angleworm Hiking Trail
Angleworm to Mudro with a newbie
First BWCA Trip
Spring Creek - LLC - Moose River
Fall Backpacking on the Angleworm Trail
Angleworm Trail Half Marathon
Mission Angleworm: A PMA Adventure
Angleworm to Crooked Lake to Mudro
DeWormed (alternate title “As the Worm Turns”)
Angleworm Solo Backpacking
Angleworm 'white'water
Swampy Angleworm Slog
Angleworm to Gull
EP 23 - Mudro Lake
Mudro Lake - 23
Route - July'09 big counterclockewise loop
Trip Reports
The Return
Sleeping Under the Stars
Fullmoon over Fourtown
Horse River May7-11
Church Kids
Murdo entry - Intorduction to BW for two of my daughters
2005 Trip...6/26-7/1 (Mudro- Crooked)
Sausage Party 2005
Mudro to Canada - 3rd trip to the BWCAW
September Trip
Mudro in October
First Timer
Our first loop
Big Water to No Water and Portages in Between
Mudro to Horse
Mudro to Friday Bay
Moosecamp Solo
Mudrow, Crooked, Iron, LaCroix, and Nina Moose
The Sundial PMA
Crooked Lake
Horse Lake
Mudro to Beartrap to Moosecamp and back
Family Base Camp Trip to Horse Lake
Mudro to Bear Trap and return
Wandering Women 2008
Horse Lake Pike
Horse Lake Base Camp - 2008
Horse Lake Base Camp
May fishing photos
Mudro, Beartrap River, Horse lake loop
Dads and sons- Mudro loop thru Horse, Crooked back thru Gun and Fourtown
July 2009 Trip 3
First Solo
Mudro - Crooked Lake loop
Ten days of September
Mudro to Angleworm, April 2010
Mudro loop
Mudro to Horse w/7 yr. old daughter
First Loop Trip - Father and Son
Boot Lake: Here Comes the Rain Again
Boot Lake Basecamp
2010 June - Mudro to Gull
Mudro, LBF, Crooked, Papoose Creek Fourtown in a kayak
Jordan's First Trip to BWCA - Family Trip 2010
BEPCO Trip 2010
1st Timers 8/21/10
Last Canoe Trip of the Season
mudro to crooked to sunday bay to gun to fourtown.. I WISH..
Mudro to Basswood
October Adventures in Paradise
You Don't Catch, You Don't Eat
A trip of many firsts.
Tour of the Crooked Lake Area via Mudro Lake
Fourteen Hours, Four Guys, Toyota Corrolla. and one wrecked Kevlar Canoe
Mudro to Crooked Big Fun One One
Pictorial Trip Report - My First Solo
Through the Eyes of Gabe
Boy Scout
Long Strange Trip
Tippy Canoe & Broken Soles (EP 23)
Five nights on Boot Lake
Mudro to Gun
One New Fisherman
Mudro to Crooked- Cultivating the love
BWCAW 2011 - Summer to late fall in 7 days
Easter Week Border Water Walleyes
Horse Shake
Mudro to boot, fairy, gun, moose camp, fourtown. 9 People 6 days
Turtle Watch !
Mudro to Crooked (Smallmouth Bonanza)
First but not last
2012 Fourtown
Mudro to Beartrap with the Family
Mudro Lake on Labor Day- First Time in BWCA
Mudro to Moosecamp
Crooked Loop
Horse/Friday Bay/Fourtown Loop
Late Fall EP23: Mudro-Horse-Fourtown
Wojack in the wild (Crooked Lake loop)
Mudro to Friday Bay and Back Again
Crooked Lake Falls and Fish
Mudro - Jackfish Bay - Basswood River - Crooked - Gun - Mudro
Mudro EP to Fairy to Fourtown to Horse
My first trip to the BWCA
Crooked Loop
Crooked Lake 4th July 2015
Horse Lake
Mudro to Just Past Wednesday Bay on Crooked Lake
#23 Mudro: “Time travel in a magic canoe” (first solo 2015)
Mudro to Horse
Horse Lake 2016 - Major Storm and No Fish
Lessons Learned From the Boundary Waters
A Sweet Video From Our Trip
A Windy Mudro Loop
Plans meet reality, 4 southerners visit the BWCA
bunggee lake bushwack
First trip
October 2017- 3 Generations of Family
Mudro to Beartrap Loop
First BWCA Trip #23 Loop
Boot Lake fall basecamp with GSP
May Mudro Loop
College Camping Trip
Crooked Lake Loop
Mudro-Crooked Lk with some first timers !
Kids canoe
Solo trip Mudro to Fall Lake
My First Real Trip - Mudro Loop
Crooked Lake Loop for BWCA First Timers
SO's first trip to the BW
3/4 1st timers
Mudro EP to Lower Basswood Falls Video Trip Report
Not exactly a trip report, but a Wall Street Journal story about escaping to the BWCA
Paddling with Padres - A spiritual Exodus adventure
Mudro 2020 Fishing/Relaxing
Hot Summer Nights on Crooked Lake
Crooked Lake - Found A Necklace
Turning 40 in the Boundary Waters
Return of the Cousins Camping
YouTube Slideshow - Oct. Trip Mudro to Lower Basswood Falls
Fourtown Weekend Trip
Long way to Wednesday Bay
Mudro Loop
Mudro - Sept 2024
Entry point 23: Iron Lake Loop
EP 25 - Moose Lake
Moose Lake - 25
MissyGirl - MissyGirl And Troop 63
Eric65 - Moose lake to Snowbank Lake
Trip Reports
The best laid plans....
wood/good /indiana with a 9 yo
Around United States Point
BWCA First Timers- EP26 Wood Lake
Amazing Trip- Wood Lake
Wood Lake 2011
Finally a solo
BWCA Winter? Camping 2012
The Kindness of Strangers
Wood to Good and back again
HopalongHowie's 2nd Trip (This time with Pa!!)
Wood Lake May 2014
Good Lake June 2015
Wood Lake Long Weekend
Return To Wood Lake - Winter Day Trip Style
Wood Lake
The Escape of the Common Cubicle Man
Wood Lake Excursion
Parkour chipmunks, ninja rabbits, and the nighttime musings of an 11 year old adventurer
A great week on Good Lake
EP #26- Wood to Indiana
Warmth, Wolves, and Wet Feet
Wood to Good Lake
2022 Wood (EP-26) to Fall (EP-24)
Sept 2023, Wood Lake Entry - YouTube Slide Show
Wood Lake
EP 27 - Snowbank Lake
Snowbank Lake - 27
Route - Snowbank to Muzzle
Trip Reports
The Trip From Hell
May 21-23
Thomas Lake June 20th/25th
Snowbank to Lake One
Snowbank Lake - June 2006
Kevin's first overnight BWCAW trip to Jordan Lake
(No) Disappointment in August
Wind on Snowbank
Snowbank Lake Trail
Expedition 2007--Snowbank to Ima and back
The Snowbank to Lake One Loop that Wasn't
No disappointment on Disappointment over Memorial Day
Ima/Thomas 08
Knife Lake
Snowbank Loop
Raven, Alice, and Insula
Snowbank to Knife and Back
Peace and Solitude on a Snowbank Loop
Brothers Trip2010
First Ever BWCA Trip
Snowbank to Kekekabic July 2010
Chicago to Disappointment and back
Disappointment Lake
Ahsub Bear family
Solo from snowbank
Snowbank to Lake One and N. Kawishiwi River
No Disappointment for Wife
What Vestibule?
Disappointment Lake Basecamp
Loop from Snowbank to Lake 1
Boundary Waters trip 2012
Snowbank to Ima and back - EP # 27
Snowbank Loop
change of plans
Fishing with Dad
Snowbank Fathers Day Weekend
Not a dissapointment
Disappointment Lake
BWCA Man Trip Extravaganza
Tandem Rookie Trip
No disappointment on Disappointment
First Trip to the BWCA
Snowbank Loop 2015(Through Frasier, Adams, Alice, and Ima)
6th Anniversary
Snowbank to Ima
Nice Little Trip With The Guys--Entry At Snowbank
First Winter Camp- Birch Island- Snowbank
2016 Snowbank to Jordan and back
Solo October 2016
Winter Camping Trip - Snowbank to Parent
First Solo - EP 27 Ambitious trip
Disappointment Lake - 2nd Trip to BWCA
Snowbank to Fraser and Back (the what not to do edition)
3-day out-and-back to Fraser Oct. 2017
EP 27 - Snowbank to Thomas and back in May 2018
Solo Trip to Raven Lake (Mugwump PMA 8) 2018
Snowbank to Thomas
A solo new beginning
Snowbank to Thomas Memorial Weekend 2019
Embracing the Elements - Snowbank Loop
Father Daughter trip
Kekekabic Trail/ Canoe Trip Hybrid
Snowbank to Thomas 2020
Jumanji 2020
Gals Trip + Riley
Kekekabic - a trip that ended where it started
Journey to Sagus
Snowbank to Spider Lake PMA Loop
Disappointment Lake Winter Adventure
Snowbank Trail
A less than disappointing trip
Overnight To Dorothy's
Less Miles Next Time...... Maybe??
