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       Trip Report - The Funny Looking Canoe
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 07:17AM
Title: Trip Report - The Funny Looking Canoe
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campnscrap 07/05/2010 08:12PM
Congrats on your first trip! Glad you had a good time - enjoyed reading and looking at photos-great moose sighting!
bobby726 07/06/2010 08:46AM
Love that area, how did you like Vista? Hope you caught some fish.
rmpeterson2 07/06/2010 11:49AM
Nice photos and report. I enjoy visiting the Vista/Gaskin area too.
alpine525 07/07/2010 11:47AM
Thanks for putting together this trip report. I've visited this area many times and always enjoy the wildlife - moose, beaver, etc. You were lucky to get the picture of the moose!
Drahthaar 07/03/2010 03:32PM
New Trip Report posted by Drahthaar

Trip Name: The Funny Looking Canoe.

Entry Point: 47

Click Here to View Trip Report
TomT 07/03/2010 03:59PM
Awesome moose sighting! I bet your stepson loved that. Hopefully, you guys can make many more trips together. Thanks for the report.
Koda 07/03/2010 04:02PM
Nice trip report. Very short but dense in meaning.
Stepkids have it tough. I hope this was a bonding time for the two of you.
Do you have a Deutsche Drahthaar? It looks like what we call the German Wire-Haired Pointer. Are they related?
ChazzTheGnome 07/12/2010 01:08PM
Any more info on the ‘funny looking’ canoe. Looks interesting, did it carry your gear well?
TuscaroraBorealis 07/14/2010 08:50PM
Very nice report & photos. Thanks for sharing.

Glad to hear you had a great 1st trip. Hope you have many more.

Tuscarora Borealis

Drahthaar 07/14/2010 09:36AM
The "funny looking canoe" is made by Native Watercraft. I really like it as It can be used solo or tandem, paddles very well even when loaded, and very stable and comfortable. My only complaint is it doesn't hold much weight. But at the time I wasn't looking for a tripping canoe so never considered a larger model. Next summer I plan to pick up the same hybrid kayak but in the 16' model. Probably not the best for Boundary Waters trips but for everything else we do we are very happy with the Native Watercraft.
dring 07/03/2010 10:07PM
Nice report. I bet it was cool to see that moose.
Drahthaar 07/04/2010 11:44AM
quote Koda: "Nice trip report. Very short but dense in meaning.
Stepkids have it tough. I hope this was a bonding time for the two of you.
Do you have a Deutsche Drahthaar? It looks like what we call the German Wire-Haired Pointer. Are they related?"


Yeah kinda short I guess and I probaly should of added more info without dragging it out too much. My stepson has been in my life since he was a year old so we're pretty settled into a good relationship but it was still good to have some time together just the 2 of us.
Yes I have a Deutsch Drahthaar and without dragging it out too much they were/are related to the German Wirehair. The easiest way to explain the difference is that the Deutsch Drahthaar is still registered, breed with very strict guidlines,and trained to what the Germans reguire in a versatile dog. Where as the German Wirehair was at first an imported Drahthaar that was allowed to register with the AKC and therefore not reguired to be breed to the German standards and therefore the Americans with German wirehairs are breeding to what they wanted/needed.
fishguts 07/04/2010 08:18PM
Good report! really good moose picture! Thanks!
SunCatcher 07/05/2010 09:20AM
Awesome time and really great trip. What a great age to really get a kid involved in the wilderness. Many of my best memories are of the times with my dad in the boat or camping. Thanks for sharing.
Spartan2 07/05/2010 10:04AM
Great photos and great report. We were out at the same time (also off the Gunflint) but not lucky enough to see any moose! I am envious! You went to one of my favorite areas, too.
Bannock 07/05/2010 03:10PM
Bang 07/11/2010 03:38PM
That is a funny looking canoe! Looks like it works well for you. What a great experience you provided for a 10 year old. One he will never forget. Wonderful report and photos. 07/11/2010 09:04PM
Great report.

I was on that same site and probably saw that same Moose a few weeks ago! That was a great site.
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