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       Trip Report - BWCA Three Headwaters Tour: Over the divide and back again
Date/Time: 09/26/2024 01:13PM
Title: Trip Report - BWCA Three Headwaters Tour: Over the divide and back again
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Jaywalker 10/25/2018 09:54AM
Loved reading your report and great photos. Very impressed with your eye for detail and knowledge of the plants and wildlife.
straighthairedcurly 10/08/2023 07:28PM
Thanks for the route suggestion and I really enjoyed reading your report. I learned some new flower names from it...I love searching for wildflowers. Wish I knew as much about birds as you do.
johndku 10/10/2018 08:38AM
Nice report, nice pictures!

Thanks for posting. We've been back from out trip for a couple of months now, and I needed a BWCA fix!
sedges 10/09/2018 09:32PM
New Trip Report posted by sedges

Trip Name: BWCA Three Headwaters Tour: Over the divide and back again.

Entry Point: 51

Click Here to View Trip Report
sedges 10/12/2018 05:07PM
I don't fish, which most folks find amazing, but I spend a lot of time exploring for interesting geological features, plant species and plant communities and bird watching.
Driftless 10/10/2018 09:07AM
Loved the report and photos! Thanks!
TreeBear 10/20/2023 12:20PM
Wonderful trip report. That stretch of the BWCA is really fascinating ecologically/geologically. It's my belief that different sections of the BWCA have different "feels" about them based on the topography, the rocks, the trees, the plant communities, which wildlife are present, the water color, and so on. There are no clear lines perse, it kind of transitions from one to the other except along the burn zones. That area of the BWCA changes quickly in how it feels from one lake to the next. The lakes south of Brule towards Homer feel entirely different than Brule as do the lakes towards Bower Trout or towards Cam and Gasket or towards the Cones or towards Cherokee. Each feels entirely different than the others. And then Cliff and Winchell sort of feel alike, and Omega and Kiskadinna. There's so much character to be found there.

Also, nice canoe! I am jealous...haha. A few MR Independences have popped up around my area this year, but I can't justify another canoe until the house build is done!
sedges 10/20/2018 09:46PM
Thanks. My shorter travel days have come along with age(66) and have more to do with number and ruggedness of portages. Routes with lots of big water have me traveling further. I can paddle all day long and really should be spending more time on the big border lakes.
rtallent 10/11/2018 11:47AM
Good read! A real eye for the flora and fauna (per your screen name, I reckon).
30Smoke 10/20/2018 03:58PM
Really enjoyed reading your report and pictures. I like the shorter travel days and exploring the lakes. Thanks for sharing you trip! Well done!
boonie 10/10/2018 01:44PM
Also enjoyed the report and photos.
Jaywalker 10/25/2018 10:25AM
Oh, and do look into a bug net. I went down through Cross Bay Lake to the Frost River a few weeks before you and the mosquitos were aweful. Fortunately I had just made a bug net to hang under my tarp. If I did not have it, I honestly believe I would have gone home on day two instead of ten.
joeandali 10/10/2018 01:23PM
Nice report
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