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       Trip Report - Hanging out north of the South Arm
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 08:05AM
Title: Trip Report - Hanging out north of the South Arm
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JD 07/07/2020 11:42AM
Fantastic report, TB! As always. I went to Cherry and SAK with my friends about a week after you left and got to experience the Cherry-Lunar and Enchanted Forest portages (and the Cherry-Hanson for that matter - UFFDA!). Your descriptions and photos were excellent refreshers of this incredible area. We got a slick calm day on Knife on our entry day and it was incredible, like your entry day. I can't imagine having weather like that again any time soon on such a big lake. We really soaked it in so as not to take it for granted. I don't plan on returning to that area for a few years (having entered at Moose 4 times in 2 years) but your report makes me want to go back! I'm glad you had what appears to have been a great trip. Thanks for sharing.
TuscaroraBorealis 07/01/2020 12:53PM
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: Hanging out north of the South Arm.

Entry Point: 55

Click Here to View Trip Report
30Smoke 12/27/2021 05:04PM
I don't know how I missed this trip report last year, but you linked to it on a trip planning question recently, and I ended up staying up too late reading it. Now that I have been to Isle of Pines, I had been trying to research exactly where Benny's cabin was and the access. You photo of the rock crib is pure gold, as I can see where the trail is now. Was his homestead on the East or west bump from the landing? It is hard to find anything on the web that says exactly where it was, I thought I remembered another report with that info, but could not find it. Thanks for sharing that!
I also have wanted to go to Cherry, and heard that Amoeber had good trout fishing from a youtube video. I might try a Sept trip from Moose up to Dorothy's then to Benny's and through the monument portage, take ashdick to esther to hansen and finally Cherry (bucket list lake) and I would like to walk the hansen sak portage - looks amazing, maybe fish topaz and then head back out! I know it takes a lot of time to put together these reports and I really appreciate your consistent reporting! I would like to ask if you have a favorite place after all your adventures? I made it to Adams one year and would like to get to Boulder some day. I know you stayed at the island site on boulder. Thanks for your reports! May the wind always be kind (or absent like this trip)
TuscaroraBorealis 12/27/2021 07:14PM
30Smoke: "I don't know how I missed this trip report last year, but you linked to it on a trip planning question recently, and I ended up staying up too late reading it. Now that I have been to Isle of Pines, I had been trying to research exactly where Benny's cabin was and the access. You photo of the rock crib is pure gold, as I can see where the trail is now. Was his homestead on the East or west bump from the landing? It is hard to find anything on the web that says exactly where it was, I thought I remembered another report with that info, but could not find it. Thanks for sharing that!
I also have wanted to go to Cherry, and heard that Amoeber had good trout fishing from a youtube video. I might try a Sept trip from Moose up to Dorothy's then to Benny's and through the monument portage, take ashdick to esther to hansen and finally Cherry (bucket list lake) and I would like to walk the hansen sak portage - looks amazing, maybe fish topaz and then head back out! I know it takes a lot of time to put together these reports and I really appreciate your consistent reporting! I would like to ask if you have a favorite place after all your adventures? I made it to Adams one year and would like to get to Boulder some day. I know you stayed at the island site on boulder. Thanks for your reports! May the wind always be kind (or absent like this trip)"

You're welcome & Thank you.

Benny's cabin remains are located near the end of the finger extending (east)out from the large peninsula where the green dot is on this map.

Don't necessarily have a favorite spot, as evidenced by the Cool spots in canoe country forum. There's alot of great places in the area this report covers. Although, I strongly recommend reserving some extra time to thoroughly explore The Echanted Forest portage.

Hope its a great trip.
PeaceFrog 12/27/2021 09:05PM
straighthairedcurly: "I always enjoy your trip reports and photos. Thanks for another great one. That is an area I have never really explored and your report makes me want to put it on the list."

+1 Well done. I gotta visit that area
Gaidin53 07/05/2020 12:27PM
Exceptional trip report! Thanks for all the detail and pictures.

AdamXChicago 07/04/2020 06:28PM
Thanks for the trip review Paul. We just finished a trip last week that covered a bit of the same ground (including the SAK-Hanson portage). Am curious to know what camera you used for your trip, as my photos are no where near as crisp and sharp as yours. Thanks.

