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       Trip Report - Kawishiwi to Sawbill in the rain
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 05:58PM
Title: Trip Report - Kawishiwi to Sawbill in the rain
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RRHD 07/05/2014 11:50AM
New Trip Report posted by RRHD

Trip Name: Kawishiwi to Sawbill in the rain.

Entry Point: 37

Click Here to View Trip Report
tnthekids 07/20/2014 06:58PM
Awesome trip report! I have to agree with you on the June tripping though; we did a June trip in 2013 and actually came off the water a day early because of the bugs, rain, and cold.
SunCatcher 07/20/2014 09:46PM
Sounds like the bugs were BAD!! :) Heavy Canoes? I think at the beginning of the trip you need to get into a rythm then you settle into the carry. The pup rolling into the lake is FUNNY. You will all remember this forever
bapabear 07/05/2014 02:42PM
Neat trip and report. We were just through the Phoebe/Alton portion of your trip and I chuckle when you said there were muddy parts to portage through - how true. Would love to see a pic of your crew and the puppy.
boonie 07/05/2014 04:11PM
Enjoyed the report of your adventures.
MHS67 07/06/2014 05:04PM
Always enjoy the dog stories! We took our rat terrier one time. Set her on the packs in the canoe and continued to pack. Guess we were taking to long cause she jumped out and started to swim toward the center of the lake. I caught her when I was a little over waist deep!
I bet the puppy will go with you in June again.
AdamXChicago 07/06/2014 04:07PM
Thanks for posting - enjoyed the read. Hope the pup is OK after learning the dog paddle.
dadof6 08/13/2014 12:49PM
I think we ran into you at the Alton end of the Portage to Sawbill. We had just left our Alton campsite, and there were 3 of you in the one canoe. You were single portaging and we told you to go ahead since we were 3 canoes and double portaging. You followed our route as well from Kawishiwi to Sawbill. You likely ran into our other group who was doing the opposite route from Sawbill to would have seen them at the peninsula site at the north end of Polly.

We traveled Sunday to Polly, Monday to Hazel, and Wednesday to Alton.

Glad you had a great trip!
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