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Date/Time: 07/02/2024 01:25AM
Title: Trip Report - Steve and Steve's Boundary Waters Odyssey
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NotLight 11/11/2014 01:45PM

Any suggestions on what recipes seem to pair well with the quinoa? I finally got a bunch of quinoa rinsed, cooked, and dehydrated this weekend. I was looking at recipes online. They all seem to have olive oil and lemon. Then some seem to go the direction of adding mint, cranberries, walnuts, etc.; and some seem to go the route of something like a tabouli - adding things like green onions, red pepper, basil, cumin, pine nuts, etc. I am going to place an order from outdoor herbivore for some of their no cook stuff, but I wanted to mess around a bit on my own first and try to make some no cook quinoa salad kind of things.
ducks 12/31/2014 03:27PM
Thanks boonie. It's a special photo as it's from the last time I took my father in law camping 5 months before he passed away. It's also the background photo on my school computer and when it's up on the smart board I tell the kid's "that's my happy place". Your "style" on this report was very entertaining and I truly enjoyed it. That is very cool about Steve's report. Your last 2 trip reports are a big reason my next solo will be entering at Kawishiwi Lake and heading towards Malberg.
boonie 11/14/2014 07:32AM
Thanks, Lil-

I'm sure you would enjoy the Lake Superior Circle Tour. I've just done it in bits and pieces on my trips to and from MN from WV. There are so many things to see on The North Shore from Duluth to Canada, then in Canada, and all across the U.P. of MI, plus WI. I've tried the last several years to take an extra day to see some of it. I've seen a lot of things, but there are still many on my list.
TuscaroraBorealis 11/15/2014 10:42AM
Sounds like a great adventure. As usual, another well written report with some great photos. Your reports always seem to peak my interest in an area (whether I've been there already - or not).

Thanks for sharing.
boonie 11/15/2014 02:01PM

We thought of you and all your tree pictures when we were on the Mesaba-Hug portage with the big old pines. When I took that picture, Steve said, "This one's for TB". :)
inspector13 11/03/2014 01:59PM

Thanks for reminding me of our petition to Joulupukki ...with the decorating of the Balsam Fir and Hazelnut bush with our socks. Too bad all I got in my socks was a sore tendon. : )

Maybe it was Calypso and one of her sirens disguised as a loon that prevented me from remembering much of that Tuesday spent on Little Saganaga. I know that no lotus eating was involved, since its season had passed some time ago. : )

By the way, a little bit of sad news. Pak’s Green Corner is closing this coming Friday. I guess she was offered a lot for the property, and decided to spend more time with her family.

ducks 11/01/2014 08:01PM
I always enjoy your reports and you brought this one to a whole nother level! That was awesome! Thanks for sharing.
boonie 11/02/2014 08:34PM
Hawbakers- Thanks, it's nice site with a lot of room to roam around. The climb up is a little awkward, but I like elevated sites. It was hard to believe we had the whole lake to ourselves for two days!

OldFingers57- Did you just use the Superfeet insole and leave all the other three insoles out? I used two of the insoles. Did your wet feet slide forward on the Superfeet insoles?

Thanks, bapabear- There's a lot of nice country up there. I think you went into the Lady Chain, didn't you? That was my other option.

ducks- I knew you were waiting for this one, so I wanted to make it a little different ;). If you read it to your kids, try not to giggle at inappropriate times and destroy the drama!

sunnybear- If you think I have real courage dining out along the way, what about all that "unreal" food I eat in the BW. BTW, I did have a hamburger and fries at My Sister's Place as soon as I came out. And the other places - you could tell how good it was going to be from the aromas emanating from the kitchen! :).
Savage Voyageur 11/02/2014 09:03PM
Thanks for the report Steve, very nice pictures brought back memories when I did that route.
Spartan2 11/03/2014 09:34PM
Great trip report--wonderful photos as always! I love your reports, boonie!

I smiled when I read about the Kinniwabi Pines, too. An odd little place with slow service, but interesting food. We'll no doubt stop there again sometime.

Enjoyed your observations about the Canadian part of your trip, as well as your canoe trip report.
boonie 11/03/2014 08:44PM

Sorry to hear about Pak's - it was good and conveniently located. I was looking forward to eating there again. You never got to eat there, did you?

Hope you enjoyed the report. I wanted to give it a different slant from yours, so it wouldn't seem too repetitive, and include some of the pictures to illustrate.

I'm not really sure what I did all day Tuesday either, but it must have been real cool, man. Reminds me of the late 60's, early 70's :).
inspector13 11/04/2014 08:15AM
quote boonie: "Sorry to hear about Pak's - it was good and conveniently located. I was looking forward to eating there again. You never got to eat there, did you? "
No I wasn’t able to eat at Pak’s and I really wanted to try it. When going to the cabin I usually pass through Duluth before 11am. I was planning on eating there next spring when I got to Duluth later in the day, or the next time I needed to stop at Menards. Oh well. Just as word got out about the place too.

boonie 11/04/2014 06:13AM
Spartan2- see above
boonie 11/03/2014 08:55PM

Thanks for the suggestion about going back by way of Canada. It was a little more work in the planning since I hadn't been out of the country since maybe the early 60's :). I will go back again since there's so much I didn't see and I'd certainly like to stop at Pukaskwa again!