TuscaroraBorealis 07/04/2020 07:33PM
Nikon AW 130

Gotta love "The Enchanted Forest" portage.
SaganagaJoe 01/27/2023 10:58AM
I'm hoping to get to this area this year with a group of my brothers and brothers-in-law - my first trip since 2016. Thanks for the recon!
AceAceAce 08/03/2020 08:40PM
Excellent report as usual! I really enjoy reading your reports. I traveled through the spoon to sema area on my way to the SAK a month later. Those portages were interesting to find. I took a hard spill getting over that beaver dam. It was funny to see a picture of it. Six weeks later my tailbone is still sore.
TuscaroraBorealis 08/03/2020 09:34PM
AceAceAce: "Excellent report as usual! I really enjoy reading your reports. I traveled through the spoon to sema area on my way to the SAK a month later. Those portages were interesting to find. I took a hard spill getting over that beaver dam. It was funny to see a picture of it. Six weeks later my tailbone is still sore."

Thank you! You helped jog my memory. I do recall slipping when crawling up the beaver dam that day. Those sticks were slick as snot! Fortunately, the only bruises I received were to my ego/pride. Not sure why I would've forgotten something like that? ;-)

OldTripper 07/05/2020 06:57PM
I really enjoyed your trip report and pictures. Very well written.
I have seen thick layers of pollen on the waters before, but nothing like you described. Was it like a thick foam? Or was it more like the Play-Dough you described? Weird...
I have been on several parts of your route many years ago and your trip report took me back in time. That was a good trip too. Thanks :-)
TuscaroraBorealis 07/05/2020 07:20PM
OldTripper: "I really enjoyed your trip report and pictures. Very well written.
I have seen thick layers of pollen on the waters before, but nothing like you described. Was it like a thick foam? Or was it more like the Play-Dough you described? Weird...
I have been on several parts of your route many years ago and your trip report took me back in time. That was a good trip too. Thanks :-)"

I too have run across large quantities of pollen washing up on shore on previous trips but, haven't seen this phenomenon before. Yes, it was very similar to play dough. I think what made this a unique situation was that large quantities of pollen appears to all have been funneled down the ever constricting shoreline to the landing where it piled up.
TuscaroraBorealis 07/03/2020 11:31AM
DuluthPak: "I truly enjoyed that trip report. Did you ever figure out what type of animal skull that was? Perhaps a wolf skull? Pistachio shells scattered around a campsite really pisses me off. I think anybody caught littering pistachio shells in the B°Dub should be banned for 10 years. Minimum sentencing guidelines. Again, fantastic report and great photos. Thanks for taking us along."

The skull was definitely not from a wolf. Guessing in was a pine marten or something of similar size.

Yes the mess on Hanson was certainly a downer but, getting to spend a couple awesome days/nights on the Ester island site helped to quickly, 'wash that taste out of my mouth.'

Thank you everyone for the compliments.
straighthairedcurly 07/06/2020 05:00AM
I always enjoy your trip reports and photos. Thanks for another great one. That is an area I have never really explored and your report makes me want to put it on the list.
jillpine 07/06/2020 06:01AM
I've read through it at least a couple times - enjoy the photos so much, and that you quite literally take us with you. Thank you for sharing these gifts!
Laketrout65 07/02/2020 09:25AM
Hi TB,
Thank you for an excellent report! I felt like I was along for the ride. I would like to visit that part of the bdub soon! Marc
JATFOMike 07/02/2020 10:08AM
Awesome report/trip! Thanks for sharing. I have traveled through most of that area over the years....some beautiful country! The last few years we have utilized Tuscarora Outfitters ourselves. Always a nice visit with them!

MichiganMan 07/27/2020 08:12PM
Excellent report, thanks for taking us along! Planning a trip in that area in late September, so reading this got me very excited!
cyclones30 07/02/2020 10:22PM
Great report! I read your portage description of Cherry-Lunar to my wife.....we both laughed and agreed. We were on Cherry for 2 nights last spring (western site w/ islands which I agree are very cool) and we left our canoe and hiked the Lunar portage up and back. Your description is perfect.

We almost stayed at the island site on Amoeber but went to Cherry instead.
HangLoose 07/02/2020 11:36PM
I truly enjoyed that trip report. Did you ever figure out what type of animal skull that was? Perhaps a wolf skull? Pistachio shells scattered around a campsite really pisses me off. I think anybody caught littering pistachio shells in the B°Dub should be banned for 10 years. Minimum sentencing guidelines. Again, fantastic report and great photos. Thanks for taking us along.
jhb8426 07/03/2020 12:22AM
Very nice report, Great descriptions of the route and side trips.
carmike 07/03/2020 01:08AM
If there were an award for best trip reports, you would certainly deserve it many times over. Thanks for another great one!
Trip Reports