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       Trip Report - LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:39PM
Title: Trip Report - LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms
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analyzer 02/09/2022 06:48PM
Thank you for a wonderful trip report. We went on a very similar loop, sans Lac LaCroix a couple years ago. It's fun to relive our trip through your words and pictures. That portage from Gun to Little Beartrap was definitely treacherous. It's like they buried 100 bowling balls, half way, and some of them moved. And yes, I can easily see how you could have broken your leg. I stepped in a similar hole, just not as far down. If I had lost my balance, I can see where one would have just snapped the leg. Don't feel too bad about struggling with fishing. We didn't catch much either. We did get a 28" Lake trout on Gun, but didn't catch any on oyster either. The wife had about a 7 lb walleye on the line on lynx, but I missed with the net. We often would go out just trying to catch enough for dinner, and struggled to even get a couple smallmouth. But it was a beautiful trip. I like many of those lakes. You didn't get to see gebe-on-a-quet or however you spell that. That's a pretty lake too. I really enjoyed reading your trip. I'm glad you both dodged potential leg injuries.
sns 02/10/2022 09:11AM
Nice report!

"firm but loving reprimand"

Had to laugh: if I provided my spouse one of those in a similar situation, I would be able to show off my scars.
John Moore 02/10/2022 09:58AM
Incorporating photos of the dogs to express mood was priceless. The Dobby-do loathes bugs photo was worth a thousand words and I liked the Gichi fuzzy map holder photo. Well done.

PeaceFrog 02/10/2022 01:35PM
Very good report. I need to check out that area. Thanks for sharing
straighthairedcurly 02/11/2022 08:01PM
Wonderfully descriptive trip report. I felt like I was along for the ride. II hope to get to that area someday.
missmolly 02/27/2022 10:59AM
Good report and welcome to!
Gichimon 02/09/2022 04:26PM
New Trip Report posted by Gichimon

Trip Name: LIS Loop 2019 - Rivers and Storms.

Entry Point: 14

Click Here to View Trip Report
Jasonf 02/10/2022 10:48AM
Very enjoyable read, thanks for sharing!
YetiJedi 02/25/2022 10:44PM
Thank you for the nice trip report. I plan to read the two books you mentioned prior to my trips this summer. :)
OldTripper 02/26/2022 11:39AM
Great trip report!
Thanks for sharing it with us. I really enjoy your writing style.
And congrats on your first BW walleye!!
TomT 02/27/2022 09:18AM
Very nicely done! Loved the writing and the pics told the story too. I did most of that route solo in 2012. Gun and Finger were highlights for me as well. Glad you got the walleye and a nice one to boot! Thanks for posting.
chessie 02/25/2022 12:51PM
Great report, well written, and wonderful pics! We've done much of that route, and it was a fun walk/paddle down memory lane. Not the least was which was our surprise, going the other direction, of the beaver pond mid-Shell-lake-portage!
In addition to a similar loop several years ago, we base camped on Pauness a couple years ago, and enjoyed some lovely day-tripping. Thanks for sharing your story!!
jillpine 02/27/2022 06:48AM
Thanks for taking us along. Your details and descriptions made us feel hungry, happy, stinky, paddling into the wind and so sad on the last day. Great report!
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