BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog
February 19 2025
Entry Point 49 - Skipper & Portage Lakes
Number of Permits per Day: 2
Elevation: 1865 feet
Latitude: 48.0517
Longitude: -90.5366
Skipper & Portage Lakes - 49
Across the Divide and Back
Entry Date:
June 14, 2009
Entry Point:
Cross Bay Lake
Exit Point:
Missing Link Lake (51)
Number of Days:
Group Size:
We leave Mid Cone about 8:40 and float all the rapids into Brule. Brule is very calm. Could have used that east breeze today as we travel west...but at least Brule is not rockin'...I'll take it! A Bald Eagle sees us on our way. On the NW shore we see some old blowdown damage from 99 on some majestic hills. There is a very short portage out of Brule and we paddle to South Temperance where we just catch a small corner of the lake and then portage to North Temperance. North Temperance looks nice and I would like to come back and visit but just passin' through for now. The portage into Sitka is tolerable and there is a dragonfly hatch at the Sitka end....they are crawling, hatching and flying everywhere! The Sitka to Cherokee portage is a slow rising roller coaster and we cross back over the divide. We get to Cherokee about 12:30 and encounter alot of campers in the south end. A quick paddle north and claim island site #891. This is a nice site; big rock front porch, room for about 10 tents, good fire-pit view and a nice south east breeze blowing in. We sit on the big rock porch by the water and eat lunch before setting camp. The boys do some swimming, water walking and some fishing. Fishing was poor til evening when some northerns cruised the shallows. After supper we enjoyed a nice fire without the bug net and watched a beautiful sunset.[paragraph break]
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