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       Trip Report - A Paddling Partner for Life, Part 2. The Thunder Point Loop
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 05:59AM
Title: Trip Report - A Paddling Partner for Life, Part 2. The Thunder Point Loop
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Soledad 09/29/2009 02:39PM
Great report! Truly an inspiration. 8-days in the bwca with a young child is pretty amazing to me. Great job! What did you use for a video camera? I am going to have to bring one for my boys on the next trip.
camp-n-scrap 09/23/2009 09:23PM
Great report Kip, I can't wait to take my son next summer
Itchy Menace 09/23/2009 11:31PM
Another inspiring report. Thanks. My 6 year old daughter has been up there 3 times now with various groups of family members and I keep thinking we need to do a trip just the two of us. Thanks for proving yet again that it can be done.

Love all the pink by the way (jacket, water bottle, chair) I live in the same situation.
Kiporby 09/25/2009 08:23AM
Take those kids along! They are the future stewards of the BWCA and Quetico. The life lessons they will learn in the wilderness are invaluable.
lars54 11/05/2009 05:16PM
Thanks for a very nice report
drnatus 11/05/2009 08:21PM
Glad this got brought to the top! What a great report! You're a model father!
Amok 11/05/2009 08:48PM
Nice report! I finally had a chance to read it today. I don't know if I'll be daring enough to bring my youngest alone with me when he gets to be 5.
PINETREE 09/22/2009 07:12AM
Your one lucky person. Keep paddling forward.
kanoes 09/22/2009 09:34AM
wonderful report dan!

i bet in 15 years she will be planning the routes and carrying the heaviest gear. :)
dogwoodgirl 09/21/2009 09:27PM
great report! I just have to know...did that crazy turtle swim away after diving off that cliff?
snakecharmer 09/22/2009 08:17PM
Great report! Glad to hear you made it out safely. I've had back problems off and on and it's always in the back of my mind when canoe tripping. But having a 5 year-old tripping partner really ups the ante. Thanks for posting!
Kiporby 09/21/2009 09:07PM
New Trip Report posted by Kiporby

Trip Name: A Paddling Partner for Life, Part 2. The Thunder Point Loop.

Entry Point: 55A

Click Here to View Trip Report
mebersviller 09/22/2009 06:22AM
What a great experience. Sorry about your back. She's sure a little cutie.
onajourney 09/22/2009 06:35PM
Loved the are building memories of a lifetime for you and your daughter. I so wish we had started going when our boys were younger so they could have had the experience. We were on a trip that started July 13th and came out early on the Saturday after you left. The weather never improved for were smart to leave when you did. Hope your back is better.
Kiporby 09/23/2009 02:52PM
Thanks for the compliments guys and YES, the turtle did survive.
cowdoc 09/23/2009 03:36PM
Nice job as usual kip. We missed you at TC that friday night.
Kiporby 12/31/2009 04:47PM
Thanks Guys! Part 3 is in the trip planning stages now. :)
Kiporby 10/01/2009 06:55AM
Thanks again guys.

I have a Canon DVD Camcorder DC230.

Boppa 10/04/2009 08:29PM
What a great sequel and I hope to read many more segments. I read this report the other day and had to go back to the original trip report from last year. I enjoyed it more the second time. Good work, great example for anyone wondering how to go about canoe tripping with young kids. That final picture of her holding the canoe says it all.
Thanks for sharing.
Malamom 09/26/2009 04:47PM
Thanks again for brightening my day with that trip report! (I remember last years trip report.) Your daughter is really a special kid and oh my god...that smile! So glad you could take her where she obviously loves to be now- you are a super parent! I so wish I had known about the BWCA when my guys were young. Thanks for the report and those wonderful pictures! I really liked the maps too!
rlhedlund 09/28/2009 06:50PM
thanks for another great report with your daughter. Lots of good pictures.
JLK 09/28/2009 07:33PM
Nice report!

Cool thing about taking young kids is you get to eat Poptarts for breakfast and Mac and Cheese for dinner!
danhawk 11/05/2009 10:52AM
Super report - well done! I was nervous reading it knowing what could have happened. I am planning to take my 6 and 9 year old girls on their first trip next year and want to minimize potential hazards like larger bodies of water. Thanks for sharing your experience.
gutmon 11/05/2009 05:54PM
Kiporby- great report. Time spent in wilderness with those you love is heaven on earth. She'll never forget.
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