Solo Disappointment
Trek or Treat - Round 3
Snowbank W/ Disappointment Backpack
Parent Lake Adventure
water and ice and no bugs
Snowbank Entry June 13 - June 18
Finding Solitude
EP 30 - Lake One
Lake One - 30
Route - Lake One to Insula
Route - Easy Lake One to Snowbank 5 day Loop
Trip Reports
To Insula with the Boy Scouts
1973: Going Back in Time
1982: Volume 2, Going Back In Time
A happy ending
BWCA in strip built kayak in 2001
Lake One to Fishdance Lake
Lake One to Insula
Sept. Group Solo
Lake One to Insula
Gull Lake no Clear no Fire no Insula
A jaunt around the numbered lakes with Julia Child
Dixie's first BWCAW trip
Fishing madness
Lake One to Insula in August
The Elephant Trip
Lake One to Insula
Lake One loop to Snowbank
Lake One to Insula
A wilder trip
The Crew - 2007
Lake One to Insula Again
Everything Moves in Waves: A First Timer's Solo Trip into Boundary Waters
My first solo - lake one loop
The Big Insula Pike Trip - Oct 2007
First winter experience
Solo Trip Report -- Insula, Hope Lake, North Wilder
solo number 2
2008 Trip Form Lake One to Solitude and Back
Chronicles of a Day Tripper
Paddle n Puke
Lake One to Kawishiwi River
Solo trip from Lake One through Snowbank
Solo 2008 - a quick solo out of Lake One
May 2009 - Numbered Lakes
Lake 3
Lake One Loop through Wilder, Rock Island, Turtle and many more
Short and Sweet to Insula
North Kawishiwi 2009
A (South) Wilder Trip
First Solo Lake One #30
First BWCA trip - Lake One to North Wilder
Sept 2009 - Lake One to Snowbank loop
Village Idiot Reaches Lake Three
Oct. Solo
Last Trip of the Season
Insula Base Camp (My Wife's First Trip)
Lake One to Insula
Tried to get to Insula
Lake One to Hudson July 28-31, 2010
Getting to know the BWCA over again.
Lake Three Adventure - No Regrets
The Numbered Lakes
Kicking Back on the Kawishiwi
Lake One; Getting off the beaten path.
Me, Three Blonds and a Mom. Again!
Lake One with the bag Family
another great trip
Bizarre event on Ima Lake - photos added.....
EP 30 to EP 27 Loop Solo
Family Aventure to Insula and back
Lake One to Inslula; Day Trip South Hope; Day Trip Fish Dance
Number Lakes Loop- First time out West
Kicking Back on the Kawishiwi II (2013)
2 Families, 3 Generations
1st and maybe last solo
Lake One to Hudson Island
Insula 6-19-13
Fire lake solo
Family Excursion on Lake One/Two
Single mother, 6-year old, 5-year old Lake One Trip - HUGE success!
Scouting Dads Paddle the Boundary Waters
Lake One - Insula - Kawishiwi - Pagami Creek
bear attack
80 miles / 30 lakes *Float Stanley Trip*
Lake One to Alice - 4 days of sunshine
Family Trip to Insula
Mrs. Goby's first BWCA trip
Return to My First Trip Area
Powwow clearing Horseshoe Lake 3 portage south
Memorial Day Weekend
Paddle with Dad: Lake One to Insula
2nd Solo to Insula and a bit beyond
Lake One: First trip 4 and 7 year old grand daughters
Lake One to Insula, base camping with the family
Best Friends and The Big Jump: Lake One to Insula
Solo trip through the number lakes
2019 Troop 743 BWCA Trip
Lake One-Insula
Ice Breaker
2020 Alice Lake Trip
Pictographs on Fishdance
First time for the family - adapt and overcome
solo #2
Lake 1, 2, 3
solo #3
Lake One to Insula Lake
Minnesota Home
1st solo
Solo #4
Number Chain Newbies--Guiding Five First-timers on Lakes One, Two and Three
Winter Camping | Lake One
One to Seagull, one-way
Alice Lake - Angling in the Wild
Lake Four in Four Days
Lake Three Base Camp
Solo on Lakes 1-3 before fishing season
Lake Four
One, Two, Three, Pow, Wow!
Reid’s first trip
EP 32 - South Kawishiwi River
South Kawishiwi River - 32
Tellebelle - Rapids by CS 1131
Trip Reports
Little Gabbro Fishing Loop
Rasta Wilderness 2005-2
Gabbro: Wind, Wind and More Wind
What a blast! Gabbro - BE - Pietro - Kawishiwi - Clear
Gabbro Wind 8-22
Gabbro, Bald Eagle, First solo
Gabbro 2009--Windy, Windier and Winter
Kawishiwi Loop of 2009
Rainy Days were here again
Gabbro Trip
Estro Fest
BWCA 2012 Trip
EP 33 - Two Kids Under 7 Tackle the BWCA
Cold Clear Silence
September 2015 BWCA EP 33
Can you canoe Judd Lake?
Three Generations at a Gabbro Lake Basecamp
Little Gabbro 2024
EP 34 - Island River
Island River - 34
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Trip Reports
The Pow Wow Trail 2008
Isabella Lake to Quadga Lake
isabella lake
Isabella Burn-Out Area and Plane Trip
First Trip For Daughter & Nephew
Isabella River, Quadga Lake, to Bald Eagle lake (mentions Fourtown, Hegman as well)
Split Trip - Solo-Duo / Isabella-Meeds
Isabella Lake via Isabella River to Little Gabbro Lake
Isabella - 35 to Kawishiwi River - 32
Isabella Lake to South Kawishiwi River
Isabella Lake Trip - Overnight Paddle - 3 Nights/4 Days
Isabella to Little Gabbro 2021
Powwow Trail Backpacking
EP 37 - Kawishiwi Lake
Kawishiwi Lake - 37
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Trip Reports
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake to Fire Lake and Back (1998)
The Polly Lake Bluff Charge
Polly Lake Bluff Charge - Version 2.0
Memorial Day '04
First Trip For My Wife
Kawishiwi Lake to Beaver loop
Kawishiwi Loop
Kawishiwi, Boulder, Makwa, Kawishiwi Loop
Noah Time 2
Kawishiwi Lake to Polly & back
2006 BWCA Kawishiwi Lake to Fishdance Lake Pictographs
Kawishiwiw Lake - June 2007
EP37 to Lake Polly
Strangers in Paradise Part Deux
Kawishiwi Lake to Little Saganaga by way of Boulder Lake
Koma Style
Kawishiwi Lake Entry
Kawishiwi Entry to Adams - Fall 2008 (2019 remake)
EP 37 to Koma/Malberg
First timers - Lady Lakes Chain
An out and back for the first time
Malberg and Back
Adams Lake
Sasquatch on the Kawishwi
Kawishiwi to Polly (or The Wettest Trip Ever?)
Kawishiwi - Little Sag - Sawbill Loop
Pagami Creek Fire Trip
Two Friends Encounter Wolves
In Our Minds It's Still There
Kawishiwi to Polly (rookie trip)
Three Dudes and a Chinese Lady
Lady Chain with my lady, August 2012
Kawishiwi Lake to Snowbank 2012
First Solo
Solo Two
Modified Kawishiwi Lake Loop/Lady Loop
To Malberg and beyond
2013 BWCA Solo
Kawishiwi to Malberg and out Sawbill via the Lady Chain
Kawishiwi to Sawbill in the rain
Kawishiwi Lake Solo with LG - 2014
24 Hour Canoe Challenge
Loop with Lepus not Lupus
Steve and Steve's Boundary Waters Odyssey
Kawishiwi-May 2015
Malberg area basecamp trip
Husband and wife trip on Malberg.
