Boundary Waters Trip Reports, Blog, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

October 26 2024

Entry Point 32 - South Kawishiwi River

South Kawishiwi River entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Kawishiwi Ranger Station near the city of Ely, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 21 miles. Access is a 140-rod portage to the river.

Number of Permits per Day: 2
Elevation: 1201 feet
Latitude: 47.8419
Longitude: -91.6632
South Kawishiwi River - 32

Fishing madness

by crappiefisher26
Trip Report

Entry Date: August 04, 2006
Entry Point: Lake One
Exit Point: Moose Lake (25)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 9

Trip Introduction:


August 4th-10th 2006 BWCA Trip

Day 1 August 1, 2006

Up at 4:30 am, got washed up and finished packing the Explorer. We then drove over to Steve’s house to meet up with the rest of the group at 5:15am. While there we helped pack the trailer and got everything loaded up, double checking that we have everything. We began our drive north at 5:40. We stopped in Ely to grab a bite to eat from Subway, and stopped and Babes Bait and Tackle to purchase our 1lb of leeches for $23.00. WOW! We then continued on to the Moose Lake Landing to drop off the pickup vehicle. Then we drove to the Lake One landing unloaded gear and canoes, and the drivers parked the vehicles. We got on the water at 2:20pm. We paddled from Lake One into Lake Two, and planned on getting a campsite on Lake Two but they were all occupied. Once we got half way through Lake Two around 3:00 it started to pour cats and dogs and it was really windy. And of course we were going against the wind. It continued to pour for 3 hours, while we paddled through the rest of Lake Two and into Lake Three still no open campsites. So we paddled all the way to Lake Four and finally found a nice campsite in a nice calm bay. We unloaded gear from the canoes and set up camp at 7:00pm. And then it stopped raining, everyone was wet and cold, fearing that we were going to get hypothermia, we started a fire to let everyone warm up. We all changed into dry clothes and cooked a nice hot dinner of Chilli Mac and Cheese. Gag!! Never buy this stuff again! And at 9:00pm attempted to hang bear bag but couldn’t find suitable trees, so we just did a Cliff Jacobsen and set the food pack and barrel in the woods well away from camp. In the tents we go at 9:45pm. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Day 2 August 5, 2006

Up at 6:00 am cooked breakfast, ate, packed the gear up. We got the canoes loaded and began paddling at 9:00am. We paddled from our Lake 4 campsite into Hudson. What a beautiful day, sun is out, no rain for the rest of the trip. We had three portages today, a 10 rod, and two 25 rods. So not to bad of portages. Once on Hudson we stopped for lunch on a beautiful sand beach. We needed this after fighting the wind while paddling, everyone needed nourishment for the gruesome 105 rod portage from Hudson into Insula. Everyone managed to make it across the 105 rod portage into Insula. Once in Insula we paddled to a very nice beach campsite and set up camp there. We still had plenty of sun so everyone got there wet gear and dried it out. At 6:00 pm we began to cook our delicious tender Sirloin Steaks. Man those were the best steaks ever, complements of the cook Levi. After dinner we ventured out to do some fishing. There happened to be a nice rock bar in front of camp, I caught two 2lb smallys, and Jake caught a nice walleye and three nice smallys. My dad caught a 2 ½ lb and a 1lb smallmouth. After fishing for a couple hours it was going on 9:00pm. We paddled back to camp and got cleaned up, and then hung the bear bag. Then headed for the tents before the killer mosquitoes came out at 9:50pm. The bugs were not bad at all.

