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       Trip Report - Family of three - base camping on Horseshoe.
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:21AM
Title: Trip Report - Family of three - base camping on Horseshoe.
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boonie 09/28/2016 07:39PM
I enjoyed your report, Lindsey. Brings back memories of my 2012 late Sept. trip from Cross Bay to Poplar. It was a really nice weekend weather-wise when I was on Horseshoe and was fairly busy even then. It seems that easily accessible lakes (1/2 day travel) are busy any nice weekend. We had the same experience exiting at Sawbill a couple of years ago at the end of Sept., but only saw one couple for days before reaching Kelso. A little farther out and mid-week, it can be pretty quiet.
bwcahuggy 09/26/2016 07:57PM
We were there around the 4th of July and loved it! Stayed on site 674 and saw loads of moose. Didn't stay up late enough to see the northern lights :-) There were a lot of canoes passing thru, but we still saw tons of wildlife. Fishing was tough but I think it was because of the mayfly hatch. We paddled down to Vista also and your right about that portage, it sucked!
SaganagaJoe 09/07/2016 08:11AM
I'm very happy that you got to see the Northern Lights; just hoping that I'm as lucky when I go up next week (!). Great report, and I take it you're a Luke Bryan fan.
MNLindsey80 10/03/2016 08:50PM
I'm thinking this would be a great location to head back to over MEA week!
Bamthor 09/05/2016 09:00PM
Nice report
I'd like to say you shouldn't judge the whole Gunflint by your location. That area is the most crowded part of the trail. I'd recommend Seagull, Red Rock, or Rose. There is also a ranger that sits at the end of Lizz all the time and hassles everyone. I'm surprised the outfitters don't try to get him booted he is a real charmer. Rockwood is a great outfitter for sure. Thanks for a nice report.
MNLindsey80 09/05/2016 09:14PM
No - definitely not judging the whole Gunflint by our EP. We just like the charm of Ely. All of the outfitters are right there. My two 2017 trips will be out of Ely. We'll definitely be back to the Gunflint. In fact I'll be back with the kiddo in October (next month). Planning to paddle my kayak up Duncan to the Rose Portage on a daytrip.
MNLindsey80 09/05/2016 06:33PM
New Trip Report posted by MNLindsey80

Trip Name: Family of three - on trip three!.

Entry Point: 47

Click Here to View Trip Report
ducks 09/06/2016 06:56AM
Excellent report! Thanks for sharing. I enjoy tripping out of the Gunflint better than Ely. BUT, that's one of the beauties of the BWCA...... there are so many different options to meet the needs of so many different people and what they prefer in a trip.

I think you'll enjoy the daytrip to Rose in Oct. We did that daytrip during an MEA weekend when the kids were little. Make sure you use the canoe landing on the western end of West Bearskin Lake on Hungry Jack Road and not the one on the eastern end of West Bearskin off of Clearwater Lake road. It is much closer to the portage to Duncan. The Caribou Rock Trail trail head is right by there also and is a short hike to a beautiful overlook of West Bearskin Lake.
ozarkpaddler 09/06/2016 08:12AM
Nice report. Different strokes, 'eh? I like Ely but love GM and the Gunflint. Going down Hwy 61 into town always feels like I'm coming home.

You know, it's funny how things evolve over the years. We've done 4 trips into Horseshoe, and they were quiet. They were September, August, and two in June. It's not my favorite lake for "Beauty," but some of my favorite campsites are there, the fishing was always good, and I loved to day trip the area. But I haven't been there in about 15 years and the common theme is how "Busy" it is? Funny how things change.

I really like the "Blog" format you use on your TR's. And you really have a "Knack" for writing, thanks for sharing with us here!
climbmda 09/06/2016 08:41AM
Looks like a great trip. We were up a week earlier (also have a report posted) for our second family trip of the year. Great to get the little ones exposed to this stuff early on.

I have tripped out of Ely more than the Gunflint, but have had great trips in both areas. Also had subpar trips out of both locations. The lodging and shopping convenience of Ely usually wins out when bringing the kid, plus we typically hit the Wolf or Bear Center on the way out of town.

Thanks for sharing.