Taking Amber to Amber Lake
Lilie's first trip
Honeymoon of a lifetime
Trip Report - Lady Chain (posting a month late)
Kawishiwi L.-Beaver-Makwa-Malberg Loop or I want to Basecamp next trip
Kawishiwi Trip
2016 BWCA solo loop Kawishiwi Lake - Alice - Fraser - Boulder - Malberg - Kawishiwi Lake
2016 BWCA solo loop Kawishiwi Lake - Alice - Fraser - Boulder - Malberg - Kawishiwi Lake
Lone Wolf
Malberg Basecamp
Broken in the Wilderness
Lady Lakes Loop
Basecamp in Malberg area
Video slide show of Kawishiwi to Adams
My first Solo - 8 Days In and a Rather Tough Exit
kicking the fledglings out of the nest...
Annual Paddle With The Boys
EP 37 Solo Canoe Trip, pictographs and swimming moose.
May/ June 12-Day YouTube Slide show, Entered at Kawishiwi Lake
Short solo trip to Malberg
Alice Lake
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake and Others
6 Days Solo out of Kawishiwi Lake - EP37
Polly, Malberg, and a long day trip to Fishdance
Video Blog of Malberg Through Entry #37
One Pan-tastic Adventure
YouTube Slideshow to Lake Polly with Grandsons
Kawishiwi to Malberg and back
Kawishiwi to Malberg and back
2023 Memorial Weekend - 4 day / 3 night - Kawashiwi Lake
The bugs were biting
Kawishiwi to Malberg in May
EP 37 to Malberg
Solo: EP 37 to Malberg Base (Day trips to Fishdance/KivaNiva/Boze)
Sept/ Oct 2024 8-day trip to Malberg - YouTube Slideshow
EP 38 - Sawbill Lake
Sawbill Lake - 38
Kaleeb - Trip to Tuscarora
Trip Reports
Baker Lake 6.12.04 - 6.14.04
Getting a taste of the BWCA on Kelly
Temperance River Loop
Baker lake Loop
back in the saddle
First Solo - Baker Lake Loop Photo Essay
Jack Frost Loop
The Namesake Trip - Davis/Frost loop
Baker Lake Solo
Baker Lake Loop - First Solo
Baker Lake #39
Baker Lake loop with a hole in the boat
Long Weekend at Kelly
Newbie No More
Baker Lake - Moo-ing Mooses!
Maiden voyage exploring the Temperance River flowage
Injury-shortened solo
Baker to Temperance
North from Baker Lake
Back to Jack
Kelly Lake 2015
Baker Lake to Smoke Lake
16 Y/0 SOLO into EP#39 Baker Lake near Tofte
BWCA 2018. Solo - A Boundary Waters Story
Out To Jack and Back - Father and Sons First Trip
First Solo - Baker Lake Entry
Mechanic Chain Solo
Baker, Cherokee, and Sawbill Route
July 3 Baker Lake EP, Cherokee loop
Baker Lake - Daughter's First Trip! - 2021
Jack lake wildlife adventure
YouTube Slide Show - Baker Lake to South Temperance
EP 40 - Homer Lake
Homer Lake - 40
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Trip Reports
The Wind...Nothing but the Wind!
First Ever
Brule Lake May 2003
Late May = No bugs!
Brule Lake
Knoozer Kwest #3, Brule to Gaskin Loop
brule and the art of compromise
To Swan Lake from the west
Milestones in the BWCA
Brule Lake Loop was good to us
Brule bay baby
Two Rivers and a Big Lake (plus others)
Brule and Winchell Lakes
Too much travelin to properly relax!
Disappointment on Brule
Brule Lake
Eagle Mountain and Whale Lake camping
21 Waters - 7 days
Last trip in...
Brule base camp
East End of Brule
Brule lake 2015
Brule Lake to South Temperance or is that Brutal Lake
May 2016 Cold and Rain but worth it
Let Down
Brule Lake - September 2016
Weekend at Vernon
Brule with the kids (ages 1 and 4)
Corona / Brule / Wifes first trip.
October 2022
Brule to Sawbill
Girl just want to have fun.
It Was Cool To Stay On Brule
Brule Lake, 2024 - the tire tragedy
EP 44 - Ram Lake
Ram Lake - 44
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Trip Reports
Winchell Lake Loop
Lizz to Long Island
Vougers of God
Base Camping on Horseshoe
Across the Gunflint- Poplar Lake to Cross River
First solo cut short!
bear trip
Poplar to Winchell
The Gunflint Shows Its Beauty, Again
The Funny Looking Canoe
Four to Explore
Just Slightly South East of the Gunflint Trail
Little Things
This Ain't no Fairy Tale! - July 2011 BWCA
1st Solo Trip
Monsoons and Wind on Horseshoe
Horseshoe Lake
First BWCAW canoe trip of 2012 for me
Be careful what you ask for!
Daddy/Daughter Trip to Caribou w/ H
2 trips in one?
first solo
EP-47: Lizz-Gaskin-Meeds loop 6/2013
Poplar Lake Loop 2013
Vista view
Base Camp on Caribou
first solo
2013 EP 47: NEW TITLE: Bad Decisions and Dangerous Mistakes
Winter Adventure Gaskin Lake
Second Solo
Our family's first BWCA trip, EP 47 Lizz Lake
Cold Vista 2015
Pops and Iz 2015
Poplar to Winchell Loop
First Family BWCA Trip
Two Buddies Trip number 3
Awesome fishing, crazy weather, (Meeds lake trip)
Poplar to Ham, via Winchell, Long Island, and Frost
Rain, rain, go away
Awesome week on Horseshoe Lake
Family of three - on trip three!
A Childhood Dream Come True
Bubba Slow-Step’s excellent adventure
First Trip
Poplar to Gaskin
Finally back in the BWCA
Poplar to Gaskin and Meeds
Labor Day Week Adventure
First trip to BWCA with my partner
Poplar Loop - Quick, relaxing trip
Poplar-Caribou-Horseshoe-Vista-Gaskin Better late than never. 2020 report
2020 Troop 409 BWCA trip
Poplar, Lizz, Caribou, Horseshoe and Meeds Lake
just one more
May 2021 YouTube Trip Report - Lizz Lake Entry
Hanging Out on Horseshoe Lake in the Boundary Waters
Island Life In The Boundary Waters
Solo Base Camp Horseshoe Lake
Work Harder, Not Smarter
Poplar-Winchell Loop
Lizz to Omega & Back: First Trip in the BWCA
First time Solo to Gaskin - Horseshoe
EP 50 - Cross Bay Lake
Cross Bay Lake - 50
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Trip Reports
The Friendly Flies Trip 2002
Frost River, June 2006
Frost River Route
Across the Divide and Back
2009 BWCA Trip a New Beginning
Cross Bay to Poplar
The Unintentional Base-camping Trip
A Paddling Partner for Life, Part 3. A Portaging We Will Go!
Long Island Lake vacation
A Paddling Partner for Life, Part 4. Cross Bay to Poplar.
A trip is changed, then cancelled, and a new focus is created
Long island lake family trip
Cold Reception at Cherokee Lake
Float Stanley's Snipe Lake Adventure
BWCA 2012 Autumn Solo
Three Tries and Ten Days to Frost-EP 50 to 51
Ham to Poplar
First time in the BWCA- 73 mile solo trip - Frost River, Little Sag, Kawishiwi, Alice, Kek, and more
Five days of Clouds, Four Fish, Three Moose, Three Young Guys, One Old Dude, One Great Time!
Long Island Lake Base Camp
EP50 fishing
Cross Bay Lake to Sawbill Campground with Day Trip
Cross Bay, Frost, Little Sag, Bingshack
LOST / Forgot Dromedary Bag - Long Island campsite ;-(
Cross Bay solo
Northern in Canoe, Dog out of Canoe! Cross Creek to Long Island Lake
Frost River Loop Via EP50--Cross Bay Lake--Solo
2018 Cross Bay to Poplar
June Cross Bay-Frost River-Gillis Loop
Escaping the 'Real World' - First Timers in BWCA
2019 Long Island Lake Basecamp Solo
8-day to Cross Bay Lake - May/ June 2020
1st Trip with the kids - Cross River to Snipe Lake
Frost River and Beyond with Bear, Hobbit, and Mountain Goat
3 day trip into Ham lake
Pride Comes Before the Fall....And After it Turns Out!
