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       Trip Report - Solo Trip to Pipe Lake
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 11:56AM
Title: Trip Report - Solo Trip to Pipe Lake
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airmorse 06/03/2019 08:21AM
CoffeeInTheWoods: "airmorse: "Nice report.

How'd you like your twig stove? I'll be bringing one for the first time this year. Looks to be the same as yours. "

I first started using the Folding Firebox Nano five years ago. It took forever to boil water even though it could be fed from the side.
Firebox Nano stove

I decided to try my current stove a few years ago and have enjoyed it. It's cheap and efficient, but you have to remove your pot to feed it. Not a big deal, though, since this one will get a boil quick.
Ohuhu Camping Stove

I still take my MSR Pocket Rocket for morning coffee. I don't like to work that hard or wait that long for the first cup. The twig stove is fun to have and play around with. I take it for day hikes in the spring and fall when I'm making a lunch or coffee in the woods. It's nice to have on trips like this. I'll likely leave it at home on our seven-day trip up to Finger and Pocket Lake areas, though."

Yes the Ohuhu is the one i have.
HangLoose 06/08/2019 11:04AM
Solo trips renew the soul. Welcome to the world of gravity filtration. Why anybody would still pump to filter water is beyond me. Thanks for the report
x2jmorris 06/03/2019 08:43PM
Sounds like a great trip. For a long time I dreamed of a solo trip but idk feel I kind of like a little company now haha.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/03/2019 08:55PM
x2jmorris: "Sounds like a great trip. For a long time I dreamed of a solo trip but idk feel I kind of like a little company now haha. "

I do both!

May/June solo
Summer trips with my sons and daughters.
Maybe a fall trip with my dad.

(I have a very flexible work schedule and live in Minnesota.)
Wintersguy80 06/07/2019 10:06AM
Great trip report.. it gets me excited for my first solo point to point trip next month!!
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/02/2019 02:19PM
New Trip Report posted by CoffeeInTheWoods

Trip Name: Solo Trip to Pipe Lake.

Entry Point: 40

Click Here to View Trip Report
airmorse 06/02/2019 02:35PM
Nice report.

How'd you like your twig stove? I'll be bringing one for the first time this year. Looks to be the same as yours.
LindenTree 06/02/2019 03:02PM
I recently got back from a short 2 night solo like you and basecamped the whole time.
I'll go back in for a couple days this Saturday hopefully.
RetiredDave 06/02/2019 06:12PM
I enjoyed reading your solo trip report, thanks for sharing it with our community!

CoffeeInTheWoods 06/07/2019 12:08PM
ducks: "Thanks for the report.... glad you found the solitude you were looking for. Your timing was just right....... When my daughter and I were there over Memorial Weekend it was extremely busy. 13 cars in the lot and campsites full.

I was hoping for much more solitude..... last year I did a solo in May entering Homer and my car was the only one in the lot and I had Pipe to myself and then Vern to myself. I know Memorial Day weekend is busier, BUT the 2 previous years a buddy of mine did solos entering at Homer during Memorial Day weekend and he had Pipe to himself both years and he said that Vern was empty when he daytripped over there."

It is a great EP for a spring weekend. I’d guess it’s thin during the summer since there aren’t a lot of loop options.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/03/2019 06:17AM
airmorse: "Nice report.

How'd you like your twig stove? I'll be bringing one for the first time this year. Looks to be the same as yours. "

I first started using the Folding Firebox Nano five years ago. It took forever to boil water even though it could be fed from the side.
Firebox Nano stove

I decided to try my current stove a few years ago and have enjoyed it. It's cheap and efficient, but you have to remove your pot to feed it. Not a big deal, though, since this one will get a boil quick.
Ohuhu Camping Stove

I still take my MSR Pocket Rocket for morning coffee. I don't like to work that hard or wait that long for the first cup. The twig stove is fun to have and play around with. I take it for day hikes in the spring and fall when I'm making a lunch or coffee in the woods. It's nice to have on trips like this. I'll likely leave it at home on our seven-day trip up to Finger and Pocket Lake areas, though.
ducks 06/07/2019 07:29AM
Thanks for the report.... glad you found the solitude you were looking for. Your timing was just right....... When my daughter and I were there over Memorial Weekend it was extremely busy. 13 cars in the lot and campsites full.

I was hoping for much more solitude..... last year I did a solo in May entering Homer and my car was the only one in the lot and I had Pipe to myself and then Vern to myself. I know Memorial Day weekend is busier, BUT the 2 previous years a buddy of mine did solos entering at Homer during Memorial Day weekend and he had Pipe to himself both years and he said that Vern was empty when he daytripped over there.
Ausable 06/06/2019 11:07AM
I also enjoyed your report. I envy those of you who live close enough to be able to enjoy the BWCA more than once per year.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/06/2019 12:05PM
Ausable: "I also enjoyed your report. I envy those of you who live close enough to be able to enjoy the BWCA more than once per year."

It is a huge perk of living in the Twin Cities!

Re: AuSable. I grew up in northern MI and have family in the Mio-Fairview area. Spent a lot of time on that river, but unfortunately we usually get back right at the height of tubing season (July 4th).
gravelroad 06/05/2019 08:41PM
Thanks very much for this report. Pipe has been on my radar for a while now, and there's a shiny Ohuhu in the other room waiting for its first trial by fire. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Bannock 06/05/2019 09:15PM
Excellent! Thanks.
boonie 06/10/2019 08:58PM
Enjoyed your report, glad you had a nice trip.
paddlinjoe 06/11/2019 04:07PM
Thanks for the trip report. Glad you found the solitude you wanted. I haven't seen that stove before, looks cool.
OldTripper 06/05/2019 10:17PM
I enjoyed your trip report.
Thanks for sharing.
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