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Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:15AM
Title: Trip Report - Rainy day people
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paddlefamily 10/23/2016 01:42PM
quote TuscaroraBorealis: "Pam (Paddlefamily ),

Thank you!

Ironically it was your comments & great photos of that Long Island campsite that really peaked our interest in that area. So thank you for sharing as well. It really was a neat area to explore & definitely will be an area for future consideration. And yes Aurora is growing up so fast. I don't know how many more trips we'll be able to do with out her not wanting to paddle full time? It still amazes us at how well she does, even in challenging situations. We are very blessed. "

Funny - I picked parts of my route based on your reports. I've read all of your reports, I believe, and feel they are some of the most accurate I find. You'd also rated campsites on the map page which I like to peruse pre-trips. I stayed on the Zenith site you mentioned. I also made a note to stay on Dent per your report, and found it to be a spectacular site. That site became my lay-over day. I had stunning weather and saw no one else. Hung my hammock off the rock a little to the SW of the site and joked that the site was so nice, that it had different 'rooms'. Someone prior had left skunky, semi-burnt huge logs dumped all over the grate, but I hauled them deep into the woods and made that area ship-shape again.

I mean to write more reports...but unless I do them right away, I seem to never get back to them. Now, I have to make up for 18+ years of trips (some 2-3x per year) lol.
boonie 10/23/2016 02:50PM
Thanks, TB, enjoyed your report. I have not been on the portion from Skipper to Long Island, although it's on my list. One time I went from Cross Bay to Long Island and across the Muskeg-Kiskadinna-Omega route. I also thought Snipe was a really nice lake when I was there in 2015. How old is Aurora now? I know she's been on a lot of trips . . . :)
TuscaroraBorealis 10/23/2016 05:46PM

Thanks. Aurora's 5 now, although she was only 4 at the time of the trip. I've kinda lost track of exactly how many trips she's been on but, I'd say 15+ is a safe estimate.
And yes, lakes like Snipe are my favorite type of water. Although, being so close to multiple EP's tends to take a bit of the luster off when compared to some of the others I mentioned in the report.

Thanks for the kind comments. I really appreciate your feedback. I really liked that site on Dent too.
TuscaroraBorealis 10/20/2016 08:16PM
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: Rainy day people.

Entry Point: 49

Click Here to View Trip Report
paddlefamily 10/20/2016 10:17PM
Great report. We've done nearly all the areas you've mentioned and it's always fun to see someone else's photos and experiences.

We did an out and back trip from Cross Bay - Long Island (same campsite!) Aug 2015 with our 3 kids. It's a great site we had a nice swimming area on the east side of the peninsula. Crazy enough, we only saw one other canoe the entire time we were on Long Island (3 days). I expected more traffic, but was pleasantly surprised by the lack of it. We also took a day trip down to Gordon Lake and had lunch on the SE campsite opposite spectacular cliffs.

My husband and I did Skipper - Banadad (and lakes in between) - Long Island - Muskeg - Kiskadinna - Omega - Henson - Pillsbury - Meeds and out through Caribou back to Poplar, Aug 2014. Again, we didn't see anyone until we hit Omega 3 days later. We stayed on the island on the W end of Banadad the first night. It's a nice site. That area from Skipper to Long Island is very scenic. I recall one of the portages had a short stretch with knee deep sucking mud.

I like the route you choose - so much scenery and plenty of challenge. Love that you continue to take your daughter. She's grown so much! We started to take our kids when they were young - our youngest was 2. Now they're 11, 15 and 17 and as I look back I'm so thankful we made it work and invested the time. It's gone fast.

Thanks for sharing.
boonie 10/23/2016 06:37PM
Dang, TB - that's more trips than I've done. I ain't even going to start counting nights . . . : )

No wonder she's comfortable with it.

I was lucky last fall on Snipe - the first campsite in from Cross Bay was occupied, I looked at the next one and was unimpressed. I couldn't find a single tent pad anywhere near level. I ended up on the island site with the big grassy area. Then I went to Tuscarora by way of Copper, Hubbub, and Howl Swamp. That was pretty cool.
TuscaroraBorealis 10/21/2016 04:06PM
Pam (Paddlefamily ),

Thank you!

Ironically it was your comments & great photos of that Long Island campsite that really peaked our interest in that area. So thank you for sharing as well. It really was a neat area to explore & definitely will be an area for future consideration. And yes Aurora is growing up so fast. I don't know how many more trips we'll be able to do with out her not wanting to paddle full time? It still amazes us at how well she does, even in challenging situations. We are very blessed.
ducks 10/24/2016 05:05PM
Another great report TB. I love watching Aurora grow through your trip reports. I've been through a few areas of your trip and your report brought back good memories.
SaganagaJoe 10/21/2016 06:58PM
Absolutely love your trip reports. Thanks for another keeper. Aurora has two wonderful parents to introduce her to the simple gifts of canoe country. Tripping with family is always the best.

I may have to get out on some of these smaller lakes here in the near future. The wind on the big lakes is starting to get a little old.

