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       Trip Report - Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 06:01PM
Title: Trip Report - Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip
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boonie 08/23/2018 03:49PM
I'm glad to hear it all came together so well for you; it sounds like you had a very good trip.

I hope you have many more.
arm2008 08/23/2018 03:50PM
I'm very jealous - sounds like you had a great time together! I wish you many returns.
Twins87 09/05/2018 12:41PM
What a wonderful trip report, so glad your wife had a good time and wants to go back again. Thank you for sharing the experience with all of us. I am always thrilled when another female enjoys canoe camping.

Glad the bugs weren't bad for you, we were out a week earlier along the border on Ottertrack and Ester and they were brutal for us there.

Wine is the best by a canoe country campfire. It's one reason we likely will never single portage ;-)

We enjoy taking newbies in ... going with friends and family... but increasingly our favorite trips are just the two of us. I feel fortunate that my husband is still willing to go every year as I am the one who is much more interested in wilderness tripping than he is. Though the older I get the less I like sleeping on the ground. Everything else is still fabulous though.
Twins87 09/05/2018 12:41PM
Sorry - dreaded double post! That's what I get for trying to multi-task at work ;-0
andym 08/24/2018 09:37PM
Glad it went so well. For us, good swimming is definitely high on our list of campsite desires. We both like to get in a good swim every day. And yes on the head nets. We also have the bug shirts and on this last trip lent our head nets to our niece and her family. Glad they had them but wish we had something that quick to throw on. Plus the shirts can get hot. Next trip we will have both with us. Finally, my wife has never shown any interest in the pee things. Probably a very individual thing.
buellerjr 08/29/2018 07:20PM
Kudos to you on your prep and execution. Sounds like your wife really enjoyed it and that it was a great experience as a couple. Hopefully you will have many more trips like it. I am taking my wife in for the first time in less than two weeks and am really looking forward to it. I closely followed your other thread and feel I have a few tips to make it more enjoyable for her. Thanks to all who shared ideas.
Spartan2 08/24/2018 09:22AM
Great trip report, and it does look like you had a good time. I am happy for you!

Just a thought. I am betting that if you would have asked. . .that Holiday Inn at Virginia might have had a freezer on premises where they would have put your steaks overnight for you and you could have gotten them frozen hard at your departure time in the morning. Just an idea for another time. We have done this in the past at hotels and they usually are very accommodating. Our traditional first-night meal was always "steak and oranges." :-)

My introduction to the canoe country as a newbie wife wasn't anything like this. It was a very long time ago (1971) and it was six days of very hard work, paddling to a new campsite every day, and sleeping in a canvas tent. In later years I was amazed that I wanted to go again, but after the third day I was totally hooked on it, and I was already planning the next trip. . .and the next. . .and the next. We enjoyed 43 years of canoe-tripping together and we still go up to the area for a cabin week every summer. (Just returned from a week on the Gunflint with our granddaughter this past weekend.)

We found that getting away together in the canoe was a good way of bonding as a couple. Lots of wonderful memories.
Skarc75 08/23/2018 01:34PM
New Trip Report posted by Skarc75

Trip Name: Shell Basecame for Wife's Second Trip.

Entry Point: 14

Click Here to View Trip Report
Driftless 08/23/2018 02:14PM
Sounds like an awesome time and that there will be additional trips with the wife!
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