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Date/Time: 09/24/2024 01:13PM
Title: Trip Report - Mudro - Crooked Lake loop
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bradcrc 11/09/2009 05:28PM
I also loved the pics. excellent shots. :)
lars54 11/09/2009 07:11PM
Nice report. Seeing all those other people & full campsites

distract anything from your solo trip
mbeyer 11/09/2009 02:21PM
Probably wrap pots to ease clean up...
mc2mens 11/09/2009 09:54PM
Nice pics and report Bob. We're thinking of a similar trip next summer. Interesting to hear so many campsites full on your route.
Chief Bob 11/15/2009 06:52AM
The Autumn Mist performed beautifully, especially on the open water. When I was crossing Thursday Bay I got about 1/2 way across and the bay started kicking up whitecaps, wind from the south on my beam. I tacked a bit into the wind and had no problems whatsoever. I'll admit I was concerned, but the boat handled it with no problems.

When I was planning the trip I was agonizing about which boat to take, my Merlin II is only 31 lbs, but has a lower shearline and more rocker than the Autumn Mist. The Mist was deeper, had a flared bow, tracked a bit better, but was heavier. I made the right choice.
Chief Bob 11/15/2009 07:07AM
Tom T,
I obtained the Autumn Mist from my best friend who passed away earlier this year. He bought it used as you see it in my photos except that I added the contoured cherry seat.
Chief Bob 11/15/2009 07:01AM
Tom T,
The foil is a wind screen that focused the heat from my old Optimus 99 stove. It really helps conserve fuel. Or, are you asking about the bubblewrap pot cozy? I made the cozy out of foil-faced bubble wrap (insulation available at home supply stores). When my meal came to a boil I would take it off the stove and put it into the cozy to finish cooking, rather than simmering it on the stove. Again, it saves fuel.
SunCatcher 11/15/2009 07:13PM
Awesome Trip and spectacular pictures! This was really a nice trip to share with all your neat pics. Also learn a lot about everyone's set up at camp from photo's. appreciate the trip report.
Chief Bob 09/23/2009 08:40PM
New Trip Report posted by Chief Bob

Trip Name: Mudro - Crooked Lake loop.

Entry Point: 23

Click Here to View Trip Report
oldgentleman 09/24/2009 07:09AM
You have some really great pictures. Really enjoyed your report.

The Sundew in your picture used to be in Charlevoix, Michigan. We saw it often.
nojobro 09/24/2009 03:16PM
Nice report and great pictures! They are awesome.

Also, have you seen this post?

I was in a silver Dodge minivan, which I am sure you don't remember, but when I went by I was so thrilled to see your decal that I was grinning like an idiot. ;-) I passed you but then I could see you for the next half hour behind me until I turned off at Trego. As I was turning you sped on by. I'm 99% sure it was you, anyway.... Saturday, Sept. 5.
willys53 09/23/2009 10:40PM
It is a small world. In 2000 I worked the Burnt Flats Fire out of Grangeville Idaho. On the Nez Pierce National Forest. Really nice country!
Chief Bob 09/24/2009 08:20PM
I don't know if you saw the caption to the photo of the Sundew, but a friend that I work with was stationed on the Sundew when it was in Charlevoix. I knew he worked on a Great Lakes bouy tending vessel, but didn't know he had been on that ship when I took the picture.
Chief Bob 09/24/2009 08:17PM
I was hoping someone would see the decal! I was driving a red Ford Ranger, you must have seen me while I was driving up from the Chicago area to Solon Springs WI, where I spent the night. I hope it was me, anyway!
airmorse 09/23/2009 09:23PM

Nice report. Good to see a fellow Hoosier on the board. We are planning on this exact trip for next year. Except we are going to take our time, 7 days.

Take care,

bojibob 09/24/2009 06:48PM
Bob, Nice report and loved the pics so much I saved it to my favorite trip reports. :-)
TomT 09/27/2009 12:47PM
Very cool to take the photo tour. You covered a lot of ground in the time that you had. I did a shorter solo loop out of Mudro in '07.

I'm interested in your Autumn Mist. I had a white one with black aluminum trim back in the late 80's. Yours is creme color right? Did you recently get the cherry woodwork done? It's really a beautiful boat. I see you also have a Bell solo.

Also, just curious why you wrap your pots in foil? Or is it something else?
mbeyer 09/26/2009 04:59PM
Nice report....I did this loop in July. Great to see your pictures of places I was a few weeks ago.
Koda 11/09/2009 06:13PM
Great report, Bob. That loop (plus the Moosecamp River) is on my short list of trips to take in the near future.

I like your closing comment about not feeling bored or lonesome. I've found that soloing facilitates the experience of really "being there."

The Autumn Mist is a nice-looking boat, similar to the somewhat longer Mad River Independence and with a nice extra flare in the bow. How do you find the Autumn Mist on open water - does it track well with a load? I ask because next May I plan to take my Indy down the Isabella River, through the Kawishiwi Triangle, and out the South Kawish River. I'm hoping it handles OK on the more open water.
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