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       Trip Report - Drie Maedichen auf der Wasser (Three girls on the water)
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:16AM
Title: Trip Report - Drie Maedichen auf der Wasser (Three girls on the water)
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boonie 06/28/2010 09:33PM
I enjoyed the report and the pictures - I just love a good latrine pic :). We usually try to get a pic with the number visible ;). I'm glad it worked out and everyone had a good trip.
campnscrap 06/28/2010 10:31PM
yeah, we have to take a latrine pic on each trip. I didn't know they were numbered???
Mongo65 07/02/2010 06:14AM
Great Report. Thanks for sharing.
nojobro 07/02/2010 08:08AM
quote campnscrap: "And, Nola, I don't have a freakin' clue! Amanda would be able to tell us, but she's not home and Lottie left on June 14th - boy do we miss her!!!"

I tried to say that I am glad that Lotte got to travel to the BW. I am not sure that I have my verb agreement correct or if that is quite how it is said. It's just been so long since I spoke German. The funny thing is now that I haven't been around it for so long, I can understand it much better than I can speak it, so if I were talking to Lotte, she could speak to me in German and I could speak back in English and we could understand one another. Provided she speaks English, which I assume that she does. ;-)
campnscrap 06/27/2010 10:31PM
c'mon guys, don't turn my trip report thread into someting nasty :(
campnscrap 06/27/2010 04:24PM
New Trip Report posted by campnscrap

Trip Name: Drie Maedichen auf der Wasser (Three girls on the water).

Entry Point: 36

Click Here to View Trip Report
kanoes 06/27/2010 04:46PM
completely excellent report `ette! absolutely wonderful read! thank you.

i liked your narrator angle for the report.
mooseplums 06/27/2010 05:33PM
totally enjoyable! We once had a German exchange student along on a boy scout trip, on the # chain. He thought he was going on a fancy "boat ride"....I think he was disappointed.
kanoes 06/27/2010 05:46PM
quote mooseplums: "totally enjoyable! I once had a German exchange student on a boy scout trip, on the # chain."
(edit..on second thought)
mooseplums 06/27/2010 10:21PM
quote kanoes: "quote mooseplums: "totally enjoyable! I once had a German exchange student on a boy scout trip, on the # chain."
(edit..on second thought)"

Not nice.....a rather vile insinuation..:(
fishguts 06/27/2010 05:33PM
Great report! I loved all the pictures! Good trip!
Ho Ho 06/27/2010 07:56PM
Thanks for the report. My brother's family had a German exchange student with them down in Texas this year and we really wanted to take him up to the Boundary Waters and he wanted to go, but it didn't work out. I think he'll come back to the States and we'll do a trip later. His family lives in the Alps so there is a plus side when visiting Europe too (although I'd be happy just taking a newbie to the Boundary Waters without that plus side!).
boonie 06/29/2010 04:38PM
quote campnscrap: "yeah, we have to take a latrine pic on each trip. I didn't know they were numbered???"
mooseplums 06/29/2010 05:22PM
quote campnscrap: "c'mon guys, don't turn my trip report thread into someting nasty :("

actually I was just kidding
dicecupmaker 06/30/2010 04:55AM
Vos dis das goot repor't!!! Threw in a little french there at the end.
Looked like a good time!! Great trip report! Namaste Mitch
nojobro 06/30/2010 07:42AM
Es freut mich, dass die Lotte auf der BW gereist ist!

(wow, I don't really know if I said that correctly,'s been 18 years since I could speak German...I am really not sure about that "ist" with reisen in the past tense like that...)
campnscrap 06/30/2010 01:23AM
quote mooseplums: "quote campnscrap: "c'mon guys, don't turn my trip report thread into someting nasty :("

actually I was just kidding"

Okay, then you're forgiven :) I just didn't want it to turn into a thread like some do . . . if ya know what I mean :)
Thanks Plums - you 'da man . . . . well, one of 'da men anyway ;)
wawasee 06/28/2010 12:28PM
Nice trip report! My daughter is friends with a German exchange student. She is going to Germany this Thursdays for two weeks.
campnscrap 06/30/2010 12:55PM
And, Nola, I don't have a freakin' clue! Amanda would be able to tell us, but she's not home and Lottie left on June 14th - boy do we miss her!!!
TuscaroraBorealis 06/30/2010 10:52PM
I prefer Cassidys as well :)

A very well written enjoyable report. Great pictures too. Thank you for sharing.

Sorry. I don't know much German. Does "Heil Hitler!" count??? LOL j/k
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