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Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:23PM
Title: Trip Report - Brotherhood
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davionics 09/30/2017 03:28PM
New Trip Report posted by davionics

Trip Name: Brotherhood.

Entry Point: 47

Click Here to View Trip Report
SevenofNine 09/30/2017 05:54PM
Thanks for a nice trip report. Let us know what you learned as well.
boonie 10/01/2017 07:08AM
Thanks for the report - I enjoyed it and also hope to hear more. I was in for much of the same time and same general area. We were on Meeds on the east site when that storm came through Thursday evening. Steve saw it at the other end of the lake and I decided to put up the tarp, which I got up before it hit. It arrived suddenly and heavily - quite a storm.
Northwoodsman 10/01/2017 09:47AM
Great report. It sounds like you had a good time and enjoyed it despite the rain. I was in the general area as well. We entered Poplar on Saturday (9/16) and ended up base camping on Gaskin. Saturday night had strong winds, rain & lightning. Sunday was incredibly windy; like you, we didn't leave our site. Monday and Tuesday were beautiful. Tuesday night was another stormy, wet night with a lot of lightning. We exited on Wednesday (9/20). It was windy and rainy in the a.m. but by the time we were back on Poplar (3:00 p.m.) the sun was out and it was calm. When we entered on that Saturday, we ran into 4 groups that were exiting saying they had rain every day that they were there. They looked wet. The temps were surprisingly high for this time of the year I thought. The day we entered there were a lot of mosquitoes.

I hope that you go back. Cherokee is one of my favorite lakes. There are multiple entry points that get you there.
nctry 10/01/2017 10:25AM
Good report. What kind of stove were you having trouble with? That sounded frustrating. Haven't seen any backpacking equipment for sale yet, haha!
Unable to paddle myself right now, so fun to follow your report. Also sounds like you guys enjoyed doing this together. The worse thing on a canoe trip is a rotten canoe partner. The best thing is a great canoe partner. That sounded very fun.
nctry 10/01/2017 10:25AM
Good report. What kind of stove were you having trouble with? That sounded frustrating. Haven't seen any backpacking equipment for sale yet, haha!
Unable to paddle myself right now, so fun to follow your report. Also sounds like you guys enjoyed doing this together. The worse thing on a canoe trip is a rotten canoe partner. The best thing is a great canoe partner. That sounded very fun.
davionics 10/01/2017 02:48PM
I started a message in the gear forums from this trip.

Good and bad gear decisions and tips
davionics 10/01/2017 02:51PM
quote nctry: "Good report. What kind of stove were you having trouble with?

It was a Snow Peak Gigapower stove. I posted my thoughts on gear in the gear forum.
SaganagaJoe 10/03/2017 12:00PM
The first trip seemingly always has all the gear issues, etc. and all the bad weather. I can definitely relate. Keep coming back. They really do have mornings like the one you forgot the camera on. :)
nctry 10/01/2017 10:25AM
Good report. What kind of stove were you having trouble with? That sounded frustrating. Haven't seen any backpacking equipment for sale yet, haha!
Unable to paddle myself right now, so fun to follow your report. Also sounds like you guys enjoyed doing this together. The worse thing on a canoe trip is a rotten canoe partner. The best thing is a great canoe partner. That sounded very fun.
eOar 10/02/2017 07:15AM
Thanks for the report! Was day 3 on Friday the 15th? My youngest son and I were on and island in Voyageurs National Park, and on Friday night we had the worst storm that I've ever camped in. It sounded like bombs going off! The ground shook! I'm sure you've already figured it out, but I always bring a spare pocket type canister stove just in case.

You guys made some memories for sure!
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