1st Daddy Daughter Trip
Homage to the Spartans and other paddling friends
Capsize - rapids - lost canoe - self-extraction
New EP for 23rd
BWCA Trip Review: EP 50 Cross Bay Lake to Long Island Lake
Father and Son Adventure to Long Island
Entry 50 Cross Bay Lake
Appler, Cross Bay to Poplar Lake
Frost River
EP 54 - Seagull Lake
Seagull Lake - 54
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Trip Reports
Seagull to Ogish to Saganaga or Saj-koa-jesak-kl-koss
The Three Bears
Rog Lake
Going Gunflint
The Super Loop
Seagull -> Thunder Point -> Saganaga loop
Seagull to Round and trouble on Kekakabic
Seagull -> Grandpa -> Red Rock -> Seagull
Seagull to Ogishkemuncie and back
Far Reaches of the Gunflint
Seagull to Knife to...Seagull
Seagull Entry to SA Knife Sept/ Oct 2009 (2019 remake)
Voyage of the Sasquatch (Seagull-South Arm Knife Lake)
Feed Jake
Island Adventure on Ogishkemuncie
I'm Alive!
A Paddling Partner for Life, Part 5. A Quick Little Fall Adventure
Sea Gull Lake Solo April 2012
Who Brought a Pillow?!?!
Seagull to ?
The adventures of 6 guys and a Diva
easy as it gets
Fifth trip up the Gunflint trail
A Week With My Brother
Retracing Amok's Last Trip
seagull solo to ogish.
Seagull Lake Entry 2013
Trip with elder son, Seagull to Poplar
Back in the BWCA : Our first adventure
College bros
First time to BWCA Seagull Lake - Alpine Lake - Jasper Lake
First Solo: Seagull to Ogish
First fish & a walking stick
Seagull it is!
Sag Lake paddle
Seagull Lake to Alpine Lake
A Good Time with a Good Friend - Seagull, Alpine, and Ogish September 2016
First Winter Trip Completed
Seagull Lake
Sea gull to little sag not
Adams Knife Loop
Adams Knife Loop
Seagull Winter Trip
Spring 2018 trip to SA Knife, Kekekabic, Ogish - Slide Show
Daughters First Trip, Seagull, Alpine, Ogish
BWCA fishing trip 2018
Seagull-Sag, abbreviated
Seagull, Alpine, Red Rock, Saganaga Loop 2018
Alpine Lake Bro Basecamp - Lots o' fish
Snowshoeing Seagull Lake
The trip of a lifetime!
Alpine Base Camp
Father Daughter bonding
A Border Lakes Birthday
Base camp Seagull Lake
March '21 Lake Trout Trip on Seagull Lake
Awesome June Fishing on Knife Lake
Seagull-Saganaga loop
EP 55 - Saganaga Lake
Saganaga Lake - 55
Route - Hanson or Cherry lake base camp
Trip Reports
Granite River Aug 2004
Alpine Lake Fire Circumnavigation Tour - 2005
Granite River Trip
Granite River Route - Summer Revisited
Granite River to Big Sag
Clove Lake Canoe Derby 2013
Gunflint to Sag Falls, First Dad/Son Trip
Dads & Daughters 2016
Granite river
Adrift on the Pine - Granite River 2018
Gunflint (Magnetic Lake) Cross River Loop
Granite River
BSA Troop 409 Granite River 2022
Magnetic Lake - Well, you are practically a scientist
EP 58 - South Lake
South Lake - 58
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Trip Reports
Gunflint > North > South > Rose > Hungry Jack
40 days in the B Dub
The winter trail to Sock Lake
Boundary Waters May, 2023
Gunflint to South to Clearwater
EP 62 - Clearwater Lake
Clearwater Lake - 62
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Trip Reports
Dad's Trip
Clearwater to Fowl loop
Crowded Clearwater loop
Arrowhead Region - Somewhere Green and Peaceful
Week of a Lifetime
A Short Solo from Clearwater to Pine Lake
Caribou June 20-27
SSS 2009
Clearwater Lake With My Wife
2010 Kid's Trip - Caribou
Winter Camping, Clearwater Lake
2011 trip
25th Annual Trip
West Pike, Gogebic, & Salvelinus Fontinalis ~ Good reason for freezin'
Shangri-La up along the B-R-T
Clearwater, West Pike and Pine, with a side of Gogebic
First BWCA trip!
2013 - First Trip to BWCA
1st Solo-Alder/Clearwater/Mountain 2014
Oct Gales on Mountain
New Year 2015 Hot Tent Ski .
Johnson Falls Weekend Trip
Half solo, half family trip
EP 62 and Johnson Falls
July 2016 Clearwater - West Pike - Gogebic
Little Caribou
Wandering to West Pike Lake
Winter Camping Trip - Clearwater Lake Basecamp
EP 62 Clearwater to Caribou: Johnson Falls, Palisade, Fishing, Fallen Tree Almost Hits Our Tent
Clearwater Basecamp
EP 62 Clearwater Lake
Silence....what silence????
Clearwater EP to Johnson Falls Video Trip Report
Cedar Strip and Dog's First BWCA Trip
Clearwater Loop with Family 2020
Clearwater --> Hungry Jack 2020
Fur Trades and Waterfalls
Vento Unit in Early October (Clearwater/Pine/West Pike)
2021 - What a Year
Clearwater Loop - Rookie Texans
8 guys on the Clearwater Loop
5 days of type 2 winter camping fun and lessons learned
EP 64 - East Bearskin Lake
East Bearskin Lake - 64
Lemieux - East Bearsking Loop
Trip Reports
Day Trip to Crocodile Lake
Ruby's First Trip
Spring Fling on Crocodile
May 2021 Father-Son Trip to Crocodile
Beaver Attack
EP 1 - Trout Lake
Trout Lake - 1
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Trip Reports
Secret location
Yearly Family Mens trip (Pine Lake fishing)
Detour to Chad
Pine Lake base camping, Aug. 2016
Last Trip
Last Trip
Base camping w/ broken ankle
BWCAW unmasked
I guided my dad in the SW Pocket
Walleye fishing with friends
EP 4 - Crab Lake & Cummings Lake
Crab Lake & Cummings Lake - 4
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Trip Reports
Boulder Lake and Wild Animals
Two for Crab Lake
Crab Lake
Wild Night on Cummings
There and Back Again
Cummings Lake Trip Report
Crab Lake: A Jewel
Phantom Lake Bushwack
Crab Lake/ Joining The Solo Club
A Short Trip on Crab Lake
Three Generation trip for U.S.M.C. Captain (Ret.)
2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area
Crab Lake w/ a kid
Boundary Waters Adventures 2009
Crab/Cummings with Rookies
Life is good in the BW - 2011
Crab to Glenmore
EP 4 3 day trip
Lunetta Lake
Test - Kiporby
Burntside to Cummings
Base Camping on Little Shell
Seeking September solitude
Recalling 2016 EP 4
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
Family of three - Basecamp on Crab Lake
2017 5 days Mudro to Fall
3 Nights on Cummings - 2017
Cummings, Buck, Lunetta loop
Timber Frear Loop outside of the BWCA
Crab Lake 2 Guys and 2 Dogs
Solo trek of BRT Crab lake to Clearwater lodge
Cummings Lake after reopening
Kawishiwi lodge
Larch Creek
Crab Lake - First Solo
EP 9 - Little Indian Sioux River South
Little Indian Sioux River South - 9
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Trip Reports
Southern Reaches of Little Indian Sioux
the short, early april solo
Four Solos - Visions Of Sin Trip
Sioux Hustler Trail Loop Backpack Trip
Sioux-Hustler Trail, Backpacking
EP 14 - Little Indian Sioux River North
Little Indian Sioux River North - 14
treehorn - Lazy, Fishless, Awesome 3-Nighter: Lynx & Shell
Trip Reports
LIS July 2004
There are no bad days in the BWCA
Loop Around the Horn, EP14 to EP 16
Bite of the Pike
Destination Finger Lake
First Trip-Been back since...
Little Indian Sioux River north
LIS North to Moose River
Little Indian Sioux- North 2007-- Hot and Uphill!
LIS north to Little Loon, Gun, Gebe, Oyster and Shell
little indian souix to nina moose
Shell Lake Base Camp
Little Indian Sioux Loop Through The Beartracks
A Much Needed Trip
Four years to Nahimana (Photo link added on 8/7/08)
Four Solos 2008
Pauness Lakes to Heritage, Lynx, to Shell, loop
Too many motorboats
Shell Lake Basecamp
LIS / Shell lake
June-July 2009
Divas - JB and Canoe Bender doing Pauness
Mom's first trip: LIS North out EP16
The First of Many
5 Rivers Trip or Lac La Croix circumnavigation
Little Indian Souix River North
LIS Solo
Lac La Croix - around the horn
LIS to Steep, Lynx with day trips
A week of R & R on Little Loon
Yodeler bushwack
Annual Adventure
Ohio Boys going North - 2010
Solo LIS River North
Is it really solo?
