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       Trip Report - Lady Chain (posting a month late)
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 02:58PM
Title: Trip Report - Lady Chain (posting a month late)
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callofthewild 07/25/2016 01:37PM
Thanks for a great trip report. I am glad you all had a great time and I am also glad you are recovering from your issue. A month late on a trip report isn't bad. I still haven't added pictures to my 2013 report and I am only half way done with my 2014 trip. I hope you all can make it back sometime in the future. Until then, Happy Paddling!!!
mfl1776 07/23/2016 07:16PM
boonie -

Thank you for the kind words concerning my condition.

I have done a little research into the Adirondacks as well as various waterways in the Ozarks, the latter of which is a little closer for me than the former.

As to the question of the portage pads: yes, we had them. But for whatever reason, the yoke still partially rested on our necks without the extra cushioning of the towel. It could be that the pads were worn down and collapsed too much under the weight of the canoe, or we didn't have the yoke adjusted correctly, and/or we weren't carrying the canoe correctly.

I will be sure to add a few pics from the trip.
cowdoc 07/23/2016 07:52PM
THAT...was a great read. A very different and enjoyable perspective. The BW has a way of getting in your head and it was noticeable. I do hope all turns out well with your health issues and I hope you can return sometime soon.
boonie 07/23/2016 08:12PM
I agree with cowdoc - it was a great read! I always enjoy the first time reports; they take me back to my earlier trips. The first one I planned, I had insufficient paddling knowledge and experience, an overly ambitious route, no extra days, and too much wind! My wife was not happy that I didn't make it out on time and call her when I was supposed to ;).

Yeah, I didn't think Sawbill would send you out without yoke pads :). I was just wondering if they weren't spaced right for you on the yoke or maybe you had the bow tipped up and the stern down . . .?

I'll look forward to those pics.

Jaywalker 07/23/2016 08:39PM
quote cowdoc: "THAT...was a great read. A very different and enjoyable perspective. The BW has a way of getting in your head and it was noticeable. I do hope all turns out well with your health issues and I hope you can return sometime soon."
I agree! Very much enjoyed the read, hope your health his fully better, and that you do get a chance sometime to come back our way!
SaganagaJoe 07/24/2016 12:41AM
Fantastic trip report. Your second trip will be so much better now that you know the ropes.
mfl1776 07/23/2016 01:28PM
New Trip Report posted by mfl1776

Trip Name: Trip Report - Lady Chain (posting a month late).

Entry Point: 37

Click Here to View Trip Report
boonie 07/23/2016 03:53PM

Sorry to hear about your CA, but glad the prognosis is excellent.

I really enjoyed your report. I hope you have some pictures to share and get an opportunity to upload them soon. The Lady Chain is on my list of trips to do. We almost did it two years ago when we went in Kawishiwi Lake, but opted to take the longer loop north through Little Sag with an exit at Sawbill.

I'm glad you finally got to the BW and enjoyed it, which is probably due in large part to your research, planning, and preparation. Nonetheless, it's a learning experience and like most of us, you came back with some ideas about things to change. The second trip usually goes much better, so I hope you get back there soon.

I have a long trip from WV, but not quite as far as yours. I drive instead of fly though. I did some trips to the ADK's, which might also be an option for you - one long day's drive. I take my own gear and food, and only rent a canoe. I have gradually whittled the weight (and bulk) down to a more manageable level and simplified the camp chores, especially in the area of food.

I had a question about the portaging and the discomfort of the yoke on your necks - did the canoe not have portage pads on it!? :)

Thanks again for the very nice trip report! Hope everything goes well with the CA and you get to return to the BW soon.