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       Trip Report - 44 Miles, 72 Fish
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 07:26AM
Title: Trip Report - 44 Miles, 72 Fish
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ManAndDog 06/24/2019 08:33AM
ThreeRivers: "Very nice report and great pics! I love that the hound seems so content! I love to take mine, but she is a 168 pound Mastif.... its like a whole person and wont help paddle!"

I can relate. Mines 120 lbs and all he does is make the canoe lean one way while we paddle, but totally worth it! He loves it up there and it lets us all sleep better at night knowing he will wake up and scare anything off that might visit our campsite in the night.
cyclones30 06/19/2019 05:00PM
Nice report, we've been to many of those same places.
djwillco 06/21/2019 06:47AM
Thanks for the read and great photos. Love the pooch!
HangLoose 06/19/2019 05:26PM
Excellent report. Thanks for taking us along.
ThreeRivers 06/22/2019 05:17AM
Very nice report and great pics! I love that the hound seems so content! I love to take mine, but she is a 168 pound Mastif.... its like a whole person and wont help paddle!
Jaywalker 06/21/2019 10:44AM
That's 1.64 fish per mile - much better than my average! Thanks, and great dog!
Dbldppr1250 06/19/2019 07:13PM
boonie 06/20/2019 07:23PM
Thanks, enjoyed the report and pictures.
ManAndDog 06/19/2019 01:36PM
New Trip Report posted by ManAndDog

Trip Name: 44 Miles, 72 Fish.

Entry Point: 19

Click Here to View Trip Report
missmolly 06/19/2019 01:38PM
Loved your pics and especially the ones with the pooch! Thanks for telling your cool story.
Driftless 06/19/2019 03:00PM
Awesome report!
schwartyman 06/19/2019 03:11PM
Great read. I'm heading through Crooked next week and hoping to replicate your fishing success.
bfurlow 06/19/2019 04:02PM
Really nice report. Sounds like a great trip with some nice fishing!

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