Winter Camping, Shell Lake
SS Diva Slug Fest
My Wifes First Trip
LIS North, Hustler, Gebe, Lac La Croix, Moose River
The Year of the Beaver
sept solo
2011 Heritage Lake Basecamp
LIS North Loop, April 2012
Little Indian Sioux and Beyond
Severe Trip
Snow Bay 2012
EP 14 exit EP16
2012 LIS North (14) loop to Moose River (16)
Little Indian Sioux North Loop Solo
Lots of Animals
From Tinder Box to Please Pass the Napalm
Little Indian Sioux Getaway Trip
EP 14 to EP 16 Northern Loop
Loon Lake
LIS-First Solo!
Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip
LacLaCroix (It's A Really Big Lake)
My Trip on Everytrail.
15 Day Solo Trip LIS North
The Storm / Bushwack to Rangeline / A Trip to Warpaint / Lynx Lake
Warpaint Lake
Finally, a full week in the BWCA! LIS through Slim/Beartrack/Finger/Oyster/Lynx.
Little Indian Sioux #14 Sept. 2014
Shell - Little Shell - Lynx
Little Indian Souix and beyond
Sioux Hustler Area Voyage
Lazy, Fishless Awesome guys trip up the LIS
Sam and Andrew's First Adventure
Solo July 2015
Dear Mariel
Portage clearing trip 2016/ LIS North
Keep Calm & Paddle On!
Western Lac La Croix and Lakes to the South
LIS North to Loon and LLC
LIS North to Lynx, August 2016
Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux
EP 14 Lynx lake
Solo Trip-EP14 Shell/Lynx
First Ever Solo- Little Indian Sioux River North- July 2017
Where Are The Maps?...and No Pictures, Please--our 2017 trip on the Little Indian Sioux
Shell, Lynx, Hustler, Oyster to EP 16
BWCA Sept 2017 EP14
Paddling with friends
BW Full Send 2018
Indian Sioux North Solo
Operation Bushwhack!
Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip
Stormy September - Namakan-Loon River Loop
2018 BWCA Trex
June 2019 LISN to Devils Cascade
LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms
July 2019 Trip - 5 days
First trip to the western area BWCA
LIS September Paddle
The Camps Return to the BWCA
Nonstop wind
Lynx Lake Trip June 2020
A Walk In The Woods - Second Time To The Boundary Waters
Sioux-Hustler trail push
Shell Lake June 2021
Mid-Summer Lac La Croix Paddling Trip
Familiar waters-strange circumstances
September LIS Loop
100 Mile Solo on the Border
LIS Loop of Solitude
I found my thrill on blueberry hill
May 2023 EP14
There will be BUGS!,... and a floatplane.
LLC to Moose Lake
Lac La Croix - The Big Lake
2023 LIS North (14) - Moose River North (16)
Ep 14-14 loop with Weeny PMA exploration
Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023
LLC Interior Tour
Indian Sioux North or
Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
Day Trip LISN
BWCA Haikus
Fall 2019 Trip to Lynx Lake - YouTube
EP 16 - Moose/Portage River (North of Echo Trail)
Moose/Portage River (North of Echo Trail) - 16
Route - Moose River EP16
Trip Reports
Stuart to Nina Moose
Four Solos 2007
Portage Clearing-or should we say Ice clearing trip-May 2008
Father and daughter survive Stuart lake-and want to go again
Old School Insane Stuart River
Soloing, with help, up the Stuart River
Stuart River Solo report and packing list
Fall Solo - 2016
Stuart River Loop June 2017- me and my wife
Stuart River Up to Canadian Border
EP19 to EP16 10 Years & 480 Rods
Stuart River to Stuart Lake
44 Miles, 72 Fish
ER Nurses in BWCA
Family trip Stuart River Entry 19
Solo Trip: Stuart River to Moose River September 2019
Stuart River to LIS Solo - Storms, Insects and Walleye
A Stuart River Journey
Stuart - Iron - Crooked - Moosecamp - Fourtown
40th Birthday 1st PMA Stuart River - Sterling - Iron - Stuart Lollipop Loop Mid Aug
EP 19 - Stuart River
Stuart River - 19
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Trip Reports
Angleworm to Stuart River 7/17-7/25
The Passion Revealed
solo canoe trip, spring creek, a BWCA first , also a bigfoot
Angleworm Overnighter
Angleworm Trail Adventure
Winter Camping Adventure 2013 - Angleworm Lake
Video - Winter Camping Adventure 2013 - Angleworm Lake
Sundial PMA
Crooked Lake Loop
Crooked Lake Loop
Angleworm Hiking Trail
Angleworm to Mudro with a newbie
First BWCA Trip
Spring Creek - LLC - Moose River
Fall Backpacking on the Angleworm Trail
Angleworm Trail Half Marathon
Mission Angleworm: A PMA Adventure
Angleworm to Crooked Lake to Mudro
DeWormed (alternate title “As the Worm Turns”)
Angleworm Solo Backpacking
Angleworm 'white'water
Swampy Angleworm Slog
Angleworm to Gull
EP 23 - Mudro Lake
Mudro Lake - 23
Route - July'09 big counterclockewise loop
Trip Reports
The Return
Sleeping Under the Stars
Fullmoon over Fourtown
Horse River May7-11
Church Kids
Murdo entry - Intorduction to BW for two of my daughters
2005 Trip...6/26-7/1 (Mudro- Crooked)
Sausage Party 2005
Mudro to Canada - 3rd trip to the BWCAW
September Trip
Mudro in October
First Timer
Our first loop
Big Water to No Water and Portages in Between
Mudro to Horse
Mudro to Friday Bay
Moosecamp Solo
Mudrow, Crooked, Iron, LaCroix, and Nina Moose
The Sundial PMA
Crooked Lake
Horse Lake
Mudro to Beartrap to Moosecamp and back
Family Base Camp Trip to Horse Lake
Mudro to Bear Trap and return
Wandering Women 2008
Horse Lake Pike
Horse Lake Base Camp - 2008
Horse Lake Base Camp
May fishing photos
Mudro, Beartrap River, Horse lake loop
Dads and sons- Mudro loop thru Horse, Crooked back thru Gun and Fourtown
July 2009 Trip 3
First Solo
Mudro - Crooked Lake loop
Ten days of September
Mudro to Angleworm, April 2010
Mudro loop
Mudro to Horse w/7 yr. old daughter
First Loop Trip - Father and Son
Boot Lake: Here Comes the Rain Again
Boot Lake Basecamp
2010 June - Mudro to Gull
Mudro, LBF, Crooked, Papoose Creek Fourtown in a kayak
Jordan's First Trip to BWCA - Family Trip 2010
BEPCO Trip 2010
1st Timers 8/21/10
Last Canoe Trip of the Season
mudro to crooked to sunday bay to gun to fourtown.. I WISH..
Mudro to Basswood
October Adventures in Paradise
You Don't Catch, You Don't Eat
A trip of many firsts.
Tour of the Crooked Lake Area via Mudro Lake
Fourteen Hours, Four Guys, Toyota Corrolla. and one wrecked Kevlar Canoe
Mudro to Crooked Big Fun One One
Pictorial Trip Report - My First Solo
Through the Eyes of Gabe
Boy Scout
Long Strange Trip
Tippy Canoe & Broken Soles (EP 23)
Five nights on Boot Lake
Mudro to Gun
One New Fisherman
Mudro to Crooked- Cultivating the love
BWCAW 2011 - Summer to late fall in 7 days
Easter Week Border Water Walleyes
Horse Shake
Mudro to boot, fairy, gun, moose camp, fourtown. 9 People 6 days
Turtle Watch !
Mudro to Crooked (Smallmouth Bonanza)
First but not last
2012 Fourtown
Mudro to Beartrap with the Family
Mudro Lake on Labor Day- First Time in BWCA
Mudro to Moosecamp
Crooked Loop
Horse/Friday Bay/Fourtown Loop
Late Fall EP23: Mudro-Horse-Fourtown
Wojack in the wild (Crooked Lake loop)
Mudro to Friday Bay and Back Again
Crooked Lake Falls and Fish
Mudro - Jackfish Bay - Basswood River - Crooked - Gun - Mudro
Mudro EP to Fairy to Fourtown to Horse
My first trip to the BWCA
Crooked Loop
Crooked Lake 4th July 2015
Horse Lake
Mudro to Just Past Wednesday Bay on Crooked Lake
#23 Mudro: “Time travel in a magic canoe” (first solo 2015)
Mudro to Horse
Horse Lake 2016 - Major Storm and No Fish
Lessons Learned From the Boundary Waters
A Sweet Video From Our Trip
A Windy Mudro Loop
Plans meet reality, 4 southerners visit the BWCA
bunggee lake bushwack
First trip
October 2017- 3 Generations of Family
Mudro to Beartrap Loop
First BWCA Trip #23 Loop
Boot Lake fall basecamp with GSP
May Mudro Loop
College Camping Trip
Crooked Lake Loop
Mudro-Crooked Lk with some first timers !
