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       Trip Report - 2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area
Date/Time: 07/02/2024 05:36PM
Title: Trip Report - 2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area
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PortageKeeper 05/18/2009 08:19AM
Usually, each person has his own menu and does his own cooking, after returning to camp. Sometimes those teamed up with a paddling partner share menus and cooking, stove, dishes etc. I know that other sponsored groups will charge for the entire trip and this includes meals (and sometimes travel) which are probably cooked by one person. I chose not to charge, and let people deal with their own menus cooking, shopping, stoves, travel, gear, canoe, paddling partner etc.
Other than that, I set up the trip each year (always during the week before MN fishing opener) with the FS and furnish all tools (most tools borrowed from the FS aren't worth bringing on a trip). Some years we do a loop where we have to move camp each day (unless we have time for a layover day) and others, like this year, we do a base camp trip. Most prefer the base camp trip but it's easy to run out of options, as I try to pick a different area each year. I usually shoot for 6-8 people to keep the people and boat numbers in check and this is why I don't advertise too much. One year we had eleven, so we split a large loop (six one way and five the other) where we would cross paths in the middle. Since there are usually larger trees somewhere along the way, a large crosscut saw must be used. Any time there is a large saw involved, there has to be at least one person in that group who is trained to use it (mostly for their own safety). So far there are only two of us trained, and if the other person trained is not going that year, then I can only have one group.
I have a group e-mail list of about 38 persons that have expressed interest and this is where most get their info for the next planned trip. If you or others would like to be on that list then let me know and I'd be happy to include you. I pick a route in the fall and let everyone know so they can start planning for the spring trip. Most emails happen during the spring, as people start getting the itch.

Joe (PK)
CaptnDan 05/17/2009 09:36PM
Thank you, Portage Keeper and to the other volunteers. I will be using these portages in about, oh, 21 days (not that I'm counting).
The worst trouble I've had on the Burntside/Crab portage was a few years ago. The beavers did their engineering work and there was a good sized lake in the middle of the portage. It was a real pain.

Thanks again!!
Irishstone 05/18/2009 12:32PM
thanks for the report.

Thanks too for getting out their and clearing the portages.
HighPlainsDrifter 05/17/2009 09:14PM

Joe The-Portage-Keeper

Thank you and thanks to all the Portage Keepers for your volunteer work.

So, when you guys go out do you appoint a "chef-for-the-day"? Or do you work on the trails and still have to tend to the chores of cooking and cleaning?

It would be nice to know a little about the logistics on these trips.

PortageKeeper 05/18/2009 09:07AM

I know the area that you speak of as TG pointed it out this trip. It is now dry as the dam may no longer be active.

Boppa 05/16/2009 05:41PM
A very interesting report, enjoyed the detail of tools used and some of the clearing dilemma's encountered. Thanks to all of you for your efforts.
kanoes 05/24/2009 10:03AM
nice job!!! feel like making a ninth? :) (thats the 15" model, right?)
Mongo65 05/16/2009 10:34PM

Many thanks to you and your crew for keeping the BWCA accessible to those who wish to travel it's paths.
airmorse 05/16/2009 12:56PM
Sounds like it was a great trip. Thanks to you and your friends for all your hard work.
PortageKeeper 05/16/2009 11:44AM
New Trip Report posted by PortageKeeper

Trip Name: 2009 Portage Clearing Trip Crab Lake Area.

Entry Point: 4

Click Here to View Trip Report
K2 05/21/2009 08:41AM
Thanks Portage Keeper for the report and the cleanup. I will be all over that area in about 18 days or so.
tg 05/23/2009 09:48AM
captn dan-
i was on this trip with PK and have been in that area a bunch. in the middle of the portage there is a small creek that in past years has been 50ft wide and thigh deep. there is a board walk in there but it has been under water on each of my previous trips. we would reload the canoes, ferry across and resume the portage on the other side...until this year. the creek is but a trickle and it seems like maybe the beavers have changed their engineering strategy. you can easily walk across now. have fun on your trip!

bumabu 05/25/2009 05:41AM
Thanks for the work. You would look badass carrying 2 of those, one on each side, in a modified dual 6-gun holster!
kanoes 05/23/2009 09:56PM
thanks to all of you guys for the great service you provide, year after year. some may ill help myself.

joe, what did you end up using for sheaths for those irwin marathons?
PortageKeeper 05/23/2009 10:29PM
I made plastic sheaths....... for all eight of them!
It took a while.
nakor 05/18/2009 09:32PM
Thanks to PortageKeeper and his entire group. I was on all of those portages last year and will be again this year.
thlipsis29 05/23/2009 10:42PM

Thanks for the trip report and all the additional detail information. Crab Lake is one of the possibilities for my trip next year and this sort of detailed info is very much appreciated. Thanks for all your hard work.
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