Boundary Waters Trip Reports, Blog, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

July 27 2024

Entry Point 45 - Morgan Lake

Morgan Lake entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Gunflint Ranger Station near the city of Grand Marais, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 26 miles. Access is a 320-rod portage to Morgan Lake. No campsites on Morgan Lake—short portages to further lakes for campsites. This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.

Number of Permits per Day: 1
Elevation: 1845 feet
Latitude: 48.0008
Longitude: -90.4098
Morgan Lake - 45

Finally back in the BWCA

by 2NDpaddlers
Trip Report

Entry Date: July 31, 2018
Entry Point: Lizz and Swamp Lakes
Exit Point: Missing Link Lake (51)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 2

Trip Introduction:
I have been dreaming about getting back to the boundary waters. I hadn't been there since I was a kid back in the late 80's and finally got a chance to go with my wife (her first trip). The two of us had an amazing time together in the wilderness. We were outfitted by Tuscarora (absolutely the best) and traveled from Poplar to Round. Map calculations of about 36 miles on 16 lakes and 15 portages.

Day 2 of 4

Tuesday, July 31, 2018 6:15 – woke up at Tuscarora in a bunkhouse and got things packed up and a quick shower. Had Tuscarora's signature French toast breakfast at 7:00 and by 7:45 we were leaving Tuscarora towards the entry point.

8:30 – left Entry Point 47 on Poplar Lake - Sunny and warm. High was in the mid 80’s. Wind picked up as the day went on out of the west making paddling tough. Horseshoe, Gaskin, and Winchell all dead into the wind paddles.

Had Lunch on site 627 on Gaskin – Awesome site – We had summer sausage and cheese sandwiches.

Long tough day – arrived at our site (761) on Winchell Lake at about 3:00. We were very tired. We loved the site. Great landing for swimming – nice protected tent area and buggout spot. Got camp set up, went swimming, and had supper around 6:00 – steak and mashed potatoes. 7:00 it started to rain. We were able to be out of the rain in the buggout.

Night was terrible – very stormy – lots of rain and lightning – large lightning strikes on the lake. We didn’t sleep much. 1.7 inches of rain was what was reported.

~Poplar Lake, Lizz Lake, Caribou Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Gaskin Lake, Winchell Lake


Day 3 of 4

Wednesday, August 01, 2018 8:00 – woke up – we got our best sleep once it got light out and morning. Still raining – tent stayed dry and our gear was dry – everything outside very wet. We had breakfast – fresh eggs and sausage. Miserable in the rain. As morning went on it was sprinkling and misting – saw a canoe go by. We decided to push on – so started packing up wet tents. 11:00 – we were on the water pushing to get to Long Island Lake. Tough portages today. Everything was very muddy. Temp was in the upper 50’s to lower 60’s. We wore our rain gear all day and traveled in mist and rain the entire paddle. Every portage was tough. Steep, rocky, muddy, long.

4:30 we arrived at our site on Long Island Lake (564) - first site that was open. This site was our least favorite of the trip, but was still a good site. Rain had stopped but still overcast and very damp. We set up wet tents – Had lots of hot chocolate. We were very hungry because we didn’t stop for lunch in the rain only eating a candy bar on a portage. We had supper – beef stew with vegetables. It was pretty good.

9:00 – got in the tent, as we were both very tired – had our best sleep this night. The sounds or lack of, didn’t seem to bother us this night. We were physically and mentally exhausted.

~Winchell Lake, Omega Lake, Kiskadinna Lake, Muskeg Lake, Long Island Lake


Day 5 of 9

Thursday, August 02, 2018 7:30 – Woke up and had breakfast (bagels and cream cheese, beef sticks, cheese – we had slept good and stayed warm – lows were in the 50’s. We started packing camp and wanted to be on the water moving to our next site.

9:30 – we were on the water – Leaving Long Island Lake for Snipe Lake. No wind but overcast. No rain. It was cool and we traveled in sweatshirts. This by far was our easiest travel day. Short portages and calm water. The weather was getting better as the day went on.

12:00 – had lunch on an awesome point on Cross Bay Lake (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches)

2:00 – we arrived at our site (2011) on Snipe Lake. Awesome site. Great views and the weather turned sunny and nice once we got there. Had a great evening. Got cleaned up in the water, enjoyed the buggout. This was our first night we could relax and enjoy the wilderness.

6:00 – had supper – Chicken Casserole – It was very good. We relaxed around camp, ate snacks, had our first camp fire. Great evening. Only negative was the mosquitoes were the worst at this site.

9:30 – we were in the tent trying to go to sleep. We didn’t sleep great, not use to the sounds, or maybe lack of sounds. We were stiff and sore, sleeping bags are not that comfortable, but a great quiet night. Lows got down into the mid 40’s so our coldest night.

~Long Island Lake, Karl Lake, Lower George Lake, Rib Lake, Cross Bay Lake, Snipe Lake


Day 7 of 9

Friday, August 03, 2018 7:00 – Woke up and had breakfast (bacon, hashbrowns, and egg mix) it was good. Started packing up gear. We wanted to get moving and get to Tuscarora. We were hoping to be on the road to Duluth by around 12:00.

8:30 – we were on the water. Easy paddling – 2 tough portages. Weather was perfect, sunny and very little wind.

11:00 – we arrived at Tuscarora. It was a great feeling finishing. We had a great trip and were very excited to hit the showers. The first thing we bought was a Diet Coke and Mt. Dew.

12:00 – gear was handed in and we were showered up and on our way to Duluth to spend the night before heading back to North Dakota.

~Snipe Lake, Missing Link Lake, Round Lake


Trip Reports
Trip Reports
Trip Reports
Trip Reports