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Date/Time: 09/27/2024 06:35AM
Title: Trip Report - Frozen Rose
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Wetlander 03/17/2011 03:04PM
I may add some more pictures if I have time. Hope you enjoy our trip!
PINETREE 03/17/2011 04:45PM
great report,done the stairway many times in the summer,I could see that could be one icey luge run all the way to Canada.
Wetlander 03/17/2011 03:03PM
New Trip Report posted by Wetlander

Trip Name: Frozen Rose.

Entry Point: 60

Click Here to View Trip Report
arctic 03/17/2011 08:48PM
I enjoyed your trip report. I have brought (and used) climbing gear on BWCA winter trips with dog team, but on virtually all they have not been needed. I did belay my buddy's dog team down the Eddy Lake/Knife Lake portage though. Crampons? No.

I'm surprised that you guys caught no fish, but that happens, especially on Rose. Duncan is a way better numbers lake, with the chance for a trophy.
Wetlander 03/18/2011 07:20AM
quote arctic: "I'm surprised that you guys caught no fish, but that happens, especially on Rose. Duncan is a way better numbers lake, with the chance for a trophy."

Looking at the lake map for Rose, there is really only one spot that looks decent to fish on the US side of of the lake. Coincidentally, there was another group on the lake that beat us to the punch, but I'm not sure if they caught fish either. We were told that Rose had the lunkers in it, but we would have settled for a bite. I have fished Duncan in the past and was skunked there also. Starting to think this Lake Trout thing is not my game!... I guess technically we caught a dog...
PINETREE 03/18/2011 08:34AM
Rose is not a numbers lake for lake trout,but does have some very nice size trout.
Zulu 03/18/2011 08:57AM

Thanks for the Trip Report Wetlander! I really enjoyed it. The photos are great. I liked the one of all the gear spread out at the entry point. It must have been a big load.

That area of the BWCA is beautiful in the winter.

I am glad everyone had a great time.

The treble hook incident really sounded bad. It is a good reminder to be careful if dogs or kids are around them. I am glad the dog is OK.

Great Report!
TuscaroraBorealis 03/18/2011 09:04AM
Nice report & pictures. Thanks for sharing your story.

I think I would've waited for the snow/ice to melt on stairway portage before trying to climb back up? ;-} LOL

Wetlander 03/18/2011 09:12AM
quote TuscaroraBorealis: "I think I would've waited for the snow/ice to melt on stairway portage before trying to climb back up? ;-} LOL


That exact topic was discussed at length! "Lets just stay here until breakup" and "What can we hide in the woods and come back for with a canoe" were the ideas that crossed our minds... but it could have been the IPA talking :)
Wetlander 03/18/2011 09:16AM
quote PINETREE: "That or they could of shoveled the steps off."

That's A LOT of steps! They were so packed down you would have needed a chisel to clear them... pulleys and ropes were the ticket.
PINETREE 03/18/2011 10:44AM
I counted the steps before on the two stair cases,but forgot. I know somebody on this board that has long term memory still knows the answer?
PINETREE 03/18/2011 09:11AM
That or they could of shoveled the steps off.
PINETREE 03/21/2011 08:59AM
It does look pretty.
PINETREE 03/21/2011 02:10PM
According to Gunflint canoe Outfitters: There is 108 steps

Rose Lake

We start you on West Bearskin Lake and you head north through Duncan Lake and on toward Rose Lake. You cross Stairway Portage, a particularly scenic spot, as you leave Duncan Lake . A few feet off the portage is a beautiful overlook at the top of a cliff. The entire Canadian valley opens up north of you with Rose Lake sparkling in the foreground. Fortunately you are going down Stairway Portage (108 log steps) as you journey on to Rose Lake and a pine studded campsite for the coming night.
DanCooke 03/21/2011 03:38PM
I enjoyed your trip report. I cringe when I think of the dog and the treble hooks. The stairway portage can be icy in the winter. It tends to get a lot of day traffic even in the winter. I used to take groups there usually 5 or 6 times a winter when I was living on the Gunflint Trail. Folks like to see Canada. Going the length of Rose and coming out by way of the Long Portage and Daniels lake is a bit easier to do than Up Stairway, It also is a pretty route.
Wetlander 03/21/2011 07:21AM
Its hard to tell, but this is nearly the same spot that TB's picture was taken.
Wetlander 03/24/2011 10:32AM
quote walleye_hunter: If you go after trout next winter might I suggest Daniels, Mountain, South, or Tuscarora. Those lakes all have a lot of small fish in them and you should catch fish."

I'm more of a quality over quantity kind of guy... but I will take it into consideration. Thanks
walleye_hunter 03/23/2011 05:20PM
quote Wetlander: "quote arctic: "I'm surprised that you guys caught no fish, but that happens, especially on Rose. Duncan is a way better numbers lake, with the chance for a trophy."

Looking at the lake map for Rose, there is really only one spot that looks decent to fish on the US side of of the lake. Coincidentally, there was another group on the lake that beat us to the punch, but I'm not sure if they caught fish either. We were told that Rose had the lunkers in it, but we would have settled for a bite. I have fished Duncan in the past and was skunked there also. Starting to think this Lake Trout thing is not my game!... I guess technically we caught a dog..."

Wetlander- Welcome to the 'I got my arse kicked by the lakers in Rose lake club'. My dad and I used to fish that lake a lot and it took us a while to figure it out. Since my dad died I try to get in there at least once per year as I have some special memories from that lake. I have had some fantastic catches from there including days with multiple fish over 10 lbs, but have also had plenty of days were I have caught 0-2 fish. My best spots are on the Canadian side though. Don't give up on lake trout fishing, they are fantastic fish and fun to fish for even though they can be a fish of 10,000 jigs at times. If you go after trout next winter might I suggest Daniels, Mountain, South, or Tuscarora. Those lakes all have a lot of small fish in them and you should catch fish.
TuscaroraBorealis 03/19/2011 07:43PM
quote PINETREE: "I counted the steps before on the two stair cases,but forgot. I know somebody on this board that has long term memory still knows the answer? "

Here's one set of stairs. If you care to count them? :-D

I'm probably way off here???? But I think the bigger one had around 90 & the smaller one about 30? Or maybe it was 90ish total for the both of 'em?

BearBrown 03/19/2011 03:28PM
Great report wetlander. It sounds like it was a an awesome trip except for the poor dog. I bet the stairway portage is a beast to tackle in the winter. The system you used for getting the sleds up the hill was a good idea. I'm not sure if I would have thought of that before the trip and would have been unprepared.

Thanks for sharing.
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