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       Trip Report - Lake Three Adventure - No Regrets
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 08:51AM
Title: Trip Report - Lake Three Adventure - No Regrets
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BWPaddler 10/06/2010 11:29PM
Nice report - enjoyed thinking of you on Lake Three about 3 weeks before me. You two do roll with the punches and seem like you managed to have a great time despite changes in plans.
bapabear 11/10/2010 05:26PM
Thanks for your report. Sorry about your "critter" problems but I support your decision to leave before any bear problems arose.

I like the looks of your tent and might just look into one of those.
bapabear 11/10/2010 05:26PM
oops double post

ducks 10/10/2010 11:55AM
Very nice report and thanks for sharing. My wife and I get a room for a couple of nights in Ely or GM after our trips and really like doing that. It's kind of our buffer time between being out in the wilderness and getting back to reality. Sounds like the Numbered Lakes Bear is going to be as famous as the Polly, Disappointment, Esign bears very soon.
AndySG 10/10/2010 10:48AM
Thanks Alpine, I enjoyed your report. Did you ever figure out what got into your cooler? The fact it was unzipped and raided while hung is certainly a mystery. I might suspect it was a Marten, but also think a Marten would have eaten the steaks.
tremolo 10/10/2010 07:53PM
What a lovely report. I felt as if I were there as I read. I actually was there in May-- on lake three (no bears in May, thankfully), and Fenske is my summer go-to spot. Nice tr. Thanks.
Koda 10/10/2010 12:15PM
Nice trip report. Too bad you had to abort it early, but it seems like you were able to make lemonade anyway.
alpine525 10/06/2010 06:33PM
New Trip Report posted by alpine525

Trip Name: Lake Three Adventure - No Regrets.

Entry Point: 30

Click Here to View Trip Report
muddy 10/06/2010 07:50PM
Great report and pics!! Thanks!
Boppa 10/06/2010 09:17PM
Enjoyed your report and pics. You actually saw and encountered a lot of wildlife in a short amount of time. That cabin is a nice way to finish up a trip.
Thanks for sharing.
rr 10/27/2010 02:14PM
I appreciated your reply to my trip report, so I decided to read yours. Glad I did, as it was interesting and informative.

I agree with you that these wilderness trips are special and don't have to end when we reach 60 or even 70.

I like your camp set-up, especially the use of the tarp. I would never go on a wilderness trip without one. The tarp extends the experience, and, except for the most violent of storms, we don't have to be exiled to our tent when it rains.

This is a photo of our second morning out when it rained hard for two hours before we could take off. Nevertheless, we ate breakfast and waited under the tarp until it quit.
pswith5 10/27/2010 07:43PM
Sigh!!!!! This is typical of my reaction to trip reports. Wishing I was there! Also liked the critique of local food establishments. Maybe I will check out some of these on my next trip.
rr 10/27/2010 08:28PM
I'm thinking about the hanging problem. You hung your food in a tree, but unless you get the packs out from the trunk or the limbs, animals can get it. The pack has to be suspended between two trees or hung out on a strong, long limb. I have devised a system of ropes and pulleys that's hard to explain, but it enables me to hang the pack at least 10 feet out from two trees from which the ropes are suspended.

The other alternative is to buswack 100 or so yards out of the campsite and leave the pack on the ground or wedged between two rocks. Bears target campsites. Out in the woods they aren't likely to stumble on a pack except by luck.

Here's a picture:
alpine525 10/28/2010 07:49AM
rr - Nice set up. We are working on a new "food pack" plan for next year. For sure, it will include getting the pack out of the camp site area. We're thinking about a blue barrel - and stashing it outside of camp. Thanks for the picture!
Itchy Menace 10/06/2010 08:41PM
Another great report. Nice read.
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