I will eat at Kinniwabi Pines again - I'm not sure there are many other interesting options in that area. The food was good, and next time I'll take a book and/or maps and notebooks, unless I'm accompanied by a delightful dinner companion who can transform the simplest observations into scintillating conversation.

Thanks again for the suggestion, Spartan2.

BTW, Here's a link to my photo share site if you want to see more pictures from the trip. There are a few nice pictures that aren't in the report, especially from Pukaskwa.
boonie 11/03/2014 09:13PM

That's really weird that my reply to your post ended up before your post!
boonie 11/11/2014 06:55PM

Did you try the quinoa after you cooked it? Quinoa is like couscous and rice in that it's basically a "blank canvas" without a strong, distinctive flavor of its own, so it's good with just about anything. I'd go with whatever sounds good to you. You might also try looking for salads made with couscous or rice and just substitute the quinoa.

You could add just about any dried fruit, vegetable, herb, spice, oil, vinegar, nut, or seed, or any combination of those. I've used it a lot at home for pilafs with onion, garlic, herbs, spices, nuts, fruit, and roasted or sautéed vegetables, as well as in salads. Obviously, it can be substituted for a lot of things where you'd use rice as a base. It can be eaten as a hot or cold cereal. Can work well with some curry spice blends. I love olive oil, so generally put that on mine.

You can add beans and meat also. I've had it substituted into several Hawk Vittles meals like the Beef Stew or Cashew Curry that ordinarily contain couscous with generally good results.

TomT 11/12/2014 09:49PM
Nice one! Love your sense of humor throughout. I also appreciate your willingness to try new foods. I'll do that too on a trip with at least 2 or 3 meals I've never had before.

The flooded portages that late in the year seemed out of the ordinary. But the weather sure could have been worse too. You roll the dice in late sept. and you guys did ok.

Nice seeing pics of the places along your road journey too. Not many people travel that far to get to canoe country. So, next year it's Quetico right? :)

boonie 11/13/2014 05:45AM

The first flooded portage was due to beaver activity and the Zenith-Lujenida portage probably was. Water levels were generally higher than last fall up through the Malberg area.

I really enjoyed Pukaskwa National Park on my trip through Canada. I'll probably go back that way again sometime.

Quetico is a possibility next year if my brother and/or sister don't go with me. I haven't done much planning about Quetico, but thinking maybe a northern entry. . .?
mcspin50 11/13/2014 07:56PM
Just a wonderful, magical trip report. And the photos are spectacular. Thanks for sharing your adventure and your meal ideas. I'd love to do a circle tour of Lake Superior some day.
Take care,
Lil M.
boonie 12/31/2014 05:08PM

I didn't know the picture was from then, but I remember you telling about it some time ago. I'm glad you enjoyed it, ducks - you prodded me for the report and I made some flippant reply about a mythic journey, so I just decided to run with that for fun :). I think you will enjoy the area.
ducks 12/31/2014 01:19PM
boonie! Congrats on winning the Nov. Trip Report Contest for this one!!!!!
boonie 12/31/2014 02:27PM
quote ducks: "boonie! Congrats on winning the Nov. Trip Report Contest for this one!!!!!"

Thanks, ducks! I wrote it just for you...and my grandkids ;). Congrats on winning the extra prize - you did an outstanding job on that! :) Kind of cool that Steve won last month for his report of the same trip.
boonie 11/01/2014 12:12PM
New Trip Report posted by boonie

Trip Name: Steve and Steve's Boundary Waters Odyssey.

Entry Point: 37

Click Here to View Trip Report
Hawbakers 11/01/2014 03:11PM
Great report, Boonie! Makes me feel like I was there - Oh wait - I WAS there! - at Little Sag anyway! My husband and I stayed at the same campsite on Lil' Sag in early Sept.

I think we had some of those mishiwagaywe spirits affect some of our travel plans, too.

I enjoyed reading, thanx!
bapabear 11/01/2014 06:05PM
I love trips with epic quests and defeating all challenges, even unruly gods! When our trips end we, too, have a paucity of speeches, bands, and nubile maidens.

Very nice trip report on an area I must try some day. Thank you for sharing! I also enjoyed how you included your trip home and the wonderful photos throughout.
boonie 11/01/2014 12:22PM
Sorry about the triple post.

This report was written for my grandchildren (and children), but I think many of you will enjoy it also.
sunnybear09 11/01/2014 09:48PM
A very well done and superbly detailed trip report, Steve! And as I've said in earlier posts, you get more out of a trip coming and going than anyone I have read here. And you have real courage when dining out along the way--not a cheeseburger (my personal safety net) in sight. The long shoreline trail thru Pukawaska PP sounds like a must hike for sure! Nice job!
OldFingers57 11/01/2014 03:35PM
I use the OTB boots and use the Superfeet insole. I used it up in Quetico this summer for a 10 day trip and the boots drained just fine with it in. Plus it dried very quickly when taking it out after getting to campsite and putting on sandals. Otherwise great TR and photos.
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