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       Trip Report - Ottertrack, Knife, and everything in between.
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 08:43AM
Title: Trip Report - Ottertrack, Knife, and everything in between.
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Trapper7 02/20/2017 12:09AM
quote SaganagaJoe: "My heartrate went up a couple notches . . . I've been away from the BWCA for too long! I was on Ottertrack this past August and if I go to the BWCA this year that's where I'm going. Thanks for your tips.

I've done some reading about the Root Beer Lady in the past, which one of Dorothy's Angels are you related to? "

My grandpa wasn't one of the "regular" angels, he just helped gather the ice for her in the winter. His name was Val Kern.
callofthewild 02/10/2017 03:12PM
Thank you for the very nice report. This past fall would have been a great time to be in the BWCA from a temperature standpoint. Thanks for the great pictures. I, like Boonie, am looking forward to a trip to this part of the BWCA possibly this year with my son. I am glad you had success with the fishing. Happy paddling!!!
ozarkpaddler 02/21/2017 09:18AM
Well, this trip report is one of the best I've read, it has everything. It's really interesting that you have a real connection with one of my favorite BWCAW characters and are also infatuated with Benny Ambrose as am I. I will be thinking WWBD now whenever I'm in that area (LOL)! And, Lakers "basted in my homemade maple syrup with some salt and pepper," doggone it, that makes my mouth water!

Thank you so much for taking us along!
SaganagaJoe 02/18/2017 03:15PM
My heartrate went up a couple notches . . . I've been away from the BWCA for too long! I was on Ottertrack this past August and if I go to the BWCA this year that's where I'm going. Thanks for your tips.

I've done some reading about the Root Beer Lady in the past, which one of Dorothy's Angels are you related to?
boonie 02/01/2017 07:32PM
Thanks for the nice report and photos - a beautiful looking area I have not been to yet. Sounds like a little good and bad on the weather, but not too bad overall.
Trapper7 01/31/2017 02:51PM
New Trip Report posted by Trapper7

Trip Name: Ottertrack, Knife, and everything in between..

Entry Point: 25

Click Here to View Trip Report
Mocha 02/01/2017 12:11AM
sounds like a great trip with some nice fish!
your photos are very nice, too. your leg... i hope it has healed, some of those portages could have done some serious damage if you weren't cautious.

i hope you and your friends get more trips in the future, it sounds like you're good tripping buddies.
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