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       Trip Report - Gutting It Out On Gabbro: Taking A Hard Fall On A Fall Trip
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:20PM
Title: Trip Report - Gutting It Out On Gabbro: Taking A Hard Fall On A Fall Trip
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bottomtothetap 09/14/2019 10:26PM
New Trip Report posted by bottomtothetap

Trip Name: Gutting It Out On Gabbro: Taking A Hard Fall On A Fall Trip.

Entry Point: 31

Click Here to View Trip Report
bottomtothetap 09/17/2019 08:15AM
mjmkjun: "The knee injury captures perfectly the nature of 'accidents'. At times, one just can't see them coming. No way you could have known of the moss-covered gap.
Considering the damage to your knee, you endured and bounced back remarkably well!

Why did the sherpas not assist when you managed to dress and drag yourself out the tent--having to use a tree to stand? ;)"

The "sherpas" were getting some shut-eye. As the pre-sleep pills wore off I woke early to more knee soreness and rather than boot them out of their sleeping bags to help me, I just took my time and figured it out on my own.
SevenofNine 09/16/2019 01:37PM
Thanks for the trip report. I enjoyed reading it. Glad you are on the mend. I agree with the camera comment. Sometimes its better to simply enjoy the moment rather than try to document it.
bottomtothetap 09/15/2019 12:51PM
Thanks, x2jmorris--
There won't be any pictures with this report. I took a few but not many and really don't have much worth posting.

I've really de-emphasized pursuing images and prefer to just be in the moment, experiencing my surroundings rather than worry about capturing them as photos or video. I learned a hard lesson that way at my son's college graduation. I was so intent on recording his ceremony with video and photos that I got too busy messing with my cameras and actually missed the moment when his name was announced and he was handed his degree. Now instead of having preserved the memory, I didn't really even get to make the memory in the first place.

Also, I lost some camera gear on a BWCA trip a couple of years ago and I just don't need to stress about that happening again. The point of the trip is to leave the stress behind!
x2jmorris 09/15/2019 10:41AM
Great report. Glad to hear you got some father son time out of the leg situation. Besides the wetness and minor injury it sounds like it was a great overall trip. Where are the pictures!?!?!?
mjmkjun 09/17/2019 05:48AM
The knee injury captures perfectly the nature of 'accidents'. At times, one just can't see them coming. No way you could have known of the moss-covered gap.
Considering the damage to your knee, you endured and bounced back remarkably well!

Why did the sherpas not assist when you managed to dress and drag yourself out the tent--having to use a tree to stand? ;)
BigTim 09/15/2019 11:07AM
BWCA motto - always have a plan B and C. One never knows what the trip will bring. Nice to have younger ones along for the heavy lifting! Hope the knee heals quickly.
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