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       Trip Report - Solo #4
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 10:40AM
Title: Trip Report - Solo #4
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noodle 09/21/2021 07:55AM
preacherdave: "So my question is- did you find your yoke?"
Oh yeah, I see I skipped that. As I'm paddling back to the campsite as the sun's dipping behind the trees, I see my yoke ... right there on the shoreline. I had simply forgotten to load it in the canoe at the start of the day. After everything that had happened I laughed at that, if only to keep myself from being incredibly angry at myself. (As it was I was only moderately angry at myself.)
Wolfee 09/21/2021 08:39AM
Great report - I like your writing style! DDSS meter - we could all use one of those sometime.

That spot you got stuck in... I've seen a lot of moose in and around the BWCA but one of my favorite moose encounters happened right there some 20 years ago on a fall trip. Camping on Hudson on the site right north of there, woke up early our last day of the trip on a frosty morning with the steam rising off the lake, and decided to go quietly fish instead of rattling around and waking up the rest of camp. Found a moose in that spot rooting around in the mud. He looked a little nervous when I first paddled up, but then settled down and went back to doing moose things. He watched me and I watched him for a good hour or so before we got tired of each other.

Later that day on the paddle out, we passed a guy who I can only assume was on a moose hunt. I don't know that for sure because I didn't ask, but he was decked out in camo, was towing a separate empty canoe, and pretty much the only thing he asked was "Where were we camped?" and "Had we seen any moose?" Now I got nothing against hunters, and if you can bag and haul out a one ton animal from the BW, color me impressed - but I felt like I had gained that moose's trust and owed him one, so I just replied "Hudson - and nope, haven't seen any moose."
noodle 09/20/2021 08:43PM
Glad to be back! What was working in my favor is I knew where I was at all times - even in that situation of "well, if I keep going forward it'll get worse before it gets better, but I can't get lost following this creek east and north because there's nowhere else for me to go".

There were more embarrassing parts to that daily adventure that I didn't include, but suffice it to say that Piragis is a fantastic outfitter and I can't say enough good stuff about them.
PeaceFrog 09/21/2021 06:45AM
Noodle. Way to get after it. That trip sounds like the one that makes you better in the future. Now I'm curious what my DDSS meter will be next June on my trip....? Hmmm? Anyway, great report and thank you for sharing and finding humor in your misery. Cheers!
CookHam 09/20/2021 06:56PM
Quite an entertaining read! We could all use a DDSS meter…. Avenza has the entire BWCA for sale at a bargain price. Off line, uses GPS not cell signal. Maybe not for total navigation but in a pinch, it will show you exactly where you are. Welcome back!
noodle 09/20/2021 03:46PM
New Trip Report posted by noodle

Trip Name: Solo #4.

Entry Point: 30

Click Here to View Trip Report
straighthairedcurly 09/20/2021 08:11PM
Yikes! You got pretty high on that DDSS meter. Great read, I was laughing hard while also feeling your pain. Glad you made it back before nightfall!
preacherdave 09/21/2021 07:29AM
So my question is- did you find your yoke?