I also am a Gordon Lightfoot fan. Ever heard his song Whispers of the North?
ozarkpaddler 10/24/2016 07:45PM
Can't believe I missed this TR earlier, I always so enjoy yours! Skipper Rush, Banadad always intrigued me, but I've always leaned toward returning to the areas I know. Maybe 2017? Fingers crossed!
TuscaroraBorealis 10/23/2016 11:37AM
Thank you!

It seemed I would never finish this trip report, one thing or another diverted my attention. But, I finally got 'er done! As far as wind is concerned, like I mentioned in the report I do like smaller lakes (like most on this route) for that reason & more. It was unfortunate that we were unable to get to Cherokee on this trip but that left a seed to potentially grow into a future adventure.

Vickie & I are always amazed at how well Aurora keeps herself occupied & entertained on these type of trips. She really embraces the "simple gifts of canoe country" and we feel very blessed.
ducks 10/26/2016 06:41AM
quote ozarkpaddler: "Can't believe I missed this TR earlier, I always so enjoy yours! Skipper Rush, Banadad always intrigued me, but I've always leaned toward returning to the areas I know. Maybe 2017? Fingers crossed!"
I really like that stretch and it's very quiet especially considering that it's close to an entry point. My wife and I did an August trip there one year and had Banadad to ourselves for 3 nights. On entry day we saw 1 other canoe and on our 3rd day 2 tandems passed through Banadad and we saw the same 2 on Rush on our way back to the E.P. the next day.
ozarkpaddler 10/26/2016 09:53AM
quote ducks: "quote ozarkpaddler: "Can't believe I missed this TR earlier, I always so enjoy yours! Skipper Rush, Banadad always intrigued me, but I've always leaned toward returning to the areas I know. Maybe 2017? Fingers crossed!"
I really like that stretch and it's very quiet especially considering that it's close to an entry point. My wife and I did an August trip there one year and had Banadad to ourselves for 3 nights. On entry day we saw 1 other canoe and on our 3rd day 2 tandems passed through Banadad and we saw the same 2 on Rush on our way back to the E.P. the next day."

A couple years ago, we were going to come back through there on our way back to Poplar and end at Little Ollie Lake. Got sidetracked on Snipe and couldn't bring ourselves to leave it except for day trips. Ended up going out the way we came, Cross Bay.

That string of lakes is my 2017 GOAL!
TuscaroraBorealis 10/26/2016 03:45PM
Spartan2 12/03/2016 10:09AM
Thanks TB, for another great trip report. I don't read many of them anymore, but I always try to read yours.

We have been to many of those places, but not all. It was really interesting to get your "take" on Cross Bay, particularly, and to see your excellent photos. Aurora is blessed to have these experiences.

TuscaroraBorealis 12/09/2016 06:28PM

Thank you for the kind comments. Believe it or not, you & Spartan1 were thought of on this trip. Unfortunately the weather prevented us from visiting Cherokee Lake which, for me, would necessitate a visit to the campsite I've heard you warmly reminisce about over the years. ....perhaps we'll get there on another trip?

Anyways, I've always enjoyed your perspective and opinion on a great many things related to canoe country & hope you stay involved on this website even if Father time is catching up with the two of you.

Wishing both of you the best & a Blessed Christmas season,
Paul (TB)
TuscaroraBorealis 10/26/2016 03:45PM
quote ducks: "quote ozarkpaddler: "Can't believe I missed this TR earlier, I always so enjoy yours! Skipper Rush, Banadad always intrigued me, but I've always leaned toward returning to the areas I know. Maybe 2017? Fingers crossed!"
I really like that stretch and it's very quiet especially considering that it's close to an entry point. My wife and I did an August trip there one year and had Banadad to ourselves for 3 nights. On entry day we saw 1 other canoe and on our 3rd day 2 tandems passed through Banadad and we saw the same 2 on Rush on our way back to the E.P. the next day."

Even though we had a bad site and , for thr most part, the weather was crummy for most of our stay- we really enjoyed Banadad. We only passed through Rush Lake but, it's also a lake that I feel is worthy of some more intensive exploration. Another positive, is that these lakes are protected on both sides by long, tough (at least by BWCA.standards.) trails. Those portages west of Banadad remind me of the stretch between Brandt & Gillis. Each trail, in and of itself, isn't too bad. But, the cumulative effect adds up when you put them all together. Still it's a great area that I'd like to visit again - God willing.
TuscaroraBorealis 10/30/2016 03:10PM
quote boonie: "TB, would it be easier going west from Banadad to Long Island or vice versa?"

If traveling fully loaded you're gonna earn your stripes either way but, I'd say the longer/steeper climbs were encountered when heading east (especially the hills out of Ross & Sebeka).
boonie 10/30/2016 02:55PM
TB, would it be easier going west from Banadad to Long Island or vice versa?
boonie 10/30/2016 04:59PM
Thanks, TB-

It's been a while since I've looked into that route. I went east from Long Island to Omega, etc., but that route is still on my radar.
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