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       Trip Report - The bugs were biting
Date/Time: 07/02/2024 03:08AM
Title: Trip Report - The bugs were biting
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Twins87 02/11/2024 09:00PM
Fabulous trip report as always. I thoroughly enjoy them all - which is why I almost feel like I know Aurura, watching her grow up as you take her into the wilderness. And an extra treat to have a cameo in this report.

It was great meeting you all for a short time as we were heading out. It was indeed a buggy trip - worst I’ve ever experienced. There were so many dragonflies escorting Luft and I out of the wilderness that I hoped your group would have better luck on the bug front. The float planes overhead searching for fire were a near constant for us on our River Lake campsite.

Malberg was a beautiful lake to pass through, we remarked that we want to return and camp there some year. Our trip stops were Polly, River Lake and then back to Polly. Impressive that you daytripped to the pictos from Malberg with that portage between Malberg and River Lake. Makes our day trip to Fishdance look like a piece of cake.

Condolences on the loss of your father. Losing a parent is so hard at any point in life.
TuscaroraBorealis 02/01/2024 07:35PM
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: The bugs were biting.

Entry Point: 37

Click Here to View Trip Report
Spartan2 02/03/2024 09:33AM
Another very enjoyable trip report, TB!. First of all, our condolences on the death of your father. But so good that you had him for a long time, and that you had some meaningful time with him at the end of his life.

We experienced a short trip on Kawishiwi, Square and Kawasachong at the time of the Pagami Creek fire. I remember the smoky atmosphere, and the sunset skies full of bright colors and smoke plumes. We actually got out just in time. The trip wasn’t challenging, but it certainly was memorable. The area around Square and Kawasachong looked very different than it does now, I am sure of that. That’s why I called my trip report “In Our Minds, It’s Still There.”

Spring was always my favorite time for canoe-tripping. The spring green is the most beautiful color in the palette, and the flowers are just my favorites! Loved your photos! Of course I didn’t love the mosquitoes—but always sort of thought it was my price to pay for violets, moccasin flowers, roses, and blue flag irises, among other flora friends that I enjoy in the springtime.

Thanks for sharing another trip with us.
30Smoke 02/02/2024 08:42AM
Thanks for another great report. Condolences on the passing of your father, it is never easy, even when expected.
I was on my 9 day trip on Lac La Croix that same time frame last year and was having energy issues as well, but thought is was more due to the heat, never considered the smoke! Timely report as my annual trip with the Cousin is June 13 this year until we run out of food, get homesick, or July, whichever comes first. We are trying something new, only planning is to get to Malberg at some point and play it day by day, no plans! But really enjoyed getting your intel on full campsites coming in, and good to read other perspectives on the same area I have spent several days on. It is a wonderful area that you got to spend time on, especially when you get to spend the time with family!
Please keep doing trips and sharing your experiences.
TuscaroraBorealis 02/02/2024 09:55AM
Thank you.

Malberg is a great area that offers multiple awesome daytrips. Hope you have a memorable trip.

God willing, I still plan on more canoeing adventures. And like Boonie says my motto should be, "publish or perish!" ;)
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