Kids canoe
Solo trip Mudro to Fall Lake
My First Real Trip - Mudro Loop
Crooked Lake Loop for BWCA First Timers
SO's first trip to the BW
3/4 1st timers
Mudro EP to Lower Basswood Falls Video Trip Report
Not exactly a trip report, but a Wall Street Journal story about escaping to the BWCA
Paddling with Padres - A spiritual Exodus adventure
Mudro 2020 Fishing/Relaxing
Hot Summer Nights on Crooked Lake
Crooked Lake - Found A Necklace
Turning 40 in the Boundary Waters
Return of the Cousins Camping
YouTube Slideshow - Oct. Trip Mudro to Lower Basswood Falls
Fourtown Weekend Trip
Long way to Wednesday Bay
Mudro Loop
Mudro - Sept 2024
Entry point 23: Iron Lake Loop
EP 25 - Moose Lake
Moose Lake - 25
MissyGirl - MissyGirl And Troop 63
Eric65 - Moose lake to Snowbank Lake
Trip Reports
1974 The Rainy Trip
1975 BWCA Trip & Pictures
1977 Our First Time in Quetico
Trip Recall -- Bear got the food we got carrot sticks & Jolly Ranchers
A First BWCA Trip
Winter trip: Gold Team/Brown Team
Kashapiwi Agnes Loop
First Quetico Trip... The Epic Journey
Late Season Lake Trout Trip
Smoke on the Water, Loons in the Wind
Wandering on Wind
Wandering on Wind
Solo trip, following the Root Beer Lady
Knife Lake
Grandson;s Introduction to the BW
Bill & Jamie's Excellent Adventure
A Week On Knife
Birch Lake to Knife and back through Vera Lake to Ensign
A Trip to the South Arm of Knife Lake
North Arm of Knife 2008
Moose to Ima and Back
First Solo, Knife Lake
Easy Does It
A Beast, Another Beast, Another Beast, and a Busted Trip
Third times a charm.
Annual BWCAW Mushing Camping Trip, 2009
Back in the Saddle
Brief April Solo
Late May 2010 10-day Solo
Appeasing the fish gods
Solo Trek into Quetico - No Country for Old Men
Solo Trek into Quetico - No Country for Old Men
Tow to Splash Basecamp-Ensign
A Promise Kept
BWCA Border Run 2010 (failed) Moose-Ottertrack-Moose
First BWCA trip- Ensign - Solo
2 weeks of Freedom
Moose to Knife and back.
My 1st Canoe
Belle's 1st Trip
June 15, 2011 Solo Trip
Introducing the Kids to the BWCA
1st trip to BWCA
THE trip (hunter island, quetico...solo)
Short Loop out of Moose Lake
The Ribbon Rock
We Throw Rocks at Bears
Moose lake to Sag
Wildlife with foot fetishes?
Annual Father/Daughters trip
Amazing! You Just Can't Be Too Careful!
The Beatty Bunch do Moose-Knife
First BWCA Fish Dinner!
Ensign in October
Wind Lake Winter Camping Trip-2013
Winter Trekking from Moose Lake
South Arm Knife June 2013
Moose to Agnes (Quetico) Trip 2013
Quetico Solo with/Dog through Louisa, McEwen, Falls Chain, and Emerald
Knife Lake 2014 - 3rd Time Around
21 day solo in August
Ensign Lake - First time back in 12 years with my Father and Uncle.
Knife Lake Fall 2014
Moose To Neglige May 27th to May 31
Ensign Fishing trip
Knife Solo
Five Monkeys and Four cat herders maiden voyage
Trip Report - Ensign
Eleven and a half glorious days and one terrible awful, rotten half a day.
8 days on the South Arm of Knife Lake
Moose To Neglige 2016
Revisiting & Testing My Limits
Ottertrack, Knife, and everything in between.
3 month solo freeze in trip on Knife Lake
North Arm of Knife, High Winds, and great fishing
Southeast Quetico Loop
Moose to Knife
Back Into The Outdoors: A Moose loop
Knife Lake Lake Trout
First BWCA Trip July 31-Aug 3 2018
Cherry is a cherry!
First and last
We took some first-timers to Knife/Cherry
First BWCA Trip 11-13 June, 2019
Annual Adventure with Dad
Couples Trip 2019! A Picture Perfect Trip!
Knife Lake Smallies
First Timers from Birch to Knife - Lessons Learned
Northern Tier Winter 2019-2020
Winter Solo Trip- Moose Lake EP- January 2020
Callum's First Trip
The trouble with beavers - Father and Son first trip
Day trip to Moose & Wind, failed to reach Wind Bay & Basswood
Trout in the Time of Covid
Family Time
Camping Cousins
Thunder Point: The view that was worth it. Barely.
Lake Trout Slam, Little Knife, Amoeber, Cherry and Hanson Lakes
October BWCA Guys Trip to Lake Ensign
October Guys Trip to Ensign Lake (Video Summary)
EPIC winter crossing 2021
4 days 38 miles to Thomas Lake and Back
Moose-Knife-Kekekabic-Ensign Lakes Loop
Ensign to Disappointment - 2021
Last BWCA Trip?
Ensign to Thomas and back
Reconnecting: 2 weeks wandering in the BWCA
Hybrid Solo 3 Guys and a Dog
Moose to Basswood, 1 nighter
Moose Lake 5 day trip - first time in the BWCA
Ensign Lake
Wolves & Weather
Moose Lake to Lac la Croix & Back
Quick trip to Ensign
First Solo - Moose Lake #25
Father/Son - 6 day/5 Night - Moose Lake Entry Point
Ensign Lake June 2023
First trip ever as a solo at 21 yo
Daytrip: Moose to Wind to Washte
Wind base camp
Old Lakes, New Lakes, and Great Weather in Quetico
EP 27 - Snowbank Lake
Snowbank Lake - 27
Route - Snowbank to Muzzle
Trip Reports
The Trip From Hell
May 21-23
Thomas Lake June 20th/25th
Snowbank to Lake One
Snowbank Lake - June 2006
Kevin's first overnight BWCAW trip to Jordan Lake
(No) Disappointment in August
Wind on Snowbank
Snowbank Lake Trail
Expedition 2007--Snowbank to Ima and back
The Snowbank to Lake One Loop that Wasn't
No disappointment on Disappointment over Memorial Day
Ima/Thomas 08
Knife Lake
Snowbank Loop
Raven, Alice, and Insula
Snowbank to Knife and Back
Peace and Solitude on a Snowbank Loop
Brothers Trip2010
First Ever BWCA Trip
Snowbank to Kekekabic July 2010
Chicago to Disappointment and back
Disappointment Lake
Ahsub Bear family
Solo from snowbank
Snowbank to Lake One and N. Kawishiwi River
No Disappointment for Wife
What Vestibule?
Disappointment Lake Basecamp
Loop from Snowbank to Lake 1
Boundary Waters trip 2012
Snowbank to Ima and back - EP # 27
Snowbank Loop
change of plans
Fishing with Dad
Snowbank Fathers Day Weekend
Not a dissapointment
Disappointment Lake
BWCA Man Trip Extravaganza
Tandem Rookie Trip
No disappointment on Disappointment
First Trip to the BWCA
Snowbank Loop 2015(Through Frasier, Adams, Alice, and Ima)
6th Anniversary
Snowbank to Ima
Nice Little Trip With The Guys--Entry At Snowbank
First Winter Camp- Birch Island- Snowbank
2016 Snowbank to Jordan and back
Solo October 2016
Winter Camping Trip - Snowbank to Parent
First Solo - EP 27 Ambitious trip
Disappointment Lake - 2nd Trip to BWCA
Snowbank to Fraser and Back (the what not to do edition)
3-day out-and-back to Fraser Oct. 2017
EP 27 - Snowbank to Thomas and back in May 2018
Solo Trip to Raven Lake (Mugwump PMA 8) 2018
Snowbank to Thomas
A solo new beginning
Snowbank to Thomas Memorial Weekend 2019
Embracing the Elements - Snowbank Loop
Father Daughter trip
Kekekabic Trail/ Canoe Trip Hybrid
Snowbank to Thomas 2020
Jumanji 2020
Gals Trip + Riley
Kekekabic - a trip that ended where it started
Journey to Sagus
Snowbank to Spider Lake PMA Loop
Disappointment Lake Winter Adventure
Snowbank Trail
A less than disappointing trip
Overnight To Dorothy's
Less Miles Next Time...... Maybe??
