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       Trip Report - Gals Trip + Riley
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:47AM
Title: Trip Report - Gals Trip + Riley
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HighnDry 05/14/2023 10:01AM
Just a couple of quick thoughts:

I really enjoyed your trip report and the descriptions of the routes your group took and the lakes/significant points that you investigated. I find the history of the BWCA almost as interesting as the beauty of the wilderness that it encapsulates.

The group dynamics absolutely fascinate me. That was probably more challenging than the routes that were chosen.

The lakes that you folks covered on a average day are usually what my projected planning lays vs. the reality of what I actually cover -- particularly when I solo. Haha!

Keep paddling and writing!
eagle98mn 09/28/2023 11:57AM
TreeBear, can you offer anything more specific about the D-Day slab location on Fraser? I swung through last week but only had a little time to look for it. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful. Which island is it on specifically? How near to the shore? etc.
YetiJedi 03/31/2023 12:01AM
TuscaroraBorealis: "Riley,

Appreciate your thoughtful response.

No apologies for anything are necessary. Heaven knows I am quite often all thumbs on occasion.

Kind of gotten to know you a little by your reports and map comments and just curious as to how you go about things/ what goes into the thought process etc. I find that interesting- thank you for being willing to share your thoughts as well as your trip report & map comments.


Good observations, Tuscarora, and I will echo I appreciate TreeBear including the raw honesty of his thoughts and frustrations during the trip. We've all experienced frustrations and I think at times it is easy to "touch up the photo" so it looks perfect when in reality it rarely is.

I appreciated the report...respecting the mileage for sure! This follow-up exchange between the TB's is a breath of fresh air too. :)
TreeBear 03/30/2023 11:45AM
New Trip Report posted by TreeBear

Trip Name: Gals Trip + Riley.

Entry Point: 27

Click Here to View Trip Report
TuscaroraBorealis 03/30/2023 05:25PM
Really enjoyed the report; thanks for taking the time to put it together.

The Enchanted Forest portage into/out of Hanson is also one of my favorites.

Dont take this the wrong way but, since you mention it in the report...wondering what the dynamic is on guided trips you do/have done if you run across people who want to 'stop n smell the roses' (hiking, photography, fishing, cooking, wild life viewing, picking berries & mushrooms etc.) more than putting miles behind you? Do you have established routes that people sign up for or, do you allow them to plan it out or something in between? It would seem that you would occasionally run across some with a different tripping mindset (like your friend on this trip), unless you have some sort of filtering process? Seems you would need to be quite flexible in that respect. Anyways thanks for sharing.
straighthairedcurly 03/30/2023 05:56PM
Those would be some long initial days for a rookie with some very challenging portages, especially that 2nd day. Love your description of your trail energy. I have had days like that. You sound like a perfect candidate to do the Border Route Challenge in September! Plenty of miles to do in a day to keep your body busy.

Thanks for the great report.
TuscaroraBorealis 03/30/2023 10:10PM

Appreciate your thoughtful response.

No apologies for anything are necessary. Heaven knows I am quite often all thumbs on occasion.

Kind of gotten to know you a little by your reports and map comments and just curious as to how you go about things/ what goes into the thought process etc. I find that interesting- thank you for being willing to share your thoughts as well as your trip report & map comments.

TreeBear 03/30/2023 08:39PM
TuscaroraBorealis: "Really enjoyed the report; thanks for taking the time to put it together.

The Enchanted Forest portage into/out of Hanson is also one of my favorites.

Not meant as a criticism...but wondering what the dynamic is on guided trips you do/have done if you run across people who want to 'stop n smell the roses' (hiking, photography, fishing, cooking, wild life viewing, picking berries & mushrooms etc.) more than putting miles behind you? Do you have established routes that people sign up for or, do you allow them to plan it out or something in between? It would seem that you would occasionally run across some with a different tripping mindset (like your friend on this trip), unless you have some sort of filtering process? Seems you would need to be flexible in that respect. Anyways thanks for sharing. "

No and that's fair. I have learned a lot in the past few years. I was struggling to frame that well in this report, but this trip was a huge learning experience in that regard. I too have learned to really enjoy slowing the trips down, way more than I did two years ago even. As for guiding, I think part of the challenge on this trip was the fact that it was a friends trip. It was a friends trip where people specifically stated that they wanted to go far and see things and then we had to scale back. And also to be clear, my drive for mileage was/is never been about the mileage itself. It's always been about the destinations along the way. In this trip's case, it was because I knew what was in front of us and I was really excited to be able to share it. I knew about Agamok falls/Fishdance pictographs/Beaver Adams portage/ the island of old pines on Alice. Being so excited for those things makes it tough to slow down in between. And in some ways, that's one of the exciting ways I'm able to grow on a trip is being forced to stop and enjoy the little things along the way which there is so much of besides just the "big ticket" destinations.

On guided trips, I have really narrowed down a philosophy of how I lead. A lot of that for me stems back to group ownership. How do I help the group get invested in this experience. I accomplish this by offering up options. For instance, I could say, "we have this really tough portage in front of us, I already know it's been a long day. We could stay here and it might mean we don't get x thing in the future or we could push on and we would have to do this hard thing. Here's the rewards, here's the cost." That way, I have learned as a guide how to be part of pushing a group in a healthy way to challenge themselves and grow without being the taskmaster that's dragging a group to the point of not enjoying the experience or of getting hurt, because that's key. New groups definitely go through a rhythm too. The first day is always tough, the second day they start grasping it, and it's amazing what the third day brings. Since most of my groups have been youth group types, I don't usually disclose the whole route except to the chaperones and I rarely if ever repeated routes. But I know the options along the way, and try to help the group make decisions which let them leave with life-changing experiences in ways only the wilderness can provide.

And yah, I know I sound like quite the jerk in the trip report. Haha! I was trying to figure out how to accurately portray what I was thinking at the time, not all of it was good. But it was also a learning experience for everyone.

Thanks for the honest feedback.
OneMatch 04/06/2023 09:58AM
Really appreciated this report and plan to read it all over again. Though I'm not a guide with anywhere near your experience, I do frequently take friends in on trips like this and thoroughly enjoy it.

Your perspective has made me appreciate the pre-planning discussion and how important it really is. It also has validated what I have found, ie: 1st day is tough, 2nd day is a little better, 3rd day is fun to see the paddlers start getting in the groove.

Thanks so much. Love it.
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