Day 3 August 6, 2006

Up at 6:00am again to head out fishing with Jake. I caught some nice smallmouth for dinner, a 2 lb, 3lb, and a 2 ½ lb also a nice 2lb walleye. Came back in to camp to eat Breakfast, afterwards we headed back out for yet more fishing. Man it was windy. We just drifted across the rock piles, and along the shores of many islands. I caught yet another smallmouth about 1 ½ lb’s. We went back to camp as it was going on noon and everyone was hungry so we ate lunch. After lunch Jake and I went out and tried fishing 2 more times, way to windy though, almost tipped the canoe twice. No luck with the fishing this time. Came back to camp took a swim to clean off the dirt and sweat. That felt very refreshing. We then hung around camp and chatted. Then it was time for dinner so I filleted the fish up and cooked them. We also had chicken and cous cous to go along with the fish. After dinner cleaned the dishes and headed out for more fishing. I caught a really small smallmouth about 10 inches long and a 1lb walleye, and a 2 ½ lb smallmouth. Came back to camp and hung the bear bag at 9:30pm. Then we chatted by the nice campfire for a while. That was very relaxing, it was nice to just rest for a bit. Then we could hear the mosquito swarms in the woods getting closer so we put out the fire and headed to the tents for some rest.

Day 4 August 7th, 2006

Up at 6:00am, made a run to the latrine. Came back everyone packed up their personal gear. Ate breakfast and packed rest of the crew gear and food pack and barrel. We got on the water at 7:40 am and paddled from the south end on Insula to the North end of Thomas Lake. Got a campsite right next to the portage from Thomas into Ensign. Had a few small portages today and a huge 180 rod killer portage. Man there were a lot of people coming across this portage, it was like 494 and 35 W. That tired us all out. After getting into Thomas we paddled to the North end and camped. We set up camp and tried our luck at fishing, I caught some really small rock bass only 4 inches long. Donald also caught some tiny rock bass. Got into camp around 4 or 5pm. We tried making jello in a bag, and we brought it out in the lake to sink it but we didn’t have it deep enough so it was more like liquid jello. Oh well!

Day 5 August 7th, 2006

Woke up at 6:00 am got personal gear packed. Made a dash to the latrine came back we all ate breakfast and packed up the crew gear. We were on the water at 7:45am. We paddled from our camp on Thomas into Ensign. We had a few small portages as well as a 105 rod portage. We had to paddle through Ima,Jordan, Cattyman, Gibson, and Ashigan to get into Ensign. Jake caught 6 small northerns about 16 inches on Ashigan Lake. We got into the East side of Ensign and found a campsite. Today we all just laid back and rested. Ate some lunch around 1:00pm, everyone was tired. We tried fishing, Jon got a small northern.We came back at 6:00pm at cooked dinner. Then chatted for a while. Me and Jake headed out fishing again, didn’t get anything though. Headed back in and went to bed at 9:00pm.

Day 6, August 8th 2006

Up at 6:00 am and cooked breakfast ate and packed the gear. We got on the water at 10:20am and paddled through Ensign to get to Newfound. While paddling through some narrows, Chris happened to be trolling and caught a nice 24 inch walleye. So we stopped and drifted through a couple times, Jake then caught a nice 18 inch walleye. But no one caught anything else after that. So we continued on, had two portages from Ensign into Newfound a 5 rod and a 35 rod. They weren’t bad, we just carried the boats across the 5 rod. We stopped for lunch ¾ of the way down Newfound at a campsite. We then paddled really hard fighting the wind and motor boat wakes into Moose Lake. Had to fight the waves and wind all the way down moose to our take out point # 25. Everyone decided they were too tired, and didn’t want to stay. The only people that wanted to stay we my Dad, I, Jake, and Jon. We would have liked to stay the last night and do some more fishing. But we voted and we lost, so we took out a day early. We got into Ely at about 3:30pm. Stopped at Spirit of the Wilderness Outfitters and everyone got a chance to take a nice hot shower. That took 2 hours, cause they only had one shower so we all had to rotate. After the showers we went to Dairy Queen at 6:30 and grabbed a bite to eat for dinner. After this we began our drive back home at 7:25pm. Got home around 1 am. This was a nice trip but next time I’m not going to invite people who wont want to stay the whole trip.


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