Solo Disappointment
Trek or Treat - Round 3
Snowbank W/ Disappointment Backpack
Parent Lake Adventure
water and ice and no bugs
Snowbank Entry June 13 - June 18
Finding Solitude
EP 30 - Lake One
Lake One - 30
Route - Lake One to Insula
Route - Easy Lake One to Snowbank 5 day Loop
Trip Reports
To Insula with the Boy Scouts
1973: Going Back in Time
1982: Volume 2, Going Back In Time
A happy ending
BWCA in strip built kayak in 2001
Lake One to Fishdance Lake
Lake One to Insula
Sept. Group Solo
Lake One to Insula
Gull Lake no Clear no Fire no Insula
A jaunt around the numbered lakes with Julia Child
Dixie's first BWCAW trip
Fishing madness
Lake One to Insula in August
The Elephant Trip
Lake One to Insula
Lake One loop to Snowbank
Lake One to Insula
A wilder trip
The Crew - 2007
Lake One to Insula Again
Everything Moves in Waves: A First Timer's Solo Trip into Boundary Waters
My first solo - lake one loop
The Big Insula Pike Trip - Oct 2007
First winter experience
Solo Trip Report -- Insula, Hope Lake, North Wilder
solo number 2
2008 Trip Form Lake One to Solitude and Back
Chronicles of a Day Tripper
Paddle n Puke
Lake One to Kawishiwi River
Solo trip from Lake One through Snowbank
Solo 2008 - a quick solo out of Lake One
May 2009 - Numbered Lakes
Lake 3
Lake One Loop through Wilder, Rock Island, Turtle and many more
Short and Sweet to Insula
North Kawishiwi 2009
A (South) Wilder Trip
First Solo Lake One #30
First BWCA trip - Lake One to North Wilder
Sept 2009 - Lake One to Snowbank loop
Village Idiot Reaches Lake Three
Oct. Solo
Last Trip of the Season
Insula Base Camp (My Wife's First Trip)
Lake One to Insula
Tried to get to Insula
Lake One to Hudson July 28-31, 2010
Getting to know the BWCA over again.
Lake Three Adventure - No Regrets
The Numbered Lakes
Kicking Back on the Kawishiwi
Lake One; Getting off the beaten path.
Me, Three Blonds and a Mom. Again!
Lake One with the bag Family
another great trip
Bizarre event on Ima Lake - photos added.....
EP 30 to EP 27 Loop Solo
Family Aventure to Insula and back
Lake One to Inslula; Day Trip South Hope; Day Trip Fish Dance
Number Lakes Loop- First time out West
Kicking Back on the Kawishiwi II (2013)
2 Families, 3 Generations
1st and maybe last solo
Lake One to Hudson Island
Insula 6-19-13
Fire lake solo
Family Excursion on Lake One/Two
Single mother, 6-year old, 5-year old Lake One Trip - HUGE success!
Scouting Dads Paddle the Boundary Waters
Lake One - Insula - Kawishiwi - Pagami Creek
bear attack
80 miles / 30 lakes *Float Stanley Trip*
Lake One to Alice - 4 days of sunshine
Family Trip to Insula
Mrs. Goby's first BWCA trip
Return to My First Trip Area
Powwow clearing Horseshoe Lake 3 portage south
Memorial Day Weekend
Paddle with Dad: Lake One to Insula
2nd Solo to Insula and a bit beyond
Lake One: First trip 4 and 7 year old grand daughters
Lake One to Insula, base camping with the family
Best Friends and The Big Jump: Lake One to Insula
Solo trip through the number lakes
2019 Troop 743 BWCA Trip
Lake One-Insula
Ice Breaker
2020 Alice Lake Trip
Pictographs on Fishdance
First time for the family - adapt and overcome
solo #2
Lake 1, 2, 3
solo #3
Lake One to Insula Lake
Minnesota Home
1st solo
Solo #4
Number Chain Newbies--Guiding Five First-timers on Lakes One, Two and Three
Winter Camping | Lake One
One to Seagull, one-way
Alice Lake - Angling in the Wild
Lake Four in Four Days
Lake Three Base Camp
Solo on Lakes 1-3 before fishing season
Lake Four
One, Two, Three, Pow, Wow!
Reid’s first trip
EP 32 - South Kawishiwi River
South Kawishiwi River - 32
Tellebelle - Rapids by CS 1131
Trip Reports
August 2004 - South Kawishiwi/Clearwater Loop
Quest for fish and fun
North on the South Kawishiwi
S. Kawishiwi River July 2007
Boy scouts
August 2008 - Farm Lake up the Kawishiwi River
Celebrating Dad's 60th in the BWCA
South Kawishiwi River
Maiden Voyage to the BWCA with the Canoe Heads
First timers - S. Kawishiwi to a Gabbro Base Camp
Mid September 2013 on #32 S. Kawishiwi River
S Kawishiwi - September 2013
How to Destroy an Aluminum Canoe
The Calm Between the Storms
First Trip to the BWCA
First Time in the BWCA
Father and Son BWCA trip
Base camping the Kawishiwi Triangle, August 2018
Kids on Kawishiwi
BWCA 101
2 weeks of reality in the time of COVID
Kawishiwi River Triangle
Sept/ Oct 7-day Trip - YouTube Slide Show - South Kawishiwi Entry
May 2022 South Kawishiwi River
Kawishiwi Triangle
EP 33 - Little Gabbro Lake
Little Gabbro Lake - 33
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Trip Reports
Little Gabbro Fishing Loop
Rasta Wilderness 2005-2
Gabbro: Wind, Wind and More Wind
What a blast! Gabbro - BE - Pietro - Kawishiwi - Clear
Gabbro Wind 8-22
Gabbro, Bald Eagle, First solo
Gabbro 2009--Windy, Windier and Winter
Kawishiwi Loop of 2009
Rainy Days were here again
Gabbro Trip
Estro Fest
BWCA 2012 Trip
EP 33 - Two Kids Under 7 Tackle the BWCA
Cold Clear Silence
September 2015 BWCA EP 33
Can you canoe Judd Lake?
Three Generations at a Gabbro Lake Basecamp
Little Gabbro 2024
EP 34 - Island River
Island River - 34
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Trip Reports
Taking Dad Back
Island River to Isabella - Kid Friendly Base Camping Trip
My solo on the Isabella River
Isabella and Kawishiwi Rivers, Basswood Lake: Two Trips in One
Island River to South Kwishiwi
Island & Isabella river tour, chasing the ice out
EP 35 - Isabella Lake
Isabella Lake - 35
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Trip Reports
The Pow Wow Trail 2008
Isabella Lake to Quadga Lake
isabella lake
Isabella Burn-Out Area and Plane Trip
First Trip For Daughter & Nephew
Isabella River, Quadga Lake, to Bald Eagle lake (mentions Fourtown, Hegman as well)
Split Trip - Solo-Duo / Isabella-Meeds
Isabella Lake via Isabella River to Little Gabbro Lake
Isabella - 35 to Kawishiwi River - 32
Isabella Lake to South Kawishiwi River
Isabella Lake Trip - Overnight Paddle - 3 Nights/4 Days
Isabella to Little Gabbro 2021
Powwow Trail Backpacking
EP 36 - Hog Creek
Hog Creek - 36
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Trip Reports
Isabella Area Canoe Trip Fall 2007
Isabella Area Canoe Trip Fall 2007 (Slideshow)
Perent Lake
Wind, Waves, and Fishing
Hog Creek/Perent Lake
Perent Lake
Hog Creek Trip July 2009
Drie Maedichen auf der Wasser (Three girls on the water)
the long rivers route
Perent Lake - father son trip
Over the beaver dam and through the woods to Perent Lake we go!
