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      Trip report - First solo BWCA trip- Solitude interrupted
  Last Visit: 07/26/2024 11:38PM

Entry Point 44 - Ram Lake

Ram Lake entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Gunflint Ranger Station near the city of Grand Marais, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 26 miles. Access is a 90-rod portage from the parking area. This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.

Number of Permits per Day: 1
Elevation: 1498 feet
Latitude: 47.9547
Longitude: -90.4423
Author Message Text
02/12/2020 10:25AM
New Trip Report posted by neveragoosechase

Trip Name: First solo BWCA trip- Solitude Interrupted.

Entry Point: 44

Click Here to View Trip Report

No matter what, it's never a goose chase. And next time, bring a kid along!
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distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2020 11:18AM
Great report; thanks for sharing. We were just over on Gaskin that weekend, and I've got the same glorious sunset as my computer background.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2020 11:38AM
You saved the best for last: " I will be forever grateful to those who had the wisdom and foresight to preserve that place for me."

I'm like you in that I want a lake to myself. Once I was camped on a lake I loved and two canoes arrived. I left that lake immediately and have never returned.

I will paddle eternal, Kevlar and carbon.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2020 11:58AM
Awesome report! Thanks for sharing!
02/12/2020 12:22PM
I'm like you in that I want a lake to myself. Once I was camped on a lake I loved and two canoes arrived. I left that lake immediately and have never returned. "

I definitely would have loved to have that lake to myself. Sharing it is part of the deal, so I could have accepted that. But every time I heard their voices, it irritated me to the very core. Moving out early was a GREAT decision.

No matter what, it's never a goose chase. And next time, bring a kid along!
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2020 02:33PM
neveragoosechase: "missmolly:
I'm like you in that I want a lake to myself. Once I was camped on a lake I loved and two canoes arrived. I left that lake immediately and have never returned. "

I definitely would have loved to have that lake to myself. Sharing it is part of the deal, so I could have accepted that. But every time I heard their voices, it irritated me to the very core. Moving out early was a GREAT decision. "

I completely understand. I have noticed that human voices can be very jarring in a landscape that lacks other sounds like in the early spring and late fall. And some people just don't understand outdoor voice level.

Ah... Ram Lake. The site of my first lake trout catch. And I stayed at that same site as you did. Great location, just all those tree roots can really trip you up.

Great little report. Thanks.

"It is more important to live for the possibilities that lie ahead than to die in despair over what has been lost." -Barry Lopez
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2020 04:24PM
Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Glad you were able to pick up those lakers!
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2020 10:51PM
Thanks for sharing. I realize everyone has the right to be there but when they have no consideration for their fellow campers it drives me crazy as well.

"Leave it as it is.....The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it." Theodore Roosevelt
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2020 05:25AM
Very nice report, thanks for posting. In defense of the loud talkers I’m sure they didn’t realize they were bothering anyone. Sometimes it takes us and people like yourself to bring it up so people understand what not to do while in a wilderness setting.

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --- George Bernard Shaw
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2020 07:54AM
Nice report! Your words brought me back to the great memories of my own solo adventures. Thanks for that.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2020 08:52AM
Excellent trip report. I like how you explained your thinking and reasoning in the decisions you made, if that makes sense. It adds a bit of a different perspective.

As for the loud talkers: I just cannot understand how people think it's OK to yell across a lake the way they do. It's lazy, rude, and disrespectful. Lazy, rude and disrespectful are terms that unfortunately define our society more and more these days.


I did indeed rock down to Electric Avenue, but I did not take it higher. I regret that.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2020 06:44PM
MikeinMpls: "
As for the loud talkers: I just cannot understand how people think it's OK to yell across a lake the way they do. It's lazy, rude, and disrespectful. Lazy, rude and disrespectful are terms that unfortunately define our society more and more these days.


Maybe not in all cases but I think when you go in and you're on a lake where you don't see anyone else you have the feeling of being isolated. Especially if you haven't seen any canoes or portagers along the way. It can feel like your group is out in the middle of nowhere. Now, we experienced trippers know this is not always the case and WE know that sound travels much further over a lake especially when the wind is down.

My point is this - people with little experience in wilderness canoe camping might be talking loud or even yelling and don't realize they are offending anyone. And if they knew this they would shut up immediately. So, I wouldn't assume people are being disrespectful because they might be just excited to be there and haven't learned the correct etiquette yet. :)

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --- George Bernard Shaw
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2020 08:26PM
Very nice trip report. I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for sharing.
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