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       Trip Report - 6 Days Solo out of Kawishiwi Lake - EP37
Date/Time: 07/02/2024 05:47AM
Title: Trip Report - 6 Days Solo out of Kawishiwi Lake - EP37
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Cricket67 09/24/2020 03:59PM
I'm aiming to do my first solo next year, so thankful for people like you that share their experiences. Very much appreciated the level of detail in your report!
danbogey 09/17/2020 02:46PM
New Trip Report posted by danbogey

Trip Name: 6 Days Solo out of Kawishiwi Lake - EP37.

Entry Point: 37

Click Here to View Trip Report
straighthairedcurly 09/17/2020 08:16PM
I loved reading about your solo and you took wonderful pictures. The reason I wear ankles!
cyclones30 09/17/2020 09:55PM
Nice report! Next time you're up there and not in a hurry, take the NE portage out of Malberg and go down the river. Extra portage vs the muddy wet single you did but very cool scenery and rapids
cyclones30 09/17/2020 09:57PM
Oh yea, I've spent one night on Polly on the way out like you. Same site you had and tent site just off shore is sweet
30Smoke 11/13/2020 10:02PM
Thanks for the nice report. I really enjoyed the Malberg area and hope to get back there sometime. enjoyed the pictures and the report and happy you had a good time. I like the sandy beaches, but that campsite has way too much sand. I would think sand would get in everything! HOpe you have many more great trips.
lindylair 11/13/2020 09:14PM
Great trip report, sounds like you had a great time. A buddy and i did the exact same trip in July back several years and stayed at all the same campsites as you did. They were all good but we loved the River Lake island site. Had our best ever night of walleye fishing on the point just south of there with 35 eyes in about 45 minutes. Checked out Amber Lake and the campsite there but did not make it to Fishdance. Great site on Polly too. Cool to see a different perspective of a trip very similar to ours. Here is my report:

Malberg area trip
Spartan2 09/18/2020 02:55PM
I enjoyed your trip report very much and also appreciated the photos.

We were on the Gunflint Trail in a cabin the same week that you were out, but we didn’t have any stormy weather on Sunday. Actually we didn’t have any stormy weather at all that week,b it it was very cold and frosty on Tuesday morning the 8th, and windy on Thursday. Thankful for not having bad storms where we were.

I totally agree with you that you need 10 days to really enjoy a BWCA trip. 12-13 is even better.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
rdgbwca 09/18/2020 10:41AM
Nice pictures!

I also appreciated the screen caps with arrows.

Thanks for posting. Makes me want to get to Fishdance Lake.
missmolly 09/18/2020 12:27PM
That is the best eagle pic I ever seen shared on this site. I also love your gear shot.
Nigal 09/18/2020 04:34PM
Are you using the Kammock Mantis hammock?
sns 03/08/2021 01:42PM
I am late to the party on this TR - great one! I exited from my solo on the day you entered, and like you was only there because of the border closure; had been planning a solo to Wabakimi or WCPP.

Will have to check out that part of the BWCA - looks well worth it.
HowardSprague 09/18/2020 05:32PM
Nice report! That Malberg site looks great! Beautiful boat.
Zwater 09/18/2020 06:08PM
Great report!!
danbogey 09/18/2020 06:37PM
HowardSprague: "Nice report! That Malberg site looks great! Beautiful boat."

My baby is all scratched up. Battle Scars!
danbogey 09/18/2020 05:18PM
This was the Raven from Dream Hammock in Ohio - Family run business. Highly recommended!
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