Perent Lake in July
Perent Lake (Hog Creek Entry) May 2013
Hog Creek memorial day weekend
EP36 - Hog Creek / Perent Lake
Daughters First Trip - EP36
The Big Solo Loop – From Hog Creek to Kawishiwi Lake the Long Way
Short trip to Perent
Hog creek to Isabella
Video documentary - Hog Creek to Isabella Lake
YouTube Slideshow of Trip to Perent Lake with my Grandson
In Search of Lost Hope - A PMA Crossing
Three Rivers Solo: Perent, Isabella, and Kawishiwi Rivers
EP 36 - Hog Creek
Kawishiwi Lake - 37
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Trip Reports
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake to Fire Lake and Back (1998)
The Polly Lake Bluff Charge
Polly Lake Bluff Charge - Version 2.0
Memorial Day '04
First Trip For My Wife
Kawishiwi Lake to Beaver loop
Kawishiwi Loop
Kawishiwi, Boulder, Makwa, Kawishiwi Loop
Noah Time 2
Kawishiwi Lake to Polly & back
2006 BWCA Kawishiwi Lake to Fishdance Lake Pictographs
Kawishiwiw Lake - June 2007
EP37 to Lake Polly
Strangers in Paradise Part Deux
Kawishiwi Lake to Little Saganaga by way of Boulder Lake
Koma Style
Kawishiwi Lake Entry
Kawishiwi Entry to Adams - Fall 2008 (2019 remake)
EP 37 to Koma/Malberg
First timers - Lady Lakes Chain
An out and back for the first time
Malberg and Back
Adams Lake
Sasquatch on the Kawishwi
Kawishiwi to Polly (or The Wettest Trip Ever?)
Kawishiwi - Little Sag - Sawbill Loop
Pagami Creek Fire Trip
Two Friends Encounter Wolves
In Our Minds It's Still There
Kawishiwi to Polly (rookie trip)
Three Dudes and a Chinese Lady
Lady Chain with my lady, August 2012
Kawishiwi Lake to Snowbank 2012
First Solo
Solo Two
Modified Kawishiwi Lake Loop/Lady Loop
To Malberg and beyond
2013 BWCA Solo
Kawishiwi to Malberg and out Sawbill via the Lady Chain
Kawishiwi to Sawbill in the rain
Kawishiwi Lake Solo with LG - 2014
24 Hour Canoe Challenge
Loop with Lepus not Lupus
Steve and Steve's Boundary Waters Odyssey
Kawishiwi-May 2015
Malberg area basecamp trip
Husband and wife trip on Malberg.
Taking Amber to Amber Lake
Lilie's first trip
Honeymoon of a lifetime
Trip Report - Lady Chain (posting a month late)
Kawishiwi L.-Beaver-Makwa-Malberg Loop or I want to Basecamp next trip
Kawishiwi Trip
2016 BWCA solo loop Kawishiwi Lake - Alice - Fraser - Boulder - Malberg - Kawishiwi Lake
2016 BWCA solo loop Kawishiwi Lake - Alice - Fraser - Boulder - Malberg - Kawishiwi Lake
Lone Wolf
Malberg Basecamp
Broken in the Wilderness
Lady Lakes Loop
Basecamp in Malberg area
Video slide show of Kawishiwi to Adams
My first Solo - 8 Days In and a Rather Tough Exit
kicking the fledglings out of the nest...
Annual Paddle With The Boys
EP 37 Solo Canoe Trip, pictographs and swimming moose.
May/ June 12-Day YouTube Slide show, Entered at Kawishiwi Lake
Short solo trip to Malberg
Alice Lake
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake and Others
6 Days Solo out of Kawishiwi Lake - EP37
Polly, Malberg, and a long day trip to Fishdance
Video Blog of Malberg Through Entry #37
One Pan-tastic Adventure
YouTube Slideshow to Lake Polly with Grandsons
Kawishiwi to Malberg and back
Kawishiwi to Malberg and back
2023 Memorial Weekend - 4 day / 3 night - Kawashiwi Lake
The bugs were biting
Kawishiwi to Malberg in May
EP 37 to Malberg
Solo: EP 37 to Malberg Base (Day trips to Fishdance/KivaNiva/Boze)
Sept/ Oct 2024 8-day trip to Malberg - YouTube Slideshow
EP 37 - Kawishiwi Lake
Kawishiwi Lake - 37
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Trip Reports
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake to Fire Lake and Back (1998)
The Polly Lake Bluff Charge
Polly Lake Bluff Charge - Version 2.0
Memorial Day '04
First Trip For My Wife
Kawishiwi Lake to Beaver loop
Kawishiwi Loop
Kawishiwi, Boulder, Makwa, Kawishiwi Loop
Noah Time 2
Kawishiwi Lake to Polly & back
2006 BWCA Kawishiwi Lake to Fishdance Lake Pictographs
Kawishiwiw Lake - June 2007
EP37 to Lake Polly
Strangers in Paradise Part Deux
Kawishiwi Lake to Little Saganaga by way of Boulder Lake
Koma Style
Kawishiwi Lake Entry
Kawishiwi Entry to Adams - Fall 2008 (2019 remake)
EP 37 to Koma/Malberg
First timers - Lady Lakes Chain
An out and back for the first time
Malberg and Back
Adams Lake
Sasquatch on the Kawishwi
Kawishiwi to Polly (or The Wettest Trip Ever?)
Kawishiwi - Little Sag - Sawbill Loop
Pagami Creek Fire Trip
Two Friends Encounter Wolves
In Our Minds It's Still There
Kawishiwi to Polly (rookie trip)
Three Dudes and a Chinese Lady
Lady Chain with my lady, August 2012
Kawishiwi Lake to Snowbank 2012
First Solo
Solo Two
Modified Kawishiwi Lake Loop/Lady Loop
To Malberg and beyond
2013 BWCA Solo
Kawishiwi to Malberg and out Sawbill via the Lady Chain
Kawishiwi to Sawbill in the rain
Kawishiwi Lake Solo with LG - 2014
24 Hour Canoe Challenge
Loop with Lepus not Lupus
Steve and Steve's Boundary Waters Odyssey
Kawishiwi-May 2015
Malberg area basecamp trip
Husband and wife trip on Malberg.
Taking Amber to Amber Lake
Lilie's first trip
Honeymoon of a lifetime
Trip Report - Lady Chain (posting a month late)
Kawishiwi L.-Beaver-Makwa-Malberg Loop or I want to Basecamp next trip
Kawishiwi Trip
2016 BWCA solo loop Kawishiwi Lake - Alice - Fraser - Boulder - Malberg - Kawishiwi Lake
2016 BWCA solo loop Kawishiwi Lake - Alice - Fraser - Boulder - Malberg - Kawishiwi Lake
Lone Wolf
Malberg Basecamp
Broken in the Wilderness
Lady Lakes Loop
Basecamp in Malberg area
Video slide show of Kawishiwi to Adams
My first Solo - 8 Days In and a Rather Tough Exit
kicking the fledglings out of the nest...
Annual Paddle With The Boys
EP 37 Solo Canoe Trip, pictographs and swimming moose.
May/ June 12-Day YouTube Slide show, Entered at Kawishiwi Lake
Short solo trip to Malberg
Alice Lake
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake and Others
6 Days Solo out of Kawishiwi Lake - EP37
Polly, Malberg, and a long day trip to Fishdance
Video Blog of Malberg Through Entry #37
One Pan-tastic Adventure
YouTube Slideshow to Lake Polly with Grandsons
Kawishiwi to Malberg and back
Kawishiwi to Malberg and back
2023 Memorial Weekend - 4 day / 3 night - Kawashiwi Lake
The bugs were biting
Kawishiwi to Malberg in May
EP 37 to Malberg
Solo: EP 37 to Malberg Base (Day trips to Fishdance/KivaNiva/Boze)
Sept/ Oct 2024 8-day trip to Malberg - YouTube Slideshow
EP 38 - Sawbill Lake
Sawbill Lake - 38
Kaleeb - Trip to Tuscarora
Trip Reports
Memories of BWCA
BWCA Frost River Solo Trip, June 1996
Where it all began--my first trip into the BWCA
Journey to Manhood
bushwacker practice
From A Father to A Son
The Four Solos - 2006
Sawbill to Cherokee 2007
Sawbill Temperance loop
Bannock Sawbill to Cherokee July 07
Smoke for the weekend
Exhaustion 101: My Frost River solo.
Solo Rejuvenation
Frost Lake
sawbill-temperance-burnt loop-who let the dogs out
North End of Sawbill
Girls Trip
A Solo Snowshoe Trip From Sawbill
The Bear Facts
Sawbill - Ada - Skoop - Cherokee and back
Smoke Lake - July 2009
Fun & Adventure - Re-Bonding in the BWCA
Water World
The Celebration Trip
Because I CAN!
First kayak first solo
Fine Wine north of Sawbill
Love at first site
Group of 9 Basecamping at Burnt