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       Trip Report - 1977 Our First Time in Quetico
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 02:55PM
Title: Trip Report - 1977 Our First Time in Quetico
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Spartan2 03/05/2021 05:21PM
PineKnot: "Really nice read and love the vintage photos!! Seeing your pics on Reid Lake is quite memorable and the lake hadn't changed much at all 30+ years later....and, no this does not mean your old or ancient!! :-) Also, back in 1977 it wouldn't surprise me if the portages from Reid south to Silence or southwest into Woodside and Hurlburt were non-existant or rarely used and quite overgrown. Even today, they are probably used less than a few times annually.

Thx for sharing with us all...."

You're welcome. And yes, I AM ancient!! I was old enough to be in the first grouping of patients to get my COVID shot (75) this winter!

We looked hard for a portage, and we were people who were pretty persistent, but after awhile we just decided to change our route. In the grand scheme of things it didn't matter much and I remember this as a really nice trip. But when you had a "guess the lake" a few times ago (#55) and it was Reid Lake, we both took notice! It doesn't seem to be a place where many people go.

PineKnot 03/05/2021 04:50PM
Really nice read and love the vintage photos!! Seeing your pics on Reid Lake is quite memorable and the lake hadn't changed much at all 30+ years later....and, no this does not mean your old or ancient!! :-) Also, back in 1977 it wouldn't surprise me if the portages from Reid south to Silence or southwest into Woodside and Hurlburt were non-existant or rarely used and quite overgrown. Even today, they are probably used less than a few times annually.

Thx for sharing with us all....
tumblehome 03/05/2021 05:09PM
I enjoyed your trip report too. Thanks.

I wonder if the 'bluebirds' you mention were bluejays.

I have seen the indigo bunting in MN but it is not common and I have never seen one in northern MN.
Spartan2 03/05/2021 05:18PM
tumblehome: "I enjoyed your trip report too. Thanks.

I wonder if the 'bluebirds' you mention were bluejays.

I have seen the indigo bunting in MN but it is not common and I have never seen one in northern MN.

I doubt it, as we have blue jays and bluebirds all the time around home in Michigan and I would know the difference. I hadn't thought of the indigo bunting--I wonder if it was a possibility. Doesn't really matter. As the years went by I got a bit better about identifying flowers, birds, insects, etc. but this trip was in my "formative" years. :-)
Spartan2 03/06/2021 06:10AM
Interesting information about bluebirds. I guess we'll never know, but I have gotten pretty good at accepting whatever I write in my journal. Thanks for the followup.
tumblehome 03/06/2021 05:52AM
Spartan2: "tumblehome: "I enjoyed your trip report too. Thanks.

I wonder if the 'bluebirds' you mention were bluejays.

I have seen the indigo bunting in MN but it is not common and I have never seen one in northern MN.

I doubt it, as we have blue jays and bluebirds all the time around home in Michigan and I would know the difference. I hadn't thought of the indigo bunting--I wonder if it was a possibility. Doesn't really matter. As the years went by I got a bit better about identifying flowers, birds, insects, etc. but this trip was in my "formative" years. :-)"

Thinking more about your bluebirds. I did a little digging and see that the Eastern Bluebird does, or used to live in MN. If they are still here, they are uncommon now. It does say that their population rapidly declined back in the middle 20th century. I've never seen a bluebird up there but perhaps there were still some round when you were there.
Eastern Bluebird
paddlefamily 03/05/2021 01:41PM
I love reading your report. You did a beautiful job documenting it. Thank you!
30Smoke 03/09/2021 10:37PM
enjoyed the report as always!
The pictures of the SS Spartan were really cool, as well as the picture of the canoe on your car. My first watercraft was not a canoe, but a 12 foot Starcraft aluminum boat, which I strapped on top of my AMC Hornet! Your pictures brought back memories!
Spartan2 03/04/2021 10:06AM
New Trip Report posted by Spartan2

Trip Name: 1977 Our First Time in Quetico.

Entry Point: 25

Click Here to View Trip Report
TrailZen 03/05/2021 12:19PM
Another wonderful "vintage" report. Thanks for sharing.

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