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Date/Time: 07/02/2024 01:20AM
Title: Trip Report - Sasquatch on the Kawishwi
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BWfishingfanatic12 07/23/2011 04:15PM
New Trip Report posted by BWfishingfanatic12

Trip Name: Sasquatch on the Kawishwi.

Entry Point: 37

Click Here to View Trip Report
wawasee 07/25/2011 07:19AM
Great trip report! What a wonderful way for brothers to spend time together. I wish I could have done the same with my two brothers.
nojobro 07/25/2011 08:15AM

You know, had I ever caught fish like that, I would say the fishing was AWESOME! LOL.

Glad you had a nice trip with your brother. Very cool.
Zulu 07/25/2011 08:46AM

I really enjoyed your Trip Report! The photos were very good. I really liked the photo of the evening fire with the tall flame. The fight with that big fish will be a great memory despite never seeing it. It probably prepared you for landing an even bigger fish in the future.

I wish I could split 10 eggs and sausage with someone. It sounded really good as a trip starter. I have to manage my blood lipids now so now I can only eat about half of that!

Glad you and your brother had a great time!
heavycanoe 07/25/2011 03:32PM
I wish I had such bad fishing. Even though I love to fish, I have always thought I am not very good at it, after reading this I am pretty sure that I am a bad fisherman.

Oh and I love to catch northern, they are so aggressive! maybe if I hated them I would catch more. I will have to consider that as a strategy. Do the fish know, can I fake it?
Boppa 07/23/2011 05:00PM
An enjoyable read with terrific pictures. You did very well fishing as you both were ready to change until you found something that worked. The ones that get away always keep us coming back.

After that first mornings breakfast I was wondering what your food pack weighed,LOL.
Boppa 07/23/2011 05:00PM
Sorry, double post.
whitecedar 07/24/2011 09:28AM
Thanks for sharing your adventure! Nice photos too.
AndySG 07/24/2011 08:35AM
Very nice report Fanatic. I would say you had a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
cowdoc 07/24/2011 10:33AM
Great report. Nice to see some young bucks luggin an old alumatub around on a trip.
Ho Ho 07/24/2011 11:49AM
Great report! It's pretty awesome when two brothers go on a trip like that together. Hope you guys have many more.
lars54 07/24/2011 02:50PM
very nice report, glad you guys had a good time
BWfishingfanatic12 07/30/2011 08:52PM
Thanks everyone! The trip was alot of fun and the best part is were heading back up again in 4 days this time our entire family of 6 will all be heading up to the BW and i can't wait. the only bad part is were only going for four days but still it will be a blast to have the whole family up there.

@ Zulu: yeah i sure hope it prepared me for the next BIG one. lol I definently won't be making that mistake again.

@heavycanoe: I'm not sure how you can like Pike but go for it. Catch them all. lol I think they can tell that we don't like them because we always catch a bunch so you might want to try

@walleyehunter: Well said patience and trial and error is most definently a virtue. We learn from our past faliures. My brother learned from my mistake so he let that 26" get tired and lossened the drag and was very patient.

@bushwacker: as for our parenting I'll talk to them and see if they can post a parenting guide. lol. But yeah they are great parents. They're not perfect but they love us and were very interactive with us as we grew up and supported us in whatever we chose. God truly blessed us with them. God also deserves all the credit for making us the young men he has though. He is the ultimate guide for our lives.

We'll have another report soon. Take care and happy fishing. God bless!
walleye_hunter 07/26/2011 11:03AM
Nice report. It sounds like you did pretty good fishing. It is not uncommon for me to only catch 1 or 2 walleyes from each spot, and then it seems I have to move. Some days it seems like a guy can do no wrong and then I will catch 6-8 fish in a spot, move and catch 6-8 more in the next spot, etc., but those days are rare. Sorry you lost your big fish but that is part of fishing & hunting. Whether it is a heavy fish that gets off, a bull elk that stops a few yards out of bow range, or a big whitetail that completely ghosts me, I know the taste of not being able to close the deal. When I am fishing with a bobber or little jig I keep my drag set loose. If I hook a heavy fish I will even loosen it a bit more. One little hook doesn't grab much flesh and can pull out easily. It often takes me 10 minutes or more to land a 28 or 29" walleye as I carefully work them to the canoe while the fish makes several nice runs. It's kind of like watching a robin carefully work a big old night crawler out of the ground.
Bushwacker 07/26/2011 02:09PM
As a father of a 4 year old boy I'd like some tips from your folks on raising boy(s) in todays wacky world. They did a good job! Nice report too.
jamotrade 07/27/2011 04:21PM
Great trip report! It's wonderful to see the two of you out there enjoying each other's company in the wilderness. I've fished most of the areas that you hit and , considering the east wind, I think you did pretty well. Great fight with the mystery fish and I was so glad to see that you guys pulled in that beautiful 26" walleye on Kawishiwi Lake to cap off the trip in style. Your photos were very good and they really helped bring the trip to life for me. Nice job!
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