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       Trip Report - Lake One to Snowbank loop
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:01PM
Title: Trip Report - Lake One to Snowbank loop
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Mongo65 09/27/2009 04:32PM
I truly enjoyed your report and pictures. Thank you for sharing.

dogwoodgirl 09/27/2009 06:31PM
Great report....inspiring. Loved the photos, and the exploration of internal space as well as the journey itself.
Koda 09/29/2009 01:50PM
Gosh ... thanks for the nice feedback, folks. I thought people would find this pretty boring except for some of the pictures. Maybe when we share things about ourselves we realize how connected we all really are.


moose plums 10/27/2009 01:32PM
Koda, great report! I enjoyed the details, and the photography
bentshaft 10/27/2009 06:58PM
Koda, great report. You have a way with words and perspective that brought back my own experiences in these areas. Very enjoyable read.
Koda 10/28/2009 07:58PM
Thanks again, folks. If this keeps up I'll get a reputation for good trip reports and pics and I'll have to make monthly BW trips just to satisfy the demand! Good thing I'm retired. :-)
ducks 10/28/2009 08:58PM
Sounds good to me Koda. Enjoyed the report. Thanks for sharing.
kanoes 10/28/2009 09:02PM
"...If this keeps up I'll get a reputation for good trip reports and pics and I'll have to make monthly BW trips just to satisfy the demand! Good thing I'm retired. :-)"

id maybe try get over myself first....
Koda 10/28/2009 10:13PM
Thanks, ducks, but it seems I now have a more important job to do, per instructions from a certain "distinguished member" (who seems to lack a sense of humor). Getting over myself will take some doing, but I'll try. Leapfrog, anyone?

SunCatcher 10/28/2009 07:45PM

Nice Report and Really nice website. Awesome stuff.

Koda 09/27/2009 12:42PM
New Trip Report posted by Koda

Trip Name: Lake One to Snowbank loop.

Entry Point: 30

Click Here to View Trip Report
rlhedlund 09/27/2009 02:06PM
Happy Birthday, and thanks for posting.
TomT 09/27/2009 02:01PM
That was really great to see and read. I've done this same route in '06 then this past Aug. did a longer version starting at Snowbank.

I thought what you wrote at the end of day three was very interesting.

"This evening I ignore the photo ops in favor of checking in with myself. I see how a steady program of doing has kept me from being present. I briefly consider bailing out in the face of the challenge ahead, and then a loon calls, and for the first time in three days I really hear it. Something awakens inside, but it takes several more days to emerge."

I've done 4 solos and on each it DOES take a few days to really slow down and see and hear what's around you.

As for the Williamson Island campsite I would rate it slightly higher than you did. We put up three tents here in '06 and we all consider this to be a top site. The rock ledge out front is really great. We stopped this year for 2 nights as well and right in front are two perfectly spaced trees for my sleeping hammock.

Thanks for putting this together. I also am very impressed with the photos and description of how you made the front thwart and also pics of your canoe storage. Nice work.

ps. If you have trouble sleeping on the ground you should give a sleeping hammock a try. Here's what I bought this year. Warbonnet Blackbird
This is my setup on Alice Lake. You would like these beach sites on the east side.
Irishstone 10/29/2009 12:40PM

Great trip report. I am always glad to read others adventures in some of the same places. A few years back I was able to check out Williamson Island and on another trip I stayed a night on that South Island on Disappointment.

Glad to hear that you got back on the waters after an injury.
Koda 10/29/2009 02:02PM
Thanks, Irishstone. Today the doc told me the shoulder is healed and to quit worrying about it. But driving past the spot where the van driver ran me off the road (causing a separated shoulder when my motorcycle and I parted company) still gives me